Sunday, January 24, 2021

{ Week in review - Marley pulled a muscle }


Happy Sunday my friends, how has your weekend been going so far?
Mine is going pretty well, thankfully.  I am just sitting down to type up this post.  So far today, hubby and I have gone to church, then came home and he went to pick up some lunch for us from Braums.  Not really meals, but just some chicken sandwiches.
In the meantime, while he did that with Marley, I started the dishwasher, cleaned and picked up the kitchen and living rooms, cleaned the bathroom counters and got some laundry put away.
It's been a bit of a nutty week around here.


As you can see from the photos, Marley hurt his leg last week.  I don't even know how he did this, but he pulled his leg muscle.  I'm assuming either while playing or chasing squirrels out back, or it might have been when he was jumping into bed, because sometimes he lands weird.
Anyway, I called the vet and they asked a bunch of questions.  The first night, he wouldn't put his leg down, and when he walked he wobbled on 3 legs.  I actually had to pick him up off the bed and put him on the floor so he would go to the bathroom.....all 90 pounds of him.  Yikes!

But within a few hours, he was walking on the leg, he let us touch it and move it, so the vet said it obviously wasn't broken and it didn't sound like he had torn anything either since he wasn't in visible pain.

We were told to keep an eye on him, make sure he is off that leg and resting as much as possible.  We gave him dog aspirin and bandaged the leg to give it a bit more stability.  He was not a happy camper but I think he was sore and knew it would help.

Thankfully this only lasted 1 full day, and by the second day he was moving better, trying to jump on and off the bed, running around and so on.  It was so difficult to keep him from running and acting crazy on that leg, but I'm so thankful to God that he is now all better.  


Friday I got my grocery shopping done.  I went to the base commissary and got everything I needed for the next two weeks.  If you're wondering what my meal plan is, I posted it in my previous blog post
Not much else happened last week, just the usual homemaking and homeschooling, work, driving back and forth and taking care of Marley.
We did watch a movie yesterday afternoon, Curt and I sat down and actually ended up watching the new Lion King, which was so sweet.  It's funny but there are times that we are not in the mood for big people movies LOL    We still enjoy kid movies, to this day!
Well friends, I don't really have much else to say about this past week, but I did want to come in and do a quick week review.  I like knowing what went on in our lives, and it's always fun to go back in the future and read these things.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment, or if something goes wrong we tend to have that split moment thought that we've never had hard situations before.  It's good to have these moments to look back on and to remind us that it's not always roses and tulips, there are days that we are sick or one of our pets is not well, but like always, we get through them.
Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
I'll be back bright and early, with our Happy Homemaker Monday. 

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