Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?
The weather outside is::::
Currently it's 40 degrees with a high of 74 today. We had such beautiful weather this weekend, nice and warm and it really feels like Spring, finally.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with Almond Joy Creamer and a Raspberry filled donut. I'm feeling a little rebellious, but to be fair, I'm kind of needing a little pick me up.
As I look outside my window:::
My lawn is needing mowing, but the sweet neighbors across the street are coming over to do it this morning. I didn't ask, but they know Curt is away at the moment and offered, which I found very kind on their part. Greatful for good neighbors.
Right now I am::::
On the couch with Lola, writing up this post and mentally planning my day. We are less than 4 weeks away from when the trailer is dropped off and I have to really get my packing into gear.
As I look around the house::::
Nothing new to say here, the moving stage of any home is not that exciting is it? Boxes packed and unpacked are laying around, piles of items are seen in corners ready to be moved to the garage for easier packing. The house is starting to look empty and it's sad in a way, but so very exciting in another.
On today's to do list::::
Listing some items on the classifieds for sale
Currently reading::::
Finished Running Fire and just have to get the review up.
On the TV today::::
The Lizzie Borden Chronicles
If there be Thorns
My Portuguese Soaps - A Unica Mulher, Mar Salgado, Mulheres
The Following
A bone to pick
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Tuesday - Hotdogs (Zumba night)
Wednesday - Barbecue Pork Sandwiches
Thursday - Tuna Salad (Zumba night)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Jasmine's Birthday
Sunday - Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes
Favorite photo from the camera::::
With everything that has been going on, I've been literally hanging on by thread, my wonderful daughter who loves cooking decided to make a very simple quick dinner. She made this amazing garlic italian pasta which was delicious......and she called me to the table and this is what I saw. Made me cry. I love her.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Psalm 42:1 NIV
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Aw, your daughter is very sweet. So great that she knows her mom needs somee TLC, too. Hope your pup is doing better. One more week closer to your move!
That is so ironic - hubby turned to me last night and said he wanted a raspberry jelly filled donut, now granted he's on pain meds from the surgery, but still...
What a sweet simple gesture with the pasta <3
Sorry to hear that you didn't have a great weekend. Is Lola okay now?
Jasmine is such a blessing to you. What a sweet girl!
Hope your week improves.
I saw on insta about Lola's seizures. Prayers that she will be more stable now - especially with how you're already so overwhelmed!! Blessings to her and all of you to keep hanging in there dear Gal.
Amen for good neighbors! And how precious is your daughter?!? Give her a hug from me (a perfect stranger) that's moved by what a wonderful young Lady she is becoming.
I wish I could be closer to help in some way (& to do zumba with you gals too - it'd be so fun!!) ;)
God bless and stay strong.
Love that pasta heart!
Thinking of you through this difficult time... know that if God brings us to it, he will bring us through it! Better things are ahead! So sweet of your daughter to do that dinner, they always know when we need them ;-) Deep breathes, this too shall pass and all will get settled again.
Many blessings to you and your family.
What a simple sweet and perfect gift from your daughter. And how very nice of the neighbors to offer that little bit of relief from one more thing that needs doing.
Thinking of you and your family. prayers and hugs
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