Monday, July 08, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/08/2024

Happy Homemaker Monday
Good morning sweet ladies, welcome back to my blog. ♥
I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, celebrating the 4th of July and this beautiful country we live in.  I enjoyed having my husband home, and as he returns back to work this morning, I already miss him.  But such is life, so we move on right?
Before I start today's post, I wanted to talk about the new linky which seems to be giving some of you some issues.  First, I apologize, I don't ever want to have anything on my blog that is going to irritate anyone, that is not my purpose at all.  Mister Linky is changing some things, so I was forced to actually pay for a year subscription in order to continue using their services (something I will gladly do so we don't lose our linky feature).
I know the first one I posted was a little wonky, and I did go back and change some of the settings to make it easier.  However, some of you mentioned last week that your link wasn't up and that it wasn't there, but it was showing it all on my side, here on the blog.  It just takes a few minutes to show when you add your link, but trust me it is there.  Again, I apologize for the inconvenience but it IS working properly.  :)

Anyway, I hope that cleared things up a bit.  Now, let's get on with our post.  I wish you all a very blessed and productive week ahead.

Happy Monday friends!

*** The Weather *** 
I feel like I'm back in Arizona with the scorching heat.  108 and 110 and it's just not ok, and definitely not needed.  We do have a bit of a reprieve this week with cooler temperatures, and even had a storm come through last night.  I'm thankful for the cooler temps and do hope they continue the trend.   
Monday - Scattered thunderstorms, 85
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 91
Wednesday - Mostly sunny, 96
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 97
Friday- Mostly sunny, 98
Saturday - Mostly sunny, 99
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 99
*** Right now I am *** 
Sitting on my bed, working on this post and listening to a Night of Prayer for the Nation on the TV. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
My mind is actually on books right now.  I started a book last weekend and finished it yesterday which made me so happy.  I had been in a reading slump for a year or two, and I couldn't seem to shift out of it, but I did and I'm already onto my second book.  
The reason I'm thinking about it, is mainly because I think books are so underrated.  We live in such a chaotic world, that books really are an escape from reality into beautiful places, adventure and a reprieve from the stress of our world.  I can't wait to continue reading through my list and I encourage you to pick up a book, sit for a moment and just read.  Allow yourself to be taken away and to dream. 
*** How I am feeling ***
Aside from the allergies which everyone around here seems to be dealing with, I am feeling very good.  Hubby and I went to the gym again yesterday, it's become our Sunday ritual.  I did 5 miles between the treadmill, bike and the track on base.  Also did abs and legs on the machines.  So I feel really good today, I didn't exercise for 3 days during the long weekend, and felt completely off kilter.  It's crazy when you get used to working out, how weird it feels when you don't. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with 2% milk, and just had 2 scrambled eggs with salt and pepper and some dried chives.  Also had two provita wholewheat crackers with Irish butter.
*** On the lunch plate *** 
I will be having a salad, just a plain salad with lettuce, onion and tomato and some boiled egg.  
*** On the dinner plate ***
Smoked Turkey Sausage and potatoes in the oven, and sauteed greens. 
*** On the menu *** 

Smoked Turkey Sausage and potatoes in the oven, and sauteed greens  
Sun dried tomato chicken with wholewheat spaghetti, salad
Oven Baked Tilapia in tomato sauce, curried Quinoa, steamed broccoli
Stuffed Eggplant, Chickpea and lentil salad
Hungarian chicken paprika, brown rice, baked squash
Cauliflower Pizza (caprese, margarita, pepperoni)
Swedish meatball pasta bake, salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
As always, still in my nightgown, but will put on a summer dress for the day.  Will change into workout clothes this afternoon.      
*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Revelations in the Bible
Finished Never by Jessa Hastings - Loved it, just didn't love the ending. 
Started What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez
*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian, Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living, Quiet Vlogs
Turkish shows - Giving them a little break for now, all the shows are over and will return in September.
Both Portugal, Brazil and the USA are out of the soccer cups, so I'm done watching. 
Sic Portugal - A Promessa telenovela

*** Looking around the house *** 
It is dark in the house although it is 8:15 in the morning.  We had some storms last night and have some more today.  I will say, I love the look of a dark home with stormy cloudy weather outside.  It's perfect for candles and book reading and a hot cup of tea.

It IS Monday though, so that means the house has been lived in to the fullest this weekend, so it needs tidying and resetting for the week ahead.
*** To do list *** 
I have a blog post going up tomorrow, and another planned for Wednesday.  I'm trying very hard to get back on track with blogging, so bear with me as I waddle through this muddy craziness.
Bible and Devotional time
Dig up potatoes that are ready to harvest

*** From the camera *** 
My sweet Elliott.  Anytime there is an empty box or an empty bag, he immediately crawls in.  I picked up some more books this weekend from a local second hand store, and while I was setting them up, Ellie went right into the bag they had just come out of.  ♥  

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses ***
I want to ask you all to pray for Texas.  We have Hurricane Beryl making landfall this morning and it is predicted to cause some major damage.  We do not accept that, we do not come into agreement with that and we rebuke it, in the name of Jesus.

We pray for all those in the path of the storm, that they are protected, that they are kept safe, and we draw a bloodline of protection around the entire state of Texas, and any other State that is in the path.


threesidesofcrazy said...

Just a tip for everyone - If you refresh the page after joining the linky it will show that you have linked up.

LOVE your reading advice - reading is truly my escape from the real and chaotic world we live in. Also LOVE that picture of Elliott - animals are so wonderful and always have way of making us smile. Glad you're getting a bit of weather relief (at least for Texas) and are far from the troubles that Beryl is bring to southeast Texas.

Have a wonderful week mt friend!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I also love a dark home with stormy, cloudy weather. It is just so cozy! I join you in prayer for all those in the path of the storm. Have a lovely afternoon and a beautiful week! Oh, and I am a reader too!

Adriaantje said...

Oh I really hope for lower temperatures for you.
Yes books are really underrated, I agree with you!
I also really like reading, although I do it less at the moment...
You really feel that, don't you, when you exercise less for a while.
Have a nice week

Luludou said...

I do love books! but I was not getting interesting reads lately so I found a list from friends and now I'm really enjoying it.
Good for the exercise!
Have a great week

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Happy new week to you Sandra! Sorry I'm late posting this week. I had trouble with Mr Linky the first time a few weeks ago...but once I realized that it takes a minute to load and I refresh the page then it's fine. :)
We have the endless allergy issues here too. But so worth the flowers and gardens - I envy your gorgeous big gardens and space!! I hope you didn't have any issues from the hurricane. So scary these extreme weather things. But cozy candle and reading rain storms are a-ok. Lol
Blessings xo

Katerinas Blog said...

you and hubby had a great 4th of July!
Here it is 7.20 in the morning and the sun is shining outside.
But this weather makes me want to go out and not do any of the work I should! When the weather is dark and rainy I do my jobs very happily!!
Have a nice day Sandra