Sunday, June 18, 2023

{ Blog 365 #169 - Sunday School - Discipleship Lesson 3 }


Scripture Text: Luke 5:27-39

We can all relate to one word in our lesson today. That word is taxes. We would like to get rid of taxes and thus remove tax collectors. But taxes and tax collectors are here to stay, so we must get along with them. Christ knew taxes were necessary to support the government, so He instructed men to give to the government that which belongs to it and to give to God that which belongs to God. In today's lesson, Jesus converted a tax collector. He recognized Matthew's life as belonging to God. He called him to Christian
service. Christ extends to all men a threefold call.

MEMORY VERSE: They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. —Luke 5:31
Christ Calls Men to Be Something

For this reason, Christ calls men to repentance. Men cannot be what they ought to be without genuine repentance. Matthew's call to be something involved at least two things: transformation of character and reformation of conduct. Christ saw him as he was, and He saw him as he could become. By changing his character, or in giving him a new Spirit, He reformed his conduct. Christ deals with all men in this manner.
Each of us is two persons: the person we now are and the person we could become.

Christ Calls Men to Do Something

Matthew's first job was to arrange for his friends to meet Christ. He prepared a feast in his home, invited his friends, and brought Jesus to them. They saw and heard Him for themselves. The larger one's circle of society, the greater is one's opportunity and responsibility to introduce others to Christ. Compare the personal approach of Andrew to the mass evangelism of Matthew. Matthew lived and worked in a much larger social circle and had a feast for that purpose. Both methods are effective in helping others to
find Christ. Everyone does not have to work in the same way. Why?

Christ Calls Men to Suffer for His Cause

Matthew had to pay a price to have a relationship with Christ. What he did brought to both him and Christ the ridicule and criticism of the scribes and Pharisees, who were the religious sects of that day. It must have been extremely embarrassing and trying for Matthew to have these folks enter his home and criticize his Guest. Christ is always more than a match for His critics and can handle every situation, as He did here, if we will only allow Him. It is always much easier to face persecution when Christ is near. Are
we willing to answer Christ's call today to be something, to do something, to suffer something for His cause?

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

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