Good morning everyone, welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday edition. Oh my word, I can't believe I didn't get a single post in last week, other than my Monday HHM.
The cold really did a number on me, I can say that I'm feeling much better but I'm still not 100%, and now I'm dealing with this horrible exhaustion.
I dragged myself to the doctor on Tuesday, I honestly couldn't take it anymore. I was tested for Strep and the Flu and thankfully they both came back negative, but the doctor still put me on Flu antibiotics because my symptoms were all very consistent with a flu and not just a simple cold. Whatever it was, it was horrible and it's been hanging around my house and made it's rounds. My poor Nicholas is the one with it right now and he is so sick and so unhappy, poor kid.
I'm just praying and hoping this goes away and fast.
The weather.....
We had a rain day last week, but beautiful weather the rest of the time. For this week we are looking at slightly cooler temps, but still pretty nice weather.
Right now I am....
Sitting with my cup of coffee, working on this post and petting my Lola. My poor girl had 5 seizures a few days ago, I just really hate this for her, it's heartbreaking.
I'm so glad that I've finally turned the corner with this sickness, I hadn't felt that bad in a very very long time and it just reiterated for me, the fact that I don't have the patience or time to be down with a cold.
On my TV.....
Watched Deadpool with the family last night. We also always sit down together to watch The Walking Dead, it's just a fun time to sit and watch and chat about the show and yell at it together etc hahah
I've also started Fuller House on Netflix, and I know there are mixed reviews on it, but I love it, it's just such a sweet show and reminds of the good family shows we used to have back in the day.
On the menu for this week....
Monday - Pork Cebolada (Bifes de Cebolada but I'm using pork), Rice, Salad
Tuesday - Shrimp Curry
Wednesday - Roast Chicken and Potatoes, Broccoli
Thursday -Sausage Rice
Friday - Homemade Cheesy Garlic Pizza
On my to do list....
Washing the bathroom floors with bleach
Disinfecting the whole house
In the craft basket....
Still have the blankets
Looking forward to this week....
Hopefully getting rid of all the sickness in this house
Catching up on homeschooling, everyone's been down and lessons are quite behind at the moment
Looking around the house....
Needs some major disinfecting, I've been doing it as I go but I've been so poorly that I haven't been able to do a deeper cleaning.
From the camera....
This weekend, the girls wanted to take some pictures so I grabbed the camera and went out front to grab some shots. I got so many gorgeous ones, but here are some of my favorites.
Absolutely gorgeous. I love the contrast between the two, they are so alike but so different in so many ways, just love it.
On my prayer list.....
My Lola, I've already asked God to remove whatever it is that is making her ill and have these awful seizures, and I truly believe in the power of God.
For us all, for this virus to leave our house once and for all.
My brother and sister in law, for jobs.
Bible verse, Devotional....
Monday, February 29, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/22/2016
Good morning everyone, well, I'm here, making sure I get this post up in time.
I am however, very very sick like I haven't been in a really long time, matter of fact the last time I had a cold or flu like this was back in Arizona. So yes, long time, but goodness it has completely knocked me on my behind. Sore throat, body aches, fever, horrible cough and all that fun stuff. I have no patience for this, honestly.
The weather.....
Beautiful week last week, but cloudy and cooler temps this week.
Right now I am....
In bed, got up and made coffee for hubby, took some more medicine and have crawled back into bed. I got no sleep last night with my congested nose and the horrible cough, so I'm pretty tired today.
That I have no patience to be sick, that I just need it to go away and fast.
On my TV.....
Need to clear out my DVR, there are far too many shows on there and I haven't the time to watch them.
On the menu for this week....
I may need to come back and add the meals in after, I forgot to bring the menu to my bedroom and I just don't feel well enough to get back up to do it.
Monday - Shrimp Curry
Tuesday - Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread
Wednesday - Sweet and Spicy Chicken, Rice
Thursday -
Friday -
On my to do list....
Nothing, I am too sick to do anything
In the craft basket....
Have two crochet blankets I would like to work on, just haven't had time.
Looking forward to this week....
Getting over this sickness
Looking around the house....
Needs some tidying up, but not too bad.
From the camera....
I haven't touched my camera in a while, but my niece wants me to take some pictures so I'll try to get that done some time this week.
