We've started this day with cleaning and organizing. We have this outside storage area thing, I don't even know what to call it, it's outside in our driveway and it's pretty small so when you don't have a garage to use for storage, everything makes it's way in there.
Let me tell you that during the past year we got to a point where we just opened the door and threw things in, it was just THAT frustrating and overwhelming. Well we got out there this morning and threw a bunch of things out, swept the area and repacked everything neatly organized. Feels and looks SO much better.
We also took down the last of the Christmas decorations, packed most of them away but threw a bunch out too, especially lights. What's the point of keeping lights that end up in a big knotted ball and NEVER work when you plug them in again?
Last visible Christmas remnant, this small little patch of red tinsel still stuck to the tree outside.
We got that done pretty fast and just in time to come back inside for some lunch. I made Mexican layered dip for our New Year's Eve celebration and the leftovers were used to make delicious Nachos.
After lunch I sat down to draw up the shopping list. I have to get groceries in the morning as the commissary is closed today. Good thing we have a lot of yummy leftovers to tide us over until then.
Now I have laundry washing....I mean WHO doesn't? It's a never ending task in this house and I'm sure in many of yours too.
While the laundry washes I'm going to turn my attention to some of my new Crochet projects, like this one below....can you see what it's going to become?
I have a big mason jar that I want to use to hold some flowers and I thought it would be really cute to make a crochet jar jacket for it. Loving it so far and it's going pretty fast, I should have it finished by tonight.
I'm in love with these 5 colors right now, I think they make such a pretty combination, so I'm making a round cushion for the chair that is at my Homeschooling desk. It's just a plain round flat circle, though mine is curling up a bit, but it will be fine once I block it and sew it together. Have to make 2 of these circles, not sure what I'm going to do with the back, I'm thinking of picking just one of the colors and making it a solid circle. We'll see.
These I'm so excited about, they come together SO fast and I already have the pattern memorized in my head so I just whip them out when I get a spare moment.
Want to take a guess what these will become??
If you guess blanket, then you would be correct. I have a ton of these to make and will then turn into a crochet blanket, not sure if I want a full size blanket for my bed, or just a smaller lap blanket for watching tv or sitting at the computer.....I'm thinking that is probably what I'll do.
So that's what's going on around here, the very first day of January of a whole new year....2011. My goodness it feels like the days and years are just flying by.
I don't make resolutions because I find that I never stick to them but one thing I DO want to try and concentrate on this year is my blog and visiting all my wonderful readers. I do read your blogs but often times don't have the time to leave a comment and for that I apologize, I am going to try very very hard to change that.
With that in mind, I'm going straight to Google Reader after I hit publish and I'm going to Mark All As Read and start fresh from tomorrow morning. Aahhhhh feels good to make a clean start.
Hope you are all having a wonderful beginning to the year, I'm actually eager to get through all the holidays and return to some sort of normalcy.
God Bless,
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