Friday, May 29, 2009

Go Go Pets Giveaway!


I'm sure by now you've seen the cute commercials on tv for these adorable little hamsters.

I'm also sure by now, your little ones have asked you for one or two and all the cute attachments that come with it.

Let me tell you about this wonderful new toy, see I'm a mom who likes buying toys for the kids but there are some that even you will admit that you spend so much money on and they hardly if ever play with them.

When I was asked a while ago if I would be interested in reviewing these, I jumped at the chance and then I received in the mail....set it all up and let the kids go at it, but let me tell you that before the boxes were even open the kids were jumping around screaming in joy and trying to contain their excitement.


The was a HIT, and I don' t mean just a "oh it's nice" kinda hit....I mean humungous, play for hours the first afternoon and beg to start again the next morning kind hit.

I even got in on it because watching these adorable little hamsters running through their maze and wheel and then turning around and heading to the garage where they step into the car and literally drive off, was just beyond anything I could have expected out of this toy.


Go Go Pets are manufactured by Cepia and they are the world's first innovative, realistic, interactive, plush, and artificially intelligent hamsters that talk and move around in their own playsets.

If you want to learn more about Go Go pets be sure to visit their website at

Now here is the cool thing, for such a cool toy they are so inexpensive, their retail for $6.99 each hamster and the playsets begin at $14.99 at stores like Walmart and Target.

I asked the kids to join in today and tell you all what exactly they love the most about the Go Go Pets, I think this way you can get the perspective of a 10 and 6 year old.


Jasmine (10 years old) - They are really fun to play with, they are so cute, it's like they have a mind of their own. My favorite part is the exercise wheel because they look so cute when they go on it and they are really funny cause sometimes they stop and go backwards and sometimes they fall on their sides and you have to help them. My favorite hamster is Mr Squiggles.


Nicholas (6 years old) - I really like it because they know where to go and they're so cute and fuzzy. My favorite part is the slide because they go down it and you can make the little ball go with the hamsters and sometimes they get stuck at the top and it looks like they're dancing. My favorite hamster is Pipsqueak.


Now here is the best part.....Go Go Pets wants me to giveaway one hamster and one car/garage playset. Believe me, you will want to enter this contest and let all your friends know about it too. You won't want to miss the look on your kids face when they open this toy and start playing with it.

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Here's the deal, it's very simple:

The contest is open to participants in the USA only.
Leave a comment and a way to contact you, if you don't have a blog please leave an email

That's it. The contest will run from today until next week friday, then I'll draw a random number from the comments. Good Luck!


Hesses Madhouse said...

With a new baby on the way within the next month, this'd keep my little guy busy while I'm taking care of his new little sister. How fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I think my daughter will love this toy! she will be 5 in two weeks. My mother in law has a little flying squirrel that my daughter loves, but she isnt allowed to touch, so this would be an awesome toy for her.
my email is


A Stone Gatherer said...

My daughter would love this!!! She could play with her real hamster then play with her stuffed hamster!!! Cute toy!

Katy said... I weird..? I have never heard of these! LOL They sound neat though! I would love the chance to win them for my kiddos!!! Thanks Sandra!
Also...I love the look of your blog! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

Carol said...

My three year old *loves* hamsters! He would totally love this. Please enter me!

carol @

Tina Leigh said...

Well count me in...sounds like something I would want to play with. Cute!

Cheri said...

I can see both the girls loving this- I might even want to get in on the fun!!

StampinbyGeorge said...

Believe it or not - I hadn't seen these yet. I know my boys would LOVE them. Thanks for the chance to win and thanks also to your kiddos for testing them out. :-)

Anonymous said...

You can toss my name into the hat.. I have an 8 year old grandson that would love them.
Just email me if I should happen to win..
They really are cute.

~ruthie said...

I've never heard of these either, but they look adorable! Sign me up!

Sarah said...

I'm with some of the others - never heard of these things...but they do look fun. My 6 year old would be over the top if she had something like this. Very fun!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said...

these are too cute! my 8, 6, & 4 year old could all play with it- and that's hard to find something that crosses a few age groups. cool giveaway sandra!

Anonymous said...

I think my two kiddos would love this toy! Thanks for sharing it!

Jackie said...

How little Grandson would enjoy playing with that. In fact, we all would!

Glenda said...

Sandra, what a cute toy...perfect for the grands. Please enter me. I continue to enjoy your blog.
Glenda in MS

Mari said...

I haven't heard of this before but it's really cute! Don't enter me though because my kids are too old. Maybe for the grandkids someday!

Laura said...

I bet Kyle would get a kick out of these hamsters!!

Amy said...

oh yes yes!! I am in!

Crissybug said...

I have never heard of these either!? But what a fabulous thing for our family. My husband and I are not pet people (they are just to much work for me while I have 3 little ones!), and this would be a perfect solution!

The Raggedy Girl said...

I will be looking into this as I know my two would love these. And I would love to win and you have my e-mail.

Thank you Sandra.

The Raggedy Girl

Melissa said...

Hi Sandra, I love your recipes and all your ideas. Sometimes you make me tired just from reading your day, lol. I am a stay at home mom too, and I keep 4 4year old girls in my home and they had this electronic mouse they loved so much and played with it so much till the fur wore off of it. They would really love this toy!!

Cathy from IL said...

What a cut toy! What if those little hampsters should get loose? I'd be all day chasing them! hehe Sign me up Sandra girl. I love a good chase.

Jill said...

I too have never heard of these. But I'm sure my boys will love playing with them! Great blog! Great contest!! thanks


jilldaugherty03 at yahoo dot com

Kara said...