On my prayer list.....
My brother and sister in law, they've already put in for some jobs, hope they hear back soon.
Me, I'm so sick, and I am not whining or making it more than it is, I really am not well so prayers would be appreciated.
Bible verse, Devotional....
I am however, very very sick like I haven't been in a really long time, matter of fact the last time I had a cold or flu like this was back in Arizona. So yes, long time, but goodness it has completely knocked me on my behind. Sore throat, body aches, fever, horrible cough and all that fun stuff. I have no patience for this, honestly.
The weather.....
Beautiful week last week, but cloudy and cooler temps this week.
Right now I am....
In bed, got up and made coffee for hubby, took some more medicine and have crawled back into bed. I got no sleep last night with my congested nose and the horrible cough, so I'm pretty tired today.
That I have no patience to be sick, that I just need it to go away and fast.
On my TV.....
Need to clear out my DVR, there are far too many shows on there and I haven't the time to watch them.
On the menu for this week....
I may need to come back and add the meals in after, I forgot to bring the menu to my bedroom and I just don't feel well enough to get back up to do it.
Monday - Shrimp Curry
Tuesday - Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread
Wednesday - Sweet and Spicy Chicken, Rice
Thursday -
Friday -
On my to do list....
Nothing, I am too sick to do anything
In the craft basket....
Have two crochet blankets I would like to work on, just haven't had time.
Looking forward to this week....
Getting over this sickness
Looking around the house....
Needs some tidying up, but not too bad.
From the camera....
I haven't touched my camera in a while, but my niece wants me to take some pictures so I'll try to get that done some time this week.
On my prayer list.....
My brother and sister in law, they've already put in for some jobs, hope they hear back soon.
Me, I'm so sick, and I am not whining or making it more than it is, I really am not well so prayers would be appreciated.
Bible verse, Devotional....
Thursday, February 18, 2016
The laughs we share
If there is one thing about family, and I mean, real family who cares, is that no matter how much time apart you spend, when you reunite it's just like old times.
As you all know by now, my brother, his wife and my niece and nephew, arrived on Monday morning. They have been wanting to leave Idaho and move to Texas for a while, the truth is that there really are no jobs available in the area they were in and things were starting to get quite difficult.
When they first arrived in South Africa in 2013, we took them in, and helped them get started in this beautiful country. I am not going to say that it was easy, it wasn't, and if you go back and read some of my posts you will understand that no matter how much you love family, when you have 8 people living in one small house, it's bound to cause some friction here and there.
But it's all part of the family dynamics. With that said, the financial burden is not an easy one either, but it's one that my husband and I gladly took on.
Fast forward to today and we are doing it all over again. The difference this time is that we are in a much bigger house, with a much better financial situation to be able to help them.
So, here we are again.
I've been so busy the past few days, not only getting everyone settled in, but catching up, chatting, and laughing like I haven't laughed in a long time. It feels good, it replenishes the soul and it makes any stress you may be feeling, seem quite minimal.
I don't know how long it will be for them to find jobs, find a home, and get settled in for good, but I'm quite positive that it is not going to take them very long at all. With that said, I would like to ask you all for some prayers for them, it would be really appreciated.
As for us, well, Curt is still loving his job and doing wonderful, the kids are doing well in school and I'm just plodding along as always. Oh and I got my results back from my mammogram and everything is clear and normal, which was such a huge relief. Thank you to all who kept me in their prayers.
Yes I've been busy and haven't had much time to be online, but at least it's for a good cause, right?
Right, well it's almost 7am and I am in desperate need of some coffee and sustenance, so time to hop on off this bed and get to it.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Rain Sparrow - TLC book tour
Series: A Honey Ridge Novel
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: HQN Books (February 23, 2016)
New York Times bestselling author Linda Goodnight welcomes you back home to Honey Ridge, Tennessee, with another beautiful story full of hope, haunting mystery and the power to win your heart
Renowned yet private, thriller writer Hayden Winters lives a life colored by lies. As he is deeply ashamed of his past, his hunger for an honest relationship and dreams of starting a family remain unsatisfied, and he can trust no one with his secrets. He’s determined to outrun his personal demons, but the charming old Peach Orchard Inn and a woman whose presence is as gentle as a sparrow’s song stops him in his tracks.
