It's been how long now since I've gotten down to actual posting without relying on a meme? *snicker*
Life has been C.R.A.Z.Y. Crazy and busy and sometimes a little weird but nevertheless, crazy and GOOD. You know it's something when you can look at the chaos around you and smile and still have that
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here" thought.
So what have you all been up to? Have you forgotten me? Moved or started a new job, maybe had another baby or two while I was gone?
I want so badly to come and catch up with everyone but I doubt I have the time to sit through the hundreds and I mean HUNDREDS of posts that are looming on my Google Reader, just beckoning me, it's like the bad guy in a scary movie standing in the car inviting you to go and join him and you KNOW that if you do you'll never come back *snort*
So let's see what is going on here?
Well, school is well under way and I'm still having some issues with Mr Nicholas, today was a little better but yeah, we're still dealing with the morning
"do I have to go to school?" dilemma.
Topping all this off is the fact that everyone around here seems to be sick right now, walking the kids to their classrooms you're surrounded by sniffles and coughs and it breaks my heart but it also makes me wish my kids lived in bubbles made of disinfectant LOL
School just started and yesterday, guess what? I had both kids home with low grade fevers, sore throats, congested noses and a bit of a cough. Today they went back to school, no fevers, but still not feeling that great.
I can't just keep them home if they're not running fevers and I also don't want them to start missing so much school already, not that it even matters, because the school themselves don't want any kids there that are sick. Seems the whole H1N1 Flu is still a big panic over here.
Anyway, let me show you some recent photos of the kids, my family is begging to see some since it seems like forever that I've posted any.
Oh you know what? Funny story, when I went to take the pictures, my camera had a little hiccup. Poor thing hasn't been used in a while either and I guess she forgot what her job was, I told it to take a picture and it just sat there with a blank look on it's LCD, then 5 minutes later it snapped the photo.....AFTER I had pointed it at the ceiling LOL

Last week my little one lost two teeth in one day, he was beside himself with joy, even more so when the Tooth Fairy left him $5 for his second tooth. Really....where was this generous fairy when we were growing up?
Let me think, what else? Oh the school.....the school
*she says under her breath*.
There are a few things that are frustrating us so badly, one of them being the fact that the kids have 15 minutes to eat. Yes, from the moment they step into the cafeteria to the time they leave for recess they have 15 MINUTES to eat....without taking into account waiting in line to get their lunches.
A couple of us moms started noticing that our kids were coming home starving and when we do send in cold lunches, they are returned pretty much the way we sent them off, with maybe a bite or two of the sandwich. Kids have all been complaining that they don't have time to eat and that the teachers are constantly yelling at them to hurry up.
Please tell me I'm not the only one thinking this is unacceptable? I mean, honestly, come ON!
I've decided to go sit through one of the kid's lunches and see exactly what is going on and I promise you my children will eat everything they want to and no one is going to yell at them to hurry up.
Anyway, so there you have it, my life in a nutshell.....as you can see I'm still the same old babbling fool, talking way too much and jumping from subject to subject. *snicker*
Well it's time to get on out of here, I have some sick little ones waiting for mommy to slather on the vicks on the feet and backs/chests and then tuck them into bed for the night.
I hope you're all having a wonderful evening, I won't make a promise that I'll around to all the blogs tonight, but I will try to visit as many as I can.
God Bless,
I would love to win this book! I struggle so much in getting daily Bible reading because it sees it's never quiet enough or always so much to do. I want to get better about that and be closer to God. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
God bless,