Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A slow day

July 16, 2024

Some days I am all full steam ahead, and then some days I crash, and need to take a step back and regroup so to speak.  I call it my replenishing the soul days.   

"But you're a stay at home mom, why would you need that?", well I guess in a way that may sound true, but we often have such a busy schedule too, and I don't know about anyone else as I can only speak for myself, but homemaking is tiring at times, and there is always something to do.  Always!

If you're anything like me though, taking that step back feels like I'm cheating or a guilty in some way.  It's very hard for me to sit still without starting to feel like I need to be doing something.  There's a fight that ensues inside me, one side says to be still because the work will still be there tomorrow, and the other says I need to not be lazy and I should be busy not sitting.  I guess it's true that we can be our biggest critics right?

Anyway, today has been a slow day.  I'm dealing with a banger of a hormonal headache and slight cramping, so whether I wanted to or not, I was forced to take it slow and do the absolute needed only.  That meant mostly computer work, so I went and visited everyone on the Happy Homemaker Monday post, and also those who joined in as old fashioned bloggers.

Then I paid some bills, and worked on the new meal plan and budget.

July 16, 2024

I'm having Curt pick up the groceries from Walmart today, because my cars' battery has decided it's time to die.  I would have put off grocery shopping until the weekend but we need food now, so hubby just told me to do the pickup and he would go straight after work.  God bless this wonderful husband of mine.

So basically I have sat around doing computer stuff, I read my Bible, finished the book of Revelation and started 1 Samuel, and put some new books on the shelf.  

Oh and just realized I never showed you these, I got them at an antique store this weekend.  We were just walking around not really planning on getting anything but I had to bring these two, especially one of them and you'll see why.

July 16, 2024

Have you heard of the Companion Reader books?  They are vintage books that have two stories, one on each side of the book.  Classics that we all remember reading as children.  The first Companion Reader book I got was at a thrift store, and I grabbed it because it was Little Women, without even realizing that it also included Little Men on the other side.  

This time, I grabbed it for Heidi.  Who remembers Heidi?  One of my most memorable stories I remember reading as a child, and even watching a children's series on it too.  I loved it so much, the whole story was just the sweetest.

And again, I completely forgot that it came with a second story.  Didn't even notice until I got home and was taking the book out of the bag.  The story on the other said is that of Hans Hinkler, another favorite from my childhood.

These are great books to have for your kids to read.  I've been on the lookout for more of these Companion Readers at my local thrift stores and antique stores.  They are super cheap, I paid $2 for this one, so they're a great buy and I think these older classics are better for our kids and grand kids to read, than the nonsense I see in the bookstores for children, nowadays.

July 16, 2024

I was all happy with that find, and as we came around one of the many booths......ok, wait.  Maybe I should quickly explain how our biggest antique store is set up.

It is an old historic building downtown, 3 floors high.  The bottom floor is a huge open area, with amazing antique finds in every nook and cranny.  The next two floors up are split into booths by different sellers, also with crazy amazing items.

As always I am immediately drawn to the bookshelves.  Hubby knows, he will walk around to other areas because I get stuck going through the books.  It was at one of these many shelves filled with hundreds of books, that I saw this next one and I couldn't contain my excitement.  It was $4.  That's it.....but oh my word.

July 16, 2024

Beatrix Potter - The Artist and her world.  There is a copy of this book on Amazon for $31.  Yeah, thirty one dollars.   There are also a few copies on Thriftbooks, the cheapest being $5.  So I got it for much cheaper and though it's not in perfect condition, that doesn't matter to me.  I actually love old books, books that show they've been read many times and carried around and loved by their previous owners.

I honestly can't wait to read this one, to learn more about Beatrix Potter and her life.  What a great find, isn't it?

July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

Well friends, that is it for today, I leave you with my two babies.  I love them so much, these little faces are my shadow during the day.  Even if they're napping, the minute I start to move out of sight, they're up and at my feet.  Unconditional love for sure.

Anyway, I hope you have a blessed Tuesday, I'll see you back here tomorrow.  

This day in 2006 - Coffee and Special K anyone?
This day in 2007 -
This day in 2008 - Lemon Bread Pudding
This day in 2009 - Feeling a little blah
This day in 2010 - Something big my way comes
This day in 2011 -
This day in 2012 -
This day in 2013 - Homemaking in progress
This day in 2015 -
This day in 2016 -
This day in 2017 - Happy Homemaker Monday
This day in 2018 -
This day in 2019 -
This day in 2020 -
This day in 2021 -
This day in 2022 - Drought and old books
This day in 2023 - Happy Homemaker Monday


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I totally get what you mean. If I take time for myself to read or something - I feel so guilty and Like I should be doing something else. We've got to stop doing that to ourselves! Love your antique finds and the furry baby pics 😊💕

Sarah said...

I’m totally the same, I feel bad if I rest so I push myself and end up ill.
I just love vintage/antique books too, and I love the smell of an old bookshop too ❤️