One of our favorite ways to pass the time, is to play board games, so that's what we did yesterday, there was Sorry and Scene it and Pick up Stix and Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders.
It always takes me back in time, to days spent around the kitchen table with family, to those never ending Monopoly games, the ones that start right after lunch and by dinnertime my stepmom would be asking us to please remove the board off the table so she could set it for dinner......and I was alway only happy to oblige because you see, I'm not a Monopoly kinda gal, as a matter of fact, I detest that game with a passion LOL
I'm serious, I really really get irritated by it, I'm too nice, I'm the type who will NOT buy a property because I know someone else already has one or two of the same place....then you have my husband who plays rough, he shows no mercy, its' all or nothing, he's the kind that will look over at you and laugh because you have zero, zilch, nada, no money left, but he'll throw down 2 hotels right as you're coming around the bend. Annoying to say the least LOL
So anyway, as with all board games played with kids, there's drama, there's crying because they're loosing, there's bragging because they're winning, there's game pieces flying and being hidden, there's pouting and yelling out "I don't want to play anymore" followed quickly by "I'M picking the next game". That's like contradiction at it's best.....and there's always a time out involved, at least once during the Game Day one or both of the kids will have to sit one out because of their attitude. LOL
But all in all, it's fun, it's inexpensive crazy laugh until you sides hurt fun, and it's something the kids will remember forever. The kind of memories that somewhere down the line they will be sitting in their own kitchen with their own children and they will talk about the Family Game Nights from their childhood. Those are the kind of memories I want my children to have and that's why even though I'm feeling awful, we're all sick with colds, I sat through a whole game of Monopoly, broke as always and bribing the kids with cookies to pay my way around the board. LOL
By 8pm, everyone was exhausted and after quick showers, the kids were in bed and fast asleep, even though it was a Saturday night. I think the sickies had a lot to do with it, Jasmine had a headache and was running a fever, which made her cranky and annoyed and by the time the last game was over she said she needed to sleep, the light was starting to hurt her eyes.
So with kids asleep and Curt watching his own movies, I took my own hot shower, put on my warm pj's and climbed into bed, popped in "Manor House" and took out my knitting basket. I finished Jasmine's Shrug and it looks so cute on her, just love it.

She's thrilled with it and already asked me for another in a different color. If anyone wants to give it a try, this is the pattern I'm using, it's straight forward knitting, nothing difficult or weird about it. I'm thinking for mine I'm going to make the sleeves longer, maybe until my elbow at least. We'll see.
I want to get some baking done today, I need to refill the cookie jar and the kids are telling me that we have to make something special for Santa, just not the same ol' boring cookies. So I'm making Alicia's Jam Thumbprints, they're simple and yet so good.
I also need to make that Lemon Drizzle Cake, I never got around to it yesterday and I'm not exactly feeling 100% today, but I'm sure I can squeeze in some kitchen time......these are the days I love my crockpot, just throw something in in the morning and forget about it, so dinner tonight is Enchilada Chicken Soup. You can find the recipe here, the sweet Lynn contributed it to my Slow Cooking Thursday post.
But it's lunch time, so I'm off to feed the family and maybe get a little bit more reading of my "The Redbird Christmas" by Fannie Flagg, I just love her.
God Bless,
I like games too- in fact we just played the new speed uno at our Christmas party last night- fun game!
Sounds like a fun day and that shrug turned out really cute!
sounds like fun to be had by all! You have a surprise on my blog!
Hugs and Blessings,
I cannot tell you how much I loathe Monopoly too, Sandra. loathe it. So of course, my family has to LOVE it. I love board games - the whole family does, and so do all our friends, and we seem to have the world's largest collection, but there are just 2 I will not play. Monopoly and Risk. World War 3 erupts whenever we play Risk, so the family may play with pleasure. Providing I am out of the house, the suburb, and at least a 10 mile radius away. Play it and you will see what I mean!
what a beautiful shrug..You did a great job..
I too hate Momopoly!!! I run screaming when anyone asks me to play it :)
But I love pick up sticks :)
You did a great job on the shrug.. she looks so cute in it.
I've spent the day crocheting slipper socks but I can't show them yet because their gifts. maybe after Christmas.
Hope you and your family get to feeling better.
I play Monopoly once per year. My husband acts like he is watching out for everyone else's best interests (and people actually believe this) but is really cut-throat.
Lol I REFUSE to play monopoly with hubs, he's like your Curt, ruthless.
You really knit quickly!
Hope Jasmine is better soon.
Just wanted to say that shrug is gorgeous!
And I'm afraid I'm the opposite when it comes to Monopoly - I love to win and will do whatever it takes... Sad but true!
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog via Linds. And I relate to the game issue except that I like to play Monopoly but cannot stand to play Aggravation. My husband plays it with our girls who always ask me to play. I respond with "that game Aggravates me!" and bury my nose in a book or take a nap.
Don't get me wrong - it's the ONLY game I don't play with them. :)
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