Good morning and a very happy Monday to you all!
Come in friends, sit down, let's chat. It is a hot morning here in Texas, just after 7 in the morning and already 85 degrees. That's my cue to stay indoors and rather get busy with inside work.
I've really enjoyed chatting with you all in the last few posts I've made. It feels like we're getting back to good ol' blogging, and that makes me so happy. It's good to see many of you also returning to your blogs, posting more and engaging with other homemakers.
It's going to be a bit of a slow one for me, I had a busy weekend and really need a day of slow mindful homemaking. It's good to take one sometimes.
Anyway, let's get going with our Happy Homemaker Monday, I wish you all a blessed week ahead. Stay safe my friends, draw closer to God, we really need to in this day and age.
Before we start though, take a look at my last post. If you are one of the old bloggers and want to reconnect again, give it a read and maybe join in? Let's lift each other up and interact more, I am guilty of not doing it, life gets in the way and yeah......
*** The Weather ***
Had a bit of a reprieve last week with nicer temperatures but we are right back at it. Today's high? 103, tomorrow's? 104. Just UGH, BLECH!!! Thankfully the rest of the week cools a bit and there looks like we even have some rain on the way.
*** Right now I am ***
Still sitting in my warm bed. I'm moving slow today folks LOL Working on this post and have the TV in the background just for sound.
*** Thinking and pondering ***
About my blog and posts and photos and all that stuff. I sat down and just messed around with the template a bit, over the weekend. I didn't change anything, yet, but it felt so good to be back on here looking, browsing, planning posts and interacting with you all. *** How I am feeling ***
The allergies are off the chart. I think the hay fever is the worst, and then Elliott is also shedding. I've spent the weekend blowing my nose, completely congested to the point of not even being able to breathe properly, swollen eyes and so itchy. Allergy meds are not even helping. Just praying for this to go away soon.
*** On the breakfast plate ***
My usual cup of coffee with 2% milk, oatmeal with shredded coconut and cinnamon. *** On the lunch plate ***
Salad with a little tuna and a boiled egg.
*** On the dinner plate ***
Oven baked Tilapia, boiled potatoes with escabeche sauce, mixed vegetables. (Escabeche is a Portuguese sauce we use for fish, it is made with wine, vinegar, garlic, paprika, olive oil and sliced onions).
*** On the menu ***
Will start working on the new meal plan today, the new menu will start Thursday after I grocery shop.
Oven baked Tilapia, boiled potatoes with Escabeche sauce, mixed vegetables
Hungarian Chicken Paprika, wholewheat noodles, salad
Falafel Pitas, oven fries
*** What I am wearing ***
Still in my nightgown, will put on some comfy leggings and a tank top after.
*** On my reading pile ***
Will read the last verse of the book of Revelation in the Bible, then will start again but using the bible commentary and some of your suggestions.
Halfway through What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez.

*** On my TV this week ***
- Brazilian, Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living, Quiet
Sic Portugal - A Promessa telenovela
Period Dramas - Been missing watching these, so going to take a look around and see what is new, if anything fun, I will definitely share later.
*** Looking around the house ***
It is a beautiful, albeit hot morning. The sun is shining through the windows and bringing that gorgeous golden tone we love. I have a comforter spread on the couch right now, it was washed yesterday and I always throw it in the dryer for a bit, then let it finish air drying over one of the couches. I need to fold it and put it away.
I have dishes in the sink from dinner last night. *hides shamefully*
I don't do this very often, but I had an awful hormonal headache yesterday and cramping. Jasmine and her boyfriend were over for dinner, but after they left, I couldn't handle being up any longer, so rinsed everything, put them in the sink with hot water and soap and will tackle them this morning.
Ask me if I am in the mood for it now? Hahaha No, no and definitely not. I always regret it the next day, but it will be done.
*** To do list ***
Need to harvest some of my oregano to make oregano oil.
Bible and Devotional time
*** From the camera ***
I shared this photo a few days ago, but I have to share it again. There is something so calming about it, it also seems to perfectly depict homemaking and a comfy, cozy home. I love it ♥

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses ***
When Goliath faced David, he cursed him for being young and coming at him with just a simple stone, and no big formidable weapons. But David said to him "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
I just love that. We often forget the authority we have been given by Christ. No matter what the enemy brings against us, we have God on our side, that is how we fight, that is how we defeat.
Read the book of 1 Samuel, more specifically 1 Samuel 17.
NOTE: MisterLinky is not loading for me this morning. I am using InLinkz instead, sorry about that friends.
Thank you so much for faithfully hosting this linky party! I'm excited about your new blog post that you spoke about and I'm going to check that out for sure! I LOVE the new look, and the new ambition toward blogging, its an inspiration!
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Good morning. Sorry your day is starting out so warm with last night's dishes, but look at this way it can only get better as you accomplish your tasks :D I look forward to joining in on your blog renewal post. I hope your headache is gone and you have a fabulous week.
Enjoy your hot day inside... we all need a reset at least once a week. Have a great week
Blessings to you on your week ahead dear Sandra! Prayers for healing from those darn allergies. And I hope the weather cools for you soon. :)
It was suddenly warm here too, not too bad, but that switching makes it difficult (sometimes fresh, sometime warm..)
Just take it easy and you'll be able to hold out the longest.
Annoying, aren't they, those allergies, but despite that, have a nice week.
Wow I’m not sure I would cope with that hot weather, although I would like just a leeeetle bit of sunshine please. It’s like constant drizzle and 15c at the moment.
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