Carrie Riley is afraid of everything from flying to thunderstorms, and pretty much of life itself. But meeting the enigmatic writer staying at the inn emboldens her to learn everything about him. When they discover a vulnerable boy hiding at the inn, Hayden is compelled to help Carrie protect him. Soon they’re led to a centuries-old mystery that haunts Hayden’s sleep, and his only safe haven is Carrie. As the secrets of the past and present cause their lives to become entwined, all that’s left to come to light is love—if the grim truth doesn’t tear them apart first.
I have to say that I really enjoyed this book, it was a light, quick read filled with Southern charm.
The story is centered around a thriller writer and a librarian, both trying to get over certain things in their lives, and both trying to move on and not really wanting to be involved with anyone.
Hayden has come to the Inn to spend a few months in seclusion to write his next book. Carrie had a pretty bad breakup after falling in love with a married man, which she had no idea was married, and is now the town librarian just trying to move on with her life.
They first cross paths at the library and seem to connect over a little boy who apparently as been abandoned by his drunk father.
As always, the story takes some twists and turns, the two forge a much deeper connection. In the middle of all this, Hayden is having nightmares about the Civil War era. We get a bit of history, we get a romantic connection, and human relations and a the Southern charm that we all adore.
Overall, a sweet story that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to TLC Book Tours for providing me with a review copy.
Happy Homemaker WEDNESDAY???
I am so sorry for not getting this post up on Monday, but I didn't get a chance to even touch my computer until this morning.
My family arrived from Texas and we had to help unload the UHaul and get them settled in and such, I'm sure you understand. It's going to be a bit busy around here, but I'm actually hoping to be able to keep posting daily, even if just to talk about what we're doing, how they're adapting etc.
So without further ado, here goes our Happy Homemaker Monday, on a Wednesday. There's a first time for everything right?
The weather.....
It's been absolutely beautiful here, this week we are seeing temps in the 90's, gorgeous blue skies and it really feels like we're headed into summer.
Right now I am....
Sitting in the girl's room chatting with them, typing up this post and helping my daughter with school.
About all these changes going on around me, and trying to keep myself grounded without becoming overwhelmed.
On my TV.....
Have to watch The Walking Dead tonight but other than that, just don't have time for anything else.
On the menu for this week....
Cooking for 8 people again so have to work on easy, good, filling meals.
Monday -
Tuesday - Fettucine Alfredo, Salad
Wednesday - Ajo Chicken and Rice
Thursday - Husband's Delight, Garlic Bread
Friday - Italian Sandwiches, Fries
On my to do list....
Getting the family situated.
In the craft basket....
Have two crochet blankets I would like to work on, just haven't had time.
Looking forward to this week....
Spending time with family, chatting, catching up.
Looking around the house....
With 8 people now residing here, full time, things are bound to get a little nuts. I have to make sure to stay on top of the cleaning otherwise......chaos.
From the camera....
My beautiful girl
On my prayer list.....
My family, that they are able to find jobs pretty quickly and get settled into their own house. It's always so hard to have to make such a big move and restart over again.
Bible verse, Devotional....
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
My family arrived from Texas and we had to help unload the UHaul and get them settled in and such, I'm sure you understand. It's going to be a bit busy around here, but I'm actually hoping to be able to keep posting daily, even if just to talk about what we're doing, how they're adapting etc.
So without further ado, here goes our Happy Homemaker Monday, on a Wednesday. There's a first time for everything right?
The weather.....
It's been absolutely beautiful here, this week we are seeing temps in the 90's, gorgeous blue skies and it really feels like we're headed into summer.
Right now I am....
Sitting in the girl's room chatting with them, typing up this post and helping my daughter with school.
About all these changes going on around me, and trying to keep myself grounded without becoming overwhelmed.
On my TV.....
Have to watch The Walking Dead tonight but other than that, just don't have time for anything else.
On the menu for this week....
Cooking for 8 people again so have to work on easy, good, filling meals.
Monday -
Tuesday - Fettucine Alfredo, Salad
Wednesday - Ajo Chicken and Rice
Thursday - Husband's Delight, Garlic Bread
Friday - Italian Sandwiches, Fries
On my to do list....
