Way I see it, it's one more week closer to moving and getting settled into my new house....and summer break too :)
Anyway, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday!
As I look outside my window:::
I'm actually having to squint, the sun is shining so brightly. It's windy though so the chairs on my deck are moving to and fro and the trees are whipping about. I'm so over this wind, it messes with my allergies big time.
Right now I am:::
Drinking a cup of hot coffee with Italian Sweet Cream Creamer, thinking about what I should eat for breakfast. I'm not really very hungry but I know I should eat something and I just don't know what.
Thinking and pondering:::
On what I have going on this week, not a lot, thankfully. Also thinking about my blog and how much I want to get back into my daily blog visits and seeing what everyone is up to. I spend so much time scrolling through Facebook and there's nothing going on there, so I am going to start taking that time and visiting my blog friends. More and more, I miss the old bloggy days and what blogging really meant, just women sharing their lives, their families, visiting each other, encouraging each other.....now blogs seem to be something completely different, more people are vlogging on Youtube, blogs are mostly about giveaways and reviews or people on soapboxes going on and on about how the way they do things is the right way. It's just not a very pleasant atmosphere, in my opinion.
On my bedside table:::
My Bible
My Kindle - reading The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler
Simple Abundance: A daybook of comfort and joy
On my tv tonight:::
Granite Flats (need to finish watching last week's episode and the new one from last night)
Turn (watch episode 1 and 2 and 3)
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
The 100
Impractical Jokers
Hangar 1: The UFO Files
Ancient Aliens
Ghost Adventures
Long Island Medium
Granite Flats
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Listening to:::
My son talk to me about the game he is playing. I don't understand anything he is saying or what it means, but it's important to him so I just nod and say yes and smile. The joys of motherhood right?
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Tamale Pie
Tuesday - Sausages and Mash
Wednesday - Hamburger Helper, Salad (not my favorite but was requested by the family)
Thursday - Crockpot Bean and Bacon Soup (forgot to put it in the crockpot last week)
Friday - Jasmine's Birthday so out to dinner
Saturday - Homemade Garlic Cheese Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza
Sunday - Baked Fake Steak, Stuffing, Mash
On my to do list:::
Laundry, haven't done it in, oh.....one day *shake my head*
Change bed linens
Sweep and Vacuum
Happening this week:::
Monday - Housework, Lucky Leaf Review/Giveaway, Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday - Housework
Wednesday - Tae Kwon Do
Thursday - Tae Kwon Do
Friday - Jasmine's Birthday
Saturday - Niece's Dance Competition in Twin Falls
What I am creating:::
Working on my corner to corner blanket

My simple pleasure:::
Watching and photographing birds
Homemaking tips:::
When you are writing out your schedule for the house, make sure to include time for yourself. It doesn't have to be a long time, but even a few minutes here and there will make a huge difference in your day.
Looking around the house:::
Nicholas is on the couch playing a game on his laptop, with Lola sleeping next to him. My husband is getting ready to leave for work and Jasmine is still asleep, of course. I have some dishes in the sink to wash, and others that need putting away on the rack. Living room needs a little tidying up and I'm hoping to get all the floors mopped, but we'll see, with all the laundry and housework and homeschooling, I may end up just being able to sweep.
From the camera:::
Prayer List:::
Our upcoming move, finding the right house for us
Friends and family
Bible verse, Devotional:::
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
just stopping by to say HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!
I love the blanket you are making!
I've missed something. I thought you had decided not to move at this time. Hmmmm. Glad you had time to stop by my blog to visit. I've missed you.
I miss the old blogging days too. There was a whole different tone to it. I like how you've stayed true to yourself.
I SO agree with you regarding blogging. I have stepped away from doing reviews for the most part. But sometimes a review comes along I just cannot say no to. LOL!!
I find it funny when I make from scratch food all the time. Then one day I ask my family what do you want? The answer usually floors me when they say boxed mac and cheese or hamburger helper. LOL
I started blogging because of the feel of the old blogging days, sadly I started as things started changing . But I enjoy it none the less.
I never thought I would be one of those moms who had laundry to do daily, I just don't understand where it all comes from. And to think my girls are still a couple of years away from being teenagers.
Have a great week!
I agree, though I'm new to blogging. But what inspired me to start, was your wonderful blog, and the blogs of those I've found through your blogroll. I found myself wanting to try to commit to starting one, because you all seemed like such good people and your insights and writings have become a part of my life. I can't speak to the other blogs you refer to, Sandra, but I don't read blogs for reviews, what keeps me coming back is you and others I've started reading regularly are the sort of people I would be pleased to have as neighbors.
BTW, I loved the family photo taken on Easter, you all look to have had a blast! I never found a recipe for the Portuguese sweet bread, but we found a recipe for traditional hot cross buns, and like the ones in your photograph, the cross wasn't made with icing, but a flour/water paste piped on before baking.
I completely agree with your statement: "now blogs seem to be something completely different, more people are vlogging on Youtube, blogs are mostly about giveaways and reviews or people on soapboxes going on and on about how the way they do things is the right way. It's just not a very pleasant atmosphere, in my opinion"
I like the advances in technology but technology needs to be able to enhance communication, not encourage selfishness. oh well. I will just do my bloggy thing and if I only have a few readers then I know they are sincere!
Thanks for writing! I am praying for you!
I agree, I love blogging to jot down my experiences of being a wife and mother and the things that have been going on in my life and I love to read what others write as well. I'm not into the blogs that have free giveways and that kind of stuff. I like when I read a blog about something a mother is going through and I think wow I've been there and it's nice to see someone else is going through what I have too. It's nice reading stories from other stay-at-home moms. I've been blogging for almost 12 years (over one year on Blogger). It's also a great outlet.
Sorry I have been so busy I didn't get a chance to participate in HHM this week. I missed it! Hoping life will slow down soon so I can enjoy blogging again.
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