Good morning friends, welcome back to my blog.
It is a cold day here in Texas, just 32 degrees at the moment, dark and gloomy. Some don't like it, but I myself really enjoy days like these, I'm thinking I may actually light my first fire of the season.
I'm in a bit of a rush, I have so much to do leading up to Thanksgiving, so I need to sit down and make some lists, and get on them. I must admit I've been a bit lazy at times, because those moments that I actually have downtime, I would rather sit and read a little or watch a quick video, than clean this or organize that.
It never used to be this way, but life was very different when the kids were younger, I seem to be busier now than when they were toddlers, how does that even work?
Anyway, let's get going with our Happy Homemaker Monday post, so that I can get dressed and start my day.

Have a blessed week, friends!!!

♥♥The Weather♥♥
Cold this morning. Last week we had quite a few days of 80s, but I think we are finally past that point. Looks like a pretty cool week ahead.
♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Actually slept quite well which is always a good thing, when you tend to suffer from insomnia.
♥♥On my mind♥♥
The victims and families of the horrific incident in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I will never understand the level of evil that surrounds us on a day to day basis. My heart breaks in a million pieces. It's hard to sometimes wrap our minds around these things, but we have to stay focused on God and remember that we are in the middle of a huge spiritual battle.
♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
I just had some coffee at 6am, with Curt. We always share a cup of coffee before he heads to work, and then at around 8 or 9am, I'll have another cup and my breakfast. My favorite creamer of the moment, is actually from Aldi, it's the White Chocolate Peppermint Bark. So good!!
For breakfast today, I think I'm going to have some Instant Pot Oatmeal.
♥♥Right now I am♥♥
In bed, cause it's cold and I have Elliott snuggled next to me. I'm just finishing up this post, then I'll ge dressed and start my day.
♥♥What I'm wearing today♥♥
For the moment, one of my warm winter pajamas. I'll be putting on some jeans, a sweater and my black boots later, as I'm taking Jasmine to the hairdresser for her appointment. (Taking her, aka, she drives and I sit next to her)
♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
I am starting the Bible up again today. I was supposed to do it last week, but then got distracted with some review books that needed to be finished. I am so excited to read it again and see what I learn from it, this time around. What is God going to show me in this second reading?Will I read through the Bible faster this time, or take longer?
Also have a couple books for review.
♥♥On today's to do list♥♥
Get gas in the car (anyone else cringe anytime you have to?)
Jasmine's hair appointment at 11am.
Pay a bill that is due in a few days.
Make a list of what I'm cooking and when, and also check on the turkeys that I have thawing in fridge.
Wash all the bedding, for all the bedrooms.
Continue carpet cleaning.
Run by my sister in law's house, to have a quick coffee, and drop off Tiffany's Birthday presents.
♥♥On my tv♥♥
Homemaking vlogs
Christmas movies
Christmas and Thanksgiving Ambience videos
♥♥What I'm listening to♥♥
At the moment, just the hum of the central heater going. Aside from that, it is so quiet in the house.
♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
♥♥From the camera♥♥
I have to work on my next meal plan, sometimes this week, although with Thanksgiving coming up, and all the cooking, prepping, cleaning the house and so forth, I'm not sure when I'll squeeze that in.
Monday - Panda Express Chow Mein with Chicken (didn't make it last week)
Tuesday - Amish Country Poor Man's Steak, Mash, Veggies (also didn't make last week)
Wednesday - Creamy Sausages, Rice, Salad
Thursday - Thanksgiving:
Garlic Butter Roast Turkey
Fried Turkey
Brown Sugar and Mustard Ham
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Cauliflower Gratin
Sweet Potato Casserole
Easy Batter Rolls
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Homemade Gravy
Sugar Free Jello Dessert (some family members are diabetic)
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Cheesecake Pie
Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Bake
Friday - Leftovers
Saturday -
Sunday -
With all our coffee machines, and Keurigs and gadgets, I still prefer a good ol' cup of drip coffee. I think the whole process is so calming for me, from pouring the boiling water over the coffee, to hearing the dripping, smelling the amazing scent and seeing the steam floating upwards from the dripper.
♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
My Thanksgiving tree is lit and I don't know about y'all, but for me, it always gives such a nice cozy ambience to a room.
I need to open my curtains and windows to let in a little fresh morning air.
♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
There will be no relaxing this week, there is just too much to do. I always look forward to the holidays, and to family get togethers, but honestly, they do stress me and I always feel like I'm running around, overtired for days leading up to, and after. But, that's half the fun of it right???
♥♥On my prayer list♥♥
My sister in law had her last treatment on Friday, and she got to ring the bell. What a wonderful accomplishment for her. She has an appointment with her surgeon tomorrow, to discuss her surgery date, so please keep her in your prayers.
Praying for Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Hello Sandra! I've noticed also that sometimes I'm busier now that I was when I had small children, but I certainly have much more down time now, and somehow it's easier to relax than to get things done...when the kids were littler, I HAD to be busy all the time, now my rear end has found it's comfy in the chair ha. I like the dark cozy days too. And, for a diabetic relative, I make a pumpkin pie following the same recipe as on the can, but omit the sugar, and substitute for some "fake" sugar, a blend of Aldi brand stevia and the other stuff they sell in the yellow bag. It's not as good of course, as a REAL sugar pie. But the consistency is the same, and with the cinnamon and spices, it covers it up quite well. I still use a regular home made butter crust, but I roll it extra thin, cut some of the carbs from the flour. Oh, and I make my coffee the same's so good!
Hello dear Friend,
I was just reading about what happened in Waukesha from my fellow state of WI. It is unbelievable that absolute evil that is out there. I pray for His love and light to flood all the dark places and help us warriors in His name fight evil in any ways we can. These things need to STOP!
I love the feeling of cozy of this time of year. And just the quiet, peace and anticipation. I love your Fall tree - so pretty!! I hope you all have a very blessed thanksgiving ahead.
How wonderful for your sister-in-law! Prayers for her continued healing. Love the photo of your drip coffee. And of course, the Thanksgiving menu you have planned sounds amazing. Hope you have a great week!
I suffer with insomnia from menopause and auto immune disease. I started using lavender essential oil in a diffuser beside my bed everynight. It helps so much. There are essential oils for everything. I use to have bad headaches all the time, and used scented candles. I've noticed that when I switched to essential oils and diffusers, I don't have them near as much. Ive heard of alot of people ditching candles.
I'm so sorry that I'm so late this week! I hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving. I refuse to have a Keurig or gadgety coffee too! We do have a Brewmaster with a thermal pot because hubby tends to break glass pots (A LOT), but there is nothing better than smelling the coffee brewing away! Bell ringing for Hayley is certainly wonderful Thanksgiving week news! Keeping her in my prayers as she finishes this process. See you again on Monday!
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