Getting the family situated.
In the craft basket....
Have two crochet blankets I would like to work on, just haven't had time.
Looking forward to this week....
Spending time with family, chatting, catching up.
Looking around the house....
With 8 people now residing here, full time, things are bound to get a little nuts. I have to make sure to stay on top of the cleaning otherwise......chaos.
From the camera....
My beautiful girl
On my prayer list.....
My family, that they are able to find jobs pretty quickly and get settled into their own house. It's always so hard to have to make such a big move and restart over again.
Bible verse, Devotional....
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Bit of a busy week
Oh my friends, I'm feeling slightly frazzled and overwhelmed.
I have had so much going on this week and last, but this one especially has been a bit of a crazy ride, to be honest. I'm just now sitting down for the day, a day that has consisted of me driving around, running errands, spending hours at the base hospital with my daughter, and then coming home to do homeschooling and laundry and fixing dinner and doing dishes etc.
I'm tired, really, it goes without saying.
I woke up around 4:30am and just couldn't get back to sleep, and then with the running around, I just seem to have wasted all my energy, so I'm quite eager for bedtime.
So tell me things, what has been going on around blogland, anything interesting in your lives, any big announcements or news? Talk to me people, talk to me. Hahah
Jasmine seems to have a bit of a cold going on paired with some ear issues. Now I'm a little frustrated with her PCM at the hospital. When the airman came in to do her vitals, he checked her ears and noticed that her right ear (which has been causing the pain) looked a little swollen on the inside.
When her PCM came in, he looked at her ears and said all's good, she's fine. I am not a doctor, obviously, but I know that my daughter wouldn't be in pain if her ear was completely fine, so I tend to agree with the first assessment which leaves me a little unsure of this doctor she saw. Needless to say, I think I need to switch PCM's.
Anyway, she is in bed at the moment, she hasn't been able to do much school the past 2 days which has set her behind, and as much as I hate that, I can't exactly force her when she's been fighting this cold and feeling genuinely unwell. I'm just hoping and praying that by tomorrow she is turning the corner and we can get back on track.
Aside from that, Friday I had my mammogram, and I don't care what anyone out there says, it HURT for me and it was not something I enjoyed at all. I was glad to do it and have it behind me, but goodness gracious, that was just not right. It doesn't help that I've always had issues with my breasts, and I'm sorry if this is too much information, but I'm very open here on the blog and I think women issues are something that need to be discussed and brought up and given importance too.
I am supposed to get the results sometime this week, so far I haven't heard anything back from my doctor, so I'm assuming no news is good news. Not going to lie though, it's added a bit of stress to my life as I've found myself a little on edge every time the phone rings. I'm a wuss, what can I say.
Also, been getting ready for my family to arrive next week, they are finally making the move to Texas and will be moving in with us again just for a short while, as they get settled in here. Curt and I are just blessed to be able to help them at this time, and yes, it will be a full house again and craziness, but a good thing.
Right, I best go check on my daughter and see if she needs anything. Just wanted to come in and say hi and chat a little, and see how everyone is doing.
Have yourselves a wonderful night and I'll chat to you soon :)
Monday, February 08, 2016
Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/08/2016
Good morning everyone, welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday. How was your weekend?
Mine was pretty laid back, nothing really happened, actually spent Saturday watching scary movies on my bed, yep, I sure did and I didn't feel guilty about it at all. There's nothing wrong with taking a day to ourselves as homemakers, but don't worry, because I wasn't just sitting in bed watching movies, I was still doing laundry and house cleaning etc, and even painting furniture in my room, so yeah, I wasn't completely lazy. Haha
Alright, let's get into our HHM for today, I actually went back to the very first one and pulled the categories for this week.
Please do me a favor, do NOT change up the categories, or create your own, because then it really isn't my Happy Homemaker Monday anymore, is it? Just a little request, if you don't mind :)
The weather.....
Little chilly at nights and early morning, but beautiful blue skies and warm weather during the day. I'm ok with that.
Today and tomorrow the high's will be 56 and 65, but Wednesday and Thursday we are hitting the 70's again, I can't wait.
Right now I am....
Sitting in bed, under my warm covers and typing up this post. I will be getting up shortly after this and throwing on my workout gear for my Zumba session this morning.
