This week we have State testing, so all 4 kids are currently busy and I am waiting on them. I could go home because we are but 5 minutes away, but unfortunately all 4 are sick in some capacity or other. The worst one right now is Nicholas, and then Tiffany, then Colby and Jasmine who started with a sore throat this morning.
So, I'm staying put in case one of them needs me. Luckily though, like I said above, the testing is at the library so I can enjoy some coffee, some books, some wifi and some rest. Praying that all 4 kids feel ok.
Alright, on to our Happy Homemaker Monday......
As I look outside my window:::
It's very bright and sunny today with not a single cloud in the sky. Thankfully the winds have stopped. I see some cars in the parking lot if I look out to my left, and to my right I see cars driving by.
Right now I am:::
Sitting in the study area with my laptop, typing up this post, and enjoying the quietness and the scent of books all around me. You know what I mean!!!
Thinking and pondering:::
On the testing, on all the work we still have to do aside from the testing, and on the move....of course.
On my bedside table:::
My Bible
Kleenex, Vicks and my body lotion
On my tv tonight:::
Granite Flats
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
The 100
Impractical Jokers
Hangar 1: The UFO Files
Ancient Aliens
Ghost Adventures
Long Island Medium
Granite Flats
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Listening to:::
Nothing but silence, oh and the click click of my keyboard as I type this post.
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Crockpot Pork Meatballs, Spaghetti
Tuesday - Chicken and Chourico Rice
Wednesday - Homemade Cheesy Garlic Pizza
Thursday - Sausages, Mustard Mashed Potatoes, Onion Gravy
Friday - Crockpot Chicken Lickin'
Saturday - Fish and Chips
Sunday - Crockpot Macaroni and Beef
On my to do list:::
Laundry, got everything done but the whites, and I need to wash the Tae Kwon Do Gi's for tonight
Finish Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping
Happening this week:::
Monday - State Testing
Tuesday - State Testing
Wednesday - State Testing
Thursday - Catch up on Housework
Friday - Catch up day, sewing, crochet, reading, blog reviews etc
What I am creating:::
Still working on the corner to corner blanket, it's been slow because I haven't had much time to really get into it.
My simple pleasure:::

Homemaking tips:::
This one is referring to baking as well. I usually like to get everything done on a Sunday and freeze it for the week, so I make a huge batch of pancakes and waffles, muffins and even bread, then freeze it and during the week we just take out what we need.
Looking around the house:::
Well more like looking around the library. It's very quiet, I'm surrounded by bookshelves which makes me very happy. There is an elderly gentleman sitting at the far end of the room working on a computer, and I can hear two ladies chatting over at the coffee shop.
From the camera:::
Rainy day yesterday and as much as I love the rain itself, the dark skies contrasting with the green trees is even more beautiful.
Prayer List:::
My husband's 90 days probation for his job, is coming up next week, praying for that.
Praying for our move, that we find the house we really love and are able to get into that one and out of this one without having to pay double the rent.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.
1 John 3:21-22
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Prayers for you on the move! And good luck on all the kids state testing.
I love going to the library and being surrounded by all those books. My husband thinks I'm crazy because I get so excited just walking into the library and through the aisles of books I love the smell, sound, look, feel, etc. I could probably spend hours in any library. lol There's just a peacefulness, and being surrounded by all the books and quiet.
Hopefully the kids feel better. We are just getting over allergies and colds here although the rain has now reached us so I'm hoping the colds stay away.
Your week looks hectic Sandra :) I'd like to hear more about the mustard mashed potatoes, is that the condiment or mustard seeds/powder, or mustard greens? It sounds interesting. And that photo, of what I'm assuming is chorizo or linguica filled bread looks delicious, it has craving a fresh baked roll, filled with either sausage... or maybe a pizza with linguica as a topping.
Despite my best intentions, starting my Happy Homemaker post this morning, I had to finish it just a few moments ago, as I had to get out the door. :) Still, it's earlier than I've finished it in the past.
I have been hankering for a trip to our library. I think it is part of the summer experience, and after this long winter, I am ready for summer. I wish you the best with your move and all things with your family.
Happy Monday Sandra!
Good luck with the testing. Love the photo of the trees.
Have a wonderful week. :)
good luck to the kid and good luck finding a new home for you all..
take care,
I am so jealous of the quite library time. I really need to go to ours and return some books. I might be able sto squirrel a way a few hours this week to take some time.
I love this time of year when the trees first bud and they are that vibrant green against the dark bark. It's one of the most beautiful sights.
The menu sounds so good.
To have a quiet afternoon at the library...that sounds heavenly. Hope your kiddos do well on their testing and that they feel better soon.
OMgosh I can't wait until our trees are green again! Another week I think! :D What do you think of Salem? I watched the first episode and I am not sure if I like it or not. I will definitely watch the 2nd episode to decide!
I bet the kids are glad that testing will be over this week. My girls were so happy to have theirs finished last month. Hope they all feel better soon. :)
Praying for the state testing. I have to go through that soon enough. I hope you all get well soon!
Ah the library.....I've so missed the opportunity to just go and sit in the library. I borrowed a video this past week from the library and that is the first I've been there is probably 3 years.
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