Wednesday, February 25, 2009
{ Spring is in the Air }
We had the most beautiful day today, those kind of days where the sun is shining, there are no clouds in the sky and it's warm. We're already wearing shorts and tank tops around here and enjoying the outdoors.
So come on in and sit with me, let's chat a bit, I have so much to tell you but keeping forgetting. You know how it is, you have all this planned for a blog post and then you sit down and your mind goes blank and you're faced with an empty post wondering just what the heck you could say that would interest anyone.
The housing department on base is repainting all the houses, they just got done with mine and all that is left is painting the doors. You may think it's not a big deal but I tell you for a while there I was shaking in my flipflops because I was watching the houses behind me get painted and there seemed to be some sort of pattern going on. Light brown with dark brown trim and green doors (really cute), beige with dark trim (not much of a difference from what they currently are) and then....oh THEN.... puke mustard orange yellow with green doors. scared me, it is awful with a capital A.
Even the painters are shocked at what an ugly color it is and were quick to let us know they didn't pick the color LOL
So when I saw them coming down the street to my house I prayed real hard that I wouldn't end up waking up in the morning to egg yolk on my walls, and the prayers worked because we ended up with the light brown and dark trim, I'll have to take some photos for you after they're completely done. Tomorrow there is still the side door and the front door to be painted.
So that's what I've been doing the past two days, moving everything out of the carport and away from the house in the backyard and taking the chance to clean it all up, throw out the trash, dispose of some empty cardboard boxes still there from our move and so forth.
Other than that, it's been a quiet day, I slipped into some shorts and reveled in the fact that I was walking around barefoot with the air conditioner turned on, the front and back doors open and the breeze coming in. I made food for the hummingbirds and refilled their feeder, I trimmed my honeysuckle bushes and I picked some more lemons.
I also tried to stay out of Curt's way. He is studying SO hard for his next stripe and I'm going to ask you all to please say a prayer that he passes this test. Making Tech Sergeant in the Air Force is one of the hardest promotion tests the guys have to pass, most end up taking it 2 or 3 times before they make it. Curt's exam is on friday morning and he is just a ball of nerves and exhausted and his brain is fried from the endless words across the pages of the study material. If anyone deserves this promotion, it's him, he's been in the Air Force for 18 years and he's worked so hard.
After picking up the kids from school we came home and while I got dinner started, they played out in the back yard, they were beyond ecstatic to be outdoors enjoying the warm weather.
Playing with my Black and White feature on the camera. Did you know that your camera has that option? If you didn't, then you don't know what you're missing. I'll show you on the next Camera Fun post.
We had a wonderful dinner of Mini Meatloaves which the kids absolutely adore. They don't even realize that it's chock full of veggies, but shhhh....we won't tell them that part.
After dinner as I was standing at the kitchen sink doing the dishes, I looked up to see a stunning sunset, the kind that has you questioning whether it's real or if you're staring at a painting in the sky.
It was the perfect ending to a wonderful day and now I'm going to climb into bed and watch my Season 2 of Lark Rise to Candleford. If you haven't yet been able to track this series down, you HAVE to, I promise you won't be disappointed.
I also started the Kite Runner but had to put it down, I felt it was just too serious and too deep for me to concentrate on right now, I have to be in the right frame of mind for that kind of book.
Instead I picked up The Shape of Mercy which I started and then set aside because of reviews I was doing....I love it, there's something magical about the way the author writes, the words just flow on the pages and her storytelling draws you in.
But my dearies, I think I've babbled enough for one night, my warm bed calls me. Have a wonderful night and see you back here in the morning for more Slow Cooking Thursday.
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Guess you're adding many extra prayers for your husband to the daily prayer list :) Best wishes to him on his test on Friday!
Glad you're enjoying spring! It left us this week, unfortunately... Prayers for your husband.
I'll be praying for Curt too.
Glad your house wasn't painted yellow! :)
Hugs n' love
Sarah x
I know this may sound terrible, but it is nice to hear of a man working hard, wanting better for himself and his family. Sandra it is so rare. Some how I seem to be surrounded by a bunch of dead-beats. (NOT MY HUSBAND)Of course I will pray for your husband. Some how I have peace in my heart about it already. He will be fine.
Funny about the house colors but I think I would have to be treated for nausea & vomiting otherwise! LOL God is good, aint HE!
I will say a prayer for Curt- I'm sure it will be such a relief to just have it done!
I'm jealous of your weather- I'm so ready for spring and I'm still looking at snow in my yard- although it is melting.
Soon enough it will be here!
So glad you didn't end up with the puke colors! LOL
LOVE that sunrise picture!
I'm jealous of your warm day-we played outside yesterday and were excited that it was in the mid-40s!
Glad you ended up with a nice warm color - sounds like it is matching your weather. Up here in South Dakota we are cold, with snow and freezing rain today. Air conditioning means opening the front door at this point. :) Spring will be here soon I hope!
I'm looking forward to trying your rice pudding recipe!
Have a good day!
Ah Sandra, reading your posts feels just as though I am sitting in your kitchen chatting to you. I love popping in!
I will pray for Curt especially on Friday.
Lots of love.
Daniel is home right now studying for Tech. He has made it twice as an electrician but unfortunately those two times were when he was in recruiting duty. And he only missed in in Recruiting by 7 points Grrr. SO FRUSTRATING.
This is our year! Hopefully :) And for you too!
Praying for Curt..
I love the sunset, beautiful..
I will definitely keep Curt in my prayers for his promotion test! When does he test?
Praying for Curt....and know things will work out. Love all your photos over the last couple of posts. Sounds like spring is in the air for you all..that sounds great. Have a great weekend.
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