About what all I need to get organized and done this week as my brother's family will be arriving next week. They will be staying with us again for a month or two just until they get settled into town.
On my TV.....
On Saturday I watched The Visit and Ouija. They weren't scary to me but I did enjoy them. I also watched the new Will Ferrell called Daddy's Home and that was hilarious.
Been clearing out my DVR list, I have so many Lockup's on there, I didn't realize that I had forgotten to switch it to just the new episodes so it's been going on a recording rampage and every single lockup that shows up on the tv, is recorded. UGH!!!
On the menu for this week....
Saturday I'll be grocery shopping, I only have a menu up until Friday, actually going to work on the new menu this morning.
Monday - Makeover Rigatoni with Bacon (this recipe calls for Asparagus too, but they're so expensive right now, I'm leaving them out)
Tuesday - Tomatillo and Cilantro Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican Rice
Wednesday - Chicken and Dumplings
Thursday - Taco Pasta Bake
Friday - Homemade Personal Pizzas
On my to do list....
Housework - Finish mine and hubby's laundry, Bed linens, Kid's laundry, vacuum, dust
Painting - Second coat on Curt's side table, start my side table, finish painting the video shelves
In the craft basket....
Finished my mood blanket, will show you pics in a post later this morning.
Working on my daughter's corner to corner blanket.
Would like to finish my niece's corner to corner blanket too before she gets here next week.
Looking forward to this week....
Just wanting a good week, quiet, productive
Looking around the house....
House is clean, I just want to run the vacuum over the living areas and dust a little. Kitchen is clean and tidy from last night too.
From the camera....

On my prayer list.....
I would like to ask you all for prayers for myself. I just went for my first mammogram on Friday and this week I'll find out the results. It's so nerve wrecking, so I'm asking for prayers not only for everything to be fine but for me not to worry or be scared.
Bible verse, Devotional....
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
Mine was pretty laid back, nothing really happened, actually spent Saturday watching scary movies on my bed, yep, I sure did and I didn't feel guilty about it at all. There's nothing wrong with taking a day to ourselves as homemakers, but don't worry, because I wasn't just sitting in bed watching movies, I was still doing laundry and house cleaning etc, and even painting furniture in my room, so yeah, I wasn't completely lazy. Haha
Alright, let's get into our HHM for today, I actually went back to the very first one and pulled the categories for this week.
Please do me a favor, do NOT change up the categories, or create your own, because then it really isn't my Happy Homemaker Monday anymore, is it? Just a little request, if you don't mind :)
The weather.....
Little chilly at nights and early morning, but beautiful blue skies and warm weather during the day. I'm ok with that.
Today and tomorrow the high's will be 56 and 65, but Wednesday and Thursday we are hitting the 70's again, I can't wait.
Right now I am....
Sitting in bed, under my warm covers and typing up this post. I will be getting up shortly after this and throwing on my workout gear for my Zumba session this morning.
About what all I need to get organized and done this week as my brother's family will be arriving next week. They will be staying with us again for a month or two just until they get settled into town.
On my TV.....
On Saturday I watched The Visit and Ouija. They weren't scary to me but I did enjoy them. I also watched the new Will Ferrell called Daddy's Home and that was hilarious.
Been clearing out my DVR list, I have so many Lockup's on there, I didn't realize that I had forgotten to switch it to just the new episodes so it's been going on a recording rampage and every single lockup that shows up on the tv, is recorded. UGH!!!
On the menu for this week....
Saturday I'll be grocery shopping, I only have a menu up until Friday, actually going to work on the new menu this morning.
Monday - Makeover Rigatoni with Bacon (this recipe calls for Asparagus too, but they're so expensive right now, I'm leaving them out)
Tuesday - Tomatillo and Cilantro Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican Rice
Wednesday - Chicken and Dumplings
Thursday - Taco Pasta Bake
Friday - Homemade Personal Pizzas
On my to do list....
Housework - Finish mine and hubby's laundry, Bed linens, Kid's laundry, vacuum, dust
Painting - Second coat on Curt's side table, start my side table, finish painting the video shelves
In the craft basket....
Finished my mood blanket, will show you pics in a post later this morning.
Working on my daughter's corner to corner blanket.