That is a cute idea! I wonder if it would make my 4yr old forget that I told him we'd get him a dog for his birthday? LOL

Stephanie said...

Love it! My daughter has been asking for these...since we don't have a REAL pet. :) Glad to hear they are lots of fun!


Christina Wedding said...

Looks like a wonderful toy. I am sure my two girls would have hours of fun with it.

Christina Wedding

Anonymous said...

I think my 3 kiddos would just love these - especially my twin 5 year olds!!!!


Thyen Party of Four said...

We're heading out to take a peak at the stores this weekend regardless ... they look WAY TOO CUTE!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Ruth :)

Blessed Beyond said...

Wow, looks like so much fun! I love that you gave the kids reviews too! I know the girls would have a blast, so I'd love in the drawing!
Thank you for the chance!
Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Hugs and Blessings,

MamaLuci said...

I have never heard of these. Looks like a riot. Sign me up!!
MamaLuci (no spaces)
my 2 and no more @

Julie Barfuss said...

WOW. SO adorable. I love it! Thanks for sharing!!!

(gidgetgoesgreen at gmail dot com)

Leigh Ann said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

My twins and daughter would love this. Sign me up!

Jodi said...

These are so cute! I wonder if they bite! ;)

Jennifer said...

Thanks so much! These are so cute... my almost 10 year old, 6 year old and 2 year old would love them. And, we don't have to clean up after them! Thanks for sharing. ~ Jennifer

Laura L. said...

How cool! They do look fun, and I bet my 4 year old would just love to have one.
Please enter us in the contest.

Jen said...

My three girls would LOVE something like this!!!

vwestermeyer said...

My niece would adore me forever!!!

Conny said...

fun - I've never seen such a thing before! I appreciate the chance to enter the contest.

Jennifer Hoech said...

My oldest is 10 and my youngest is 3, I am always looking for new and exciting toys for the younger one!

I wanted to get more info on these but the link isn't working. You sure that's the site?


Vanessa said...

This looks great! I know a little boy who would LOVE this.

ya ya's mom said...

ok, could those be any cuter?! wow! i hope i win!!!!

Sarah B. SMITH said...

i love this.. my son loves his dog but lately he has been asking about mice in perticular... but hamster would even be better.. thanks for doing a fun giveaway..

StarKnits said...

I think my girls (9 and 4) would LOVE these toys.

crossing my fingers hoping to win!!!
if not i'll have to search for them at wally world.

Renee said...

These look really neat! Good luck to all of us.

Suze said...

I think my girls would like this.


Cathy said...

These are so adorable. How have I not seen these before?

Anonymous said...

Wow! How cute, and my daughter has a b'day coming up. What a perfect idea.

Channe said...

Looks so cute. I had never heard of it, but think my daughter would enjoy it. Channe -

Tesseraemum said...

Oh My, My kids would LOVE this! They are on a furry pet kick.No furry pets allowed in a rental. (The cuddly fish are not cutting it.) I am bookmarking the website!

Renee G said...

These look like great fun.

11Aimee27 said...

They Are ADORABLE!!!! I've never seen them!!!!

Thanks fo letting me join in!! :)

Have a sunshiny kind of day!,

Jerri said...

I have never seen these but they look wonderful! My boys would love them.

Thanks for the chance.

mje at nts-online dot net

Terri said...

I have never heard of these but I bet Shaelyn would love them. They might be better than the real one we used to have!

Stacey said...

THese are so cute and much less "mess" to clean up! If only I had heard of these before we bought real bunnies! LOL!

Cathy said...

These are so cute! I've never seen them before, we are littlest pets freaks here. We will have to look for these too :)

Unknown said...

I love your kid's reviews of them! That's how you really know it's a hit!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome idea! My 6 year old will love this and I will for the lack of mess!

Laurie Lynne said...

That is just the cutest thing! My son and daughter would absolutely love this.

Have a great week,

Sara Strand said...

Wow- this looks like a ton of fun! My daughter Olivia (3) would love this as she's been begging for a mouse, but I don't want the upkeep and smell of a real one!! :) Enter me, please!
Sara Strand

Lisa B. said...

My son and grandson would love this! Thanks for such a great give away! lbmoore66 {at} hotmail {dot} com.

Anonymous said...

i think my niece would relly like this

Jo-el said...

Oh I know my 4 1/2 yr old would LOOOOVVVEEEE this! Please enter me!
Jo-el at italiangal0628 at yahoo dot com

thank you!

Allie Z said...

My girls would love love love this prize! The one thing hubby won't let them have is a hamster. They would flip their lids for a chance to receive this. Wow! What a great giveaways!

freebieallie at gmail

Nancy said...

My daughter has been asking insistently for a hamster. I like this version much better!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra,
Great contest. I hope I am not accidentally posting twice - I couldn't see my other post, so I am trying again. My niece would love this for her birthday. Thanks.

April said...

Man oh man would my kids flip for these!! Thanks for the chance!! :)

Charleen! said...

Hello Sandra!
I think that it is very polite of you to do this for them (Cepia) and i would really love one of these hamsters the car is Awesome!!!!
i am 11...only 1 year older than your daughter. i think these are great but they are not in stores yet. with christmas coming up i could get the funhouse and more add-ons! i love hamsters!

Thanks! Hope i get picked!

kristen said...

Hi Sandra emailing from the U.K. I bought my girls a real hamster christmas 08, unfortunately it died not long after with wet tail. The girls were totally devastated too deavastated to consider buying another. I feel they would really enjoy these as your children do. They are really hard to get hold of here they are sold out even before being a craze. So to start off our collection would be great. Goodnight God Bless its 1 in the morning here

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