Every Monday, I will post a Mr Linky, you are more than welcome to join me, all you need to do is grab the button, copy the categories and fill in your answers, then come back here and add your post so that others can come and visit you.

On my bedside table:
The Help by Neta Jackson. I just finished it and WOW is all I have to say, if you don't read any other book this year, you HAVE to read this one.
On my TV:
Paranormal State
The Catherine Cookson Collection: The Moth
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
On the menu for tonight:
Monterey Chicken with Garlic Mashed potatoes
On my To Do List:
Mop and Sweep the floors
Change the bed linens
Make the menus for the next two weeks
New Recipe I tried last week:
Tried the Beef Pitas last week, they were just ok.....not something I'll make again
In the craft basket:
Valentine's Love Birds
Looking forward to:
Finally getting the tax return so we can get that mattress, not sure how much longer my back and neck can last.
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Dip the rim of a dessert glass in melted chocolate and immediately coat the chocolate with chopped nuts; refrigerate until firm. When it's time to serve dessert, add a big scoop of ice cream.
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Saying Goodbye by Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes.
Favorite photo from last week:
Lesson learned the past few days:
That things are done in God's timing and not when I want them to. It's a lesson I struggle with to this day, it's so hard to wait for something.
On my Prayer List:
My husband
Blogging friends who are going through tough times right now
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

That is such a great tip about the glasses coated in chocolate. How clever!
I cant get mine up.
I think something is wrong with mr. linky?
I can't wait to read the book and the chocolate rimmed glasses is so cute! Michelle's post made me cry too.
I don't see mr. linky either, mine is also up at http://www.3sidesofcrazy.com/2009/02/homemaker-melow-yellow-monday-tempting.html.
Love it Sandra :) Looking forward to reading the book.
I love these little lists.
Roberta Anne
It's hard to wait for the tax return! We still need one piece of paper to do ours. My husband is getting impatient with the mail!
Your book review is great! I need to add that to my library list.
Great post, we definitely do need to be lifting each other up daily in prayer. Times are so rough and stressful. God's people are getting attacked. We need to come against this warfare! Keep me in your prayers as well. I am 6 months pregnant and very stressed out that I am having panic and anxiety attacks. I have too much going on in my life one of the doors needs to come to a close! I covet your prayers. God bless you!
Saying Goodbye was a real tear jerker. I hate the year+ deployments. I hope she has LOTS of support!
You always have something great on your bedside table. I have to check this out.
I watch Paranormal State too. I love Chip and I think it is so cool the looks Ryan gets on his face in certain situations. I just wish it lasted longer than half an hour.
Love the lists.. How cool. Have a wonderful week..
That lesson learned is a good one. Constantly needs to be refreshed for me, too... :)
My husband and I went to see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas at the theater a while back...wow was that unexpected! That entire part of history is so sad. It's horrible that no one stood up for the Jews and others being persecuted; kind of like today's society with the unborn and elderly. They are on my prayer list!
I don't know how I've fallen so far behind on commening; I thought I commented on this one already too! oops! I wanted to say thanks for linking to my saying goodbye post as your favorite for the week- I was touched by that! I know you understand what that is like.
Also, thank you for doing the 31 days of prayer for our husbands, I've been joining in (just haven't been able to comment!)
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