Would like to finish my niece's corner to corner blanket too before she gets here next week.
Looking forward to this week....
Just wanting a good week, quiet, productive
Looking around the house....
House is clean, I just want to run the vacuum over the living areas and dust a little. Kitchen is clean and tidy from last night too.
From the camera....

On my prayer list.....
I would like to ask you all for prayers for myself. I just went for my first mammogram on Friday and this week I'll find out the results. It's so nerve wrecking, so I'm asking for prayers not only for everything to be fine but for me not to worry or be scared.
Bible verse, Devotional....
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
Sunday, February 07, 2016
A Jewish Baker's Pastry Secret - Book Review
I had the pleasure of reviewing this book and I'm so glad I did. You all know how much I love cooking and baking, and I have a special love for pastries. I've never been one to make them though, the whole process of pastry intimidates me, but I've always wanted to jump in and try.
This book is gorgeous from beginning to end, starting with the cover photo and the amazing beautiful photography inside, to the delicious recipes.
Things like:
- Bundt
- Strudel
- Guglehopf and Portuguese Sweet Bread
- Puff Pastries
- Charlotte Dough
- Danish Pastries
Of course my first try is going to be the Portuguese Sweet Bread, followed by some Danish Pastries and Strudel. There is so much to choose from, and I couldn't be more excited to get my hands in the dough and start churning out some of the yummiest goodies in the pastry world.
If you love baking, this book is for you, for sure :)
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Second Chances and Cleaning
Hello friends, I hope this post finds you all doing well. I'm doing very well, save for a slight headache that has been brought on by me not getting my coffee today.
Tomorrow is the day, I have a 3D mammogram and was advised not to consume caffeine for 48 hours prior. I'll do whatever I am told but boy has today been tough, I'm so used to my coffee in the morning and not being able to have it has just made me kinda cranky.
Would appreciate some prayers for me for tomorrow as I'm quite nervous about this.
Anyway, I have been so busy this week with visitors and organizing and cleaning, that I didn't get a chance to come in and share anything with you, until now.
Without even wasting any more time, let me show you what the hubby and I did.
I picked up 4 storage tubs from the Family Dollar. My plan is to replace every cardboard box in the garage with plastic, but I have to go slowly as I don't have the money to buy them all at once.
The picture above is what the garage looked like before hubby and I got working cleaning and organizing.
Moved most of the boxes to the far end of the garage, to the left is the door to the storm cellar.
So much better, and you can see some of the tubs in use in the far back.
After we finished cleaning, hubby and I decided to play some darts, have some chips and a couple of beers. It was just a nice time for us to be able to relax and enjoy each others company.
It's always a good day when you get so much done and feel like you've accomplished so much.
So, why the title second chances?
Well, it has to do with our daughter and her boyfriend. I haven't talked too much about them here on the blog, save for a mention here or there. I did mention the breakup and that was something very hard for her and us as her parents to go through, watching how sad she was.
We were approached by her ex boyfriend on Sunday about a possible visit on Monday and Tuesday. He had been trying to get her back, had reached out to me about a possible re connection and wanted to come and see her and us to talk things out.
As parents, it's hard to see your child hurt and it's hard to think about them being put back in that position, but we also have to look at the big picture and see how everyone is acting and behaving.
I won't go into details as I feel it's not fair to either one of them, and it's really not our place to tell, but I can say that he IS remorseful and that he is trying very hard to make amends, including driving 7 hours from Arkansas to Texas to apologize face to face to our daughter, but to sit down with both Curt and I and apologize as well.
Not many young men would do something like, to be honest.
So we're giving him another chance, we are prepared to welcome him back into our family and above all, my daughter is ecstatic and beaming and that means the world.
Truth is, they have a very strong bond, they adore each other, and they endured this break up, but they both grew from it, in different ways and are determined to make this work, so we are supporting them but also keeping an eye out on things.
I've always thought they make a beautiful couple and I wish them both nothing but the best.
Alright friends, I have a crochet blanket to finish. I've added all the rows I wanted, and now I'm working on the edging, I decided to go with some of the colors from the blocks, but after I started with the burned yellow, I quickly realized I wasn't liking it, so I'm pulling it all out, and going to leave just the red and brown, and do a quick scallop edge in white.
I hope you've all been well, I wish I had enough hours in the day to come and visit everyone.
Right now though, I need to end this post and get on out of here, staring at the computer is just exacerbating my headache. UGH!!!
Tomorrow is the day, I have a 3D mammogram and was advised not to consume caffeine for 48 hours prior. I'll do whatever I am told but boy has today been tough, I'm so used to my coffee in the morning and not being able to have it has just made me kinda cranky.
Would appreciate some prayers for me for tomorrow as I'm quite nervous about this.
Anyway, I have been so busy this week with visitors and organizing and cleaning, that I didn't get a chance to come in and share anything with you, until now.
Without even wasting any more time, let me show you what the hubby and I did.
I picked up 4 storage tubs from the Family Dollar. My plan is to replace every cardboard box in the garage with plastic, but I have to go slowly as I don't have the money to buy them all at once.
The picture above is what the garage looked like before hubby and I got working cleaning and organizing.
Moved most of the boxes to the far end of the garage, to the left is the door to the storm cellar.
So much better, and you can see some of the tubs in use in the far back.
After we finished cleaning, hubby and I decided to play some darts, have some chips and a couple of beers. It was just a nice time for us to be able to relax and enjoy each others company.
It's always a good day when you get so much done and feel like you've accomplished so much.
So, why the title second chances?
Well, it has to do with our daughter and her boyfriend. I haven't talked too much about them here on the blog, save for a mention here or there. I did mention the breakup and that was something very hard for her and us as her parents to go through, watching how sad she was.
We were approached by her ex boyfriend on Sunday about a possible visit on Monday and Tuesday. He had been trying to get her back, had reached out to me about a possible re connection and wanted to come and see her and us to talk things out.
As parents, it's hard to see your child hurt and it's hard to think about them being put back in that position, but we also have to look at the big picture and see how everyone is acting and behaving.
I won't go into details as I feel it's not fair to either one of them, and it's really not our place to tell, but I can say that he IS remorseful and that he is trying very hard to make amends, including driving 7 hours from Arkansas to Texas to apologize face to face to our daughter, but to sit down with both Curt and I and apologize as well.
Not many young men would do something like, to be honest.
So we're giving him another chance, we are prepared to welcome him back into our family and above all, my daughter is ecstatic and beaming and that means the world.
Truth is, they have a very strong bond, they adore each other, and they endured this break up, but they both grew from it, in different ways and are determined to make this work, so we are supporting them but also keeping an eye out on things.
I've always thought they make a beautiful couple and I wish them both nothing but the best.
Alright friends, I have a crochet blanket to finish. I've added all the rows I wanted, and now I'm working on the edging, I decided to go with some of the colors from the blocks, but after I started with the burned yellow, I quickly realized I wasn't liking it, so I'm pulling it all out, and going to leave just the red and brown, and do a quick scallop edge in white.
I hope you've all been well, I wish I had enough hours in the day to come and visit everyone.
Right now though, I need to end this post and get on out of here, staring at the computer is just exacerbating my headache. UGH!!!
Monday, February 01, 2016
Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/01/2016
Good morning everyone, it's Monday again, can you believe it? I had a pretty good weekend and I hope you did too, but now it's time to get back to work and school, you all ready for it?
The Weather:::
Little chilly this morning, it's 36 degrees, but the high this afternoon will be 72 and I'm good with that. Actually the past few days we've had such beautiful warm weather, Saturday afternoon we hit 82, can you believe that? Looking forward to a warm week ahead.
Right now I am:
Sitting up in bed, trying to catch up on my DVR which has gotten way full. I'm also enjoying a cup of coffee and typing this post up.
About what I need done this week. Also my daughter's ex oyfriend is coming in tonight for a visit and staying tomorrow as well. Long story, but to summarize, he is very much in love with her and has made a lot of changes, cut a lot of bad influences from his life and made apologies just at the possibility of a second chance with her. As a mother, it is always a worry because we don't want our children to hurt, but I also firmly believe that everyone deserves a second chance if they truly want it, and recognize what they did wrong and are willing to do everything in their power to fix it. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but as parents all we can do is support our children and be there for them through the good and the bad times, right?
Looking forward to:::
Getting some more organizing done in the house, and preparing for my family to arrive in 2 weeks. Goodness time flies. Also looking forward to another week of workouts, I did so well last week and managed to stick with it and hold myself accountable. I feel so much better :)
On my reading pile:::
Still working my way through the two library books.
On my tv:::
Catching up on the DVR list:
Curse of Oak Island
Mercy Street
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Things that make me happy:::
Hosting get togethers at my house, chatting, visiting and spending time with friends and family.
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Out to dinner with daughter's ex
Tuesday - One skillet chili mac
Wednesday - Mozzarella Meatballs and Spaghetti
Thursday - Stuffed Cubed Steaks, Mixed Veggies
Friday - Beefy Cheesy Spaghetti Casserole
Saturday - Makeover Rigatoni w/ Bacon
Sunday - Tomatillo, Cilantro Chicken Enchiladas
On my to do list:::
Vacuum and Carpet Clean
Get room ready for visit
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Adding the last row to my crochet blanket
Looking around the house:::
Just the usual cleaning and tidying up, the only room that needs a little more effort is my green living room, that's where we watch TV, play games etc, and my son played Playstation for a few hours yesterday, so he's left his shoes and socks laying around, empty bowls, glasses etc. Boys, boys, boys.
From the camera:::
Just a little preview of what I did this weekend

On my prayer list:::
My brother and sister in law, for their upcoming move. Hoping my brother manages to get a transfer here to Texas, but if not, then that they both find jobs pretty quickly.
For this country, more and more I am sadness by some of the things I see. It's really heartbreaking to witness how God keeps being removed from everything around us.
Bible verse, devotional, favorite quote:::

The Weather:::
Little chilly this morning, it's 36 degrees, but the high this afternoon will be 72 and I'm good with that. Actually the past few days we've had such beautiful warm weather, Saturday afternoon we hit 82, can you believe that? Looking forward to a warm week ahead.
Right now I am:
Sitting up in bed, trying to catch up on my DVR which has gotten way full. I'm also enjoying a cup of coffee and typing this post up.
About what I need done this week. Also my daughter's ex oyfriend is coming in tonight for a visit and staying tomorrow as well. Long story, but to summarize, he is very much in love with her and has made a lot of changes, cut a lot of bad influences from his life and made apologies just at the possibility of a second chance with her. As a mother, it is always a worry because we don't want our children to hurt, but I also firmly believe that everyone deserves a second chance if they truly want it, and recognize what they did wrong and are willing to do everything in their power to fix it. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but as parents all we can do is support our children and be there for them through the good and the bad times, right?
Looking forward to:::
Getting some more organizing done in the house, and preparing for my family to arrive in 2 weeks. Goodness time flies. Also looking forward to another week of workouts, I did so well last week and managed to stick with it and hold myself accountable. I feel so much better :)
On my reading pile:::
Still working my way through the two library books.
On my tv:::
Catching up on the DVR list:
Curse of Oak Island
Mercy Street
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Things that make me happy:::
Hosting get togethers at my house, chatting, visiting and spending time with friends and family.
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Out to dinner with daughter's ex
Tuesday - One skillet chili mac
Wednesday - Mozzarella Meatballs and Spaghetti
Thursday - Stuffed Cubed Steaks, Mixed Veggies
Friday - Beefy Cheesy Spaghetti Casserole
Saturday - Makeover Rigatoni w/ Bacon
Sunday - Tomatillo, Cilantro Chicken Enchiladas
On my to do list:::
Vacuum and Carpet Clean
Get room ready for visit
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Adding the last row to my crochet blanket
Looking around the house:::
Just the usual cleaning and tidying up, the only room that needs a little more effort is my green living room, that's where we watch TV, play games etc, and my son played Playstation for a few hours yesterday, so he's left his shoes and socks laying around, empty bowls, glasses etc. Boys, boys, boys.
From the camera:::
Just a little preview of what I did this weekend

On my prayer list:::
My brother and sister in law, for their upcoming move. Hoping my brother manages to get a transfer here to Texas, but if not, then that they both find jobs pretty quickly.
For this country, more and more I am sadness by some of the things I see. It's really heartbreaking to witness how God keeps being removed from everything around us.
Bible verse, devotional, favorite quote:::

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