morning everyone, and a very happy Monday!
I have had a busy 2 weeks, and can now finally take a breather. I feel that our lives go in phases, we have busy times, we have quiet times, just like that, a constant rinse and repeat.
Jasmine moved out yesterday, so leading up to that it's been crazy, and then this weekend was another flurry of activity to get her finished packed up, and moved out. I moved through it all with a smile on my face, encouraging her, giving her advice, answering her questions and doubts. But Lord only knows the desperation and sadness I felt within.
As mothers, we carry them for 9 months, give birth to them and nurture them until they're ready to go out on their own. When they do, we feel an immense sense of pride and accomplishment, in having our part well, but they take a piece of our hearts with them. I guess I am now part of that mom club. It's a huge change for us, and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
I am thankful for every day that I had my girl within my home, but now I hand her back to the Lord to watch over. And so a new life cycle begins. Am I ready for it? I don't know, are any of us ever ready for this part of motherhood?
Anyway, please continue to pray for my girl and her new life, this is a huge change for her as well.
Also, I know my blog is severely behind, I have miserably failed at the blog 365, although I am hoping to go back over the next week, and try to catch up.
Now, let's get on with our post. Have a blessed week my friends, and remember that no matter what happens, keep your eyes up and focused on our Lord.
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
Monday - Variable clouds with strong thunderstorms, 76
Tuesday - Cloudy, 83
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 88
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 97
Friday - Mostly sunny, 103
Saturday - Mostly cloudy, 99
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 102
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
It is quite early in the morning, so I can't see much but the lights around the house.
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
Enjoying my cup of coffee, isn't the first sip in the morning, always the best?
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
About what I need to do. I have to give Jasmine's room a deep clean, and start working on turning into a guest room.
♥♥ Listening to ♥♥
Our air conditioner just turned on, so that is what I am hearing at the moment.
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Sad but happy for my girl. It's a bittersweet feeling.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
At the moment, just a cup of coffee with peppermint creamer. Will probably have a sandwich or some scrambled eggs later.
♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Not sure, might make a tuna salad with black eyed peas.
♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
So Jasmine hates seafood of any kind, while the rest of us 3 enjoy it, which means, I very rarely made any recipe that included seafood because I knew she wouldn't eat it. Now that she's moved out, Nick is actually thrilled that he gets to enjoy seafood again. Hahahahah
He is sad his sister left, but happy for the change in food. With that in mind, tonight's dinner is one of our favorites, which I haven't made in years. Padre Island Shells.
♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
Grey and pink summer nightgown.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
My Bible and our study plans for church.
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
I am on Season 4 of Dirilis: Ertugrul. One more season to go, then I'll move on to Kurulus: Osman.
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Tuesday - Galinha a Jardineira (Portuguese Chicken Stew), Roasted Garlic Squash
Wednesday - Pork Schnitzel, homemade fries, mixed veggies
Thursday - Green Chile Chicken and Rice Casserole, Salad
Friday - Shepherds Pie, Steamed Broccoli
Saturday - Ervilhas com Ovos (Portuguese Pea and Egg Stew) , Bifanas (Portuguese Pork Sandwiches)
Sunday - Chicken Alfredo Ravioli Bake, Cheesy Garlic Bread
It is a disaster at the moment, well, the living room and dining room. Jasmine had boxes in and out all weekend, so it needs a good tidy up, vacuum, carpet clean and dusting.
♥♥ To Do List ♥♥
Happy Homemaker Monday post
- Start Jasmine's room
- Clean bathrooms
- Clean chicken coop
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
No pictures today, I need to recharge my camera battery, and start taking pictures this week.
♥♥ Devotional, verse, thoughts ♥♥
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me …
For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not
be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken
spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." -- Psalm
51:10, 16-17 (ESV)
Sending positive vibes to Jasmine for her new life adventures. Get some rest this weekend. Have a great week
Sounds like you handled Jasmine's move like a trooper. Handing them back to God is a good thing though a hard thing! Enjoy watching her grow on her own, it's very satisfying. And YAY for Nick and the menu change - the Shells for tonight sound delicious! Have a great week and I hop the thunderstorms aren't too bad.
I am praying for you my friend! We have had one out on her own for about a year now. It promise it gets easier and more 'normal', but I know that for awhile it seems very odd. Is she close by? My girl is at Oak Island now, which is three hours from me. Thankfully the first time she moved out she moved to college and was only 45 minutes. I am thankful I had that small space so I could prepare my heart for a much bigger one! Enjoy your seafood! Seafood is the best lol!
Ahhh, the stages of Mom Life.....enjoy each of them as you are able. Oh, and there's nothing like that first sip of Steaming...HOT....coffee. Well other than the quiet solitude & smell of the fresh morning.
All of these stages of parenting...goodness. They all come with their own beauty and their own heartbreaks. Much love to you, my friend!
Sending lots of prayers and wishes for joy on Jasmine's new journey ....but also prayers for peace and comfort for a sweet Momma dealing with this new chapter. I know that pain well. Big big hugs Sandra! 🤗 I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and that you all enjoy your seafood! Lol xoxo
Super exciting for Jasmine! I can't imagine all the mixed feelings you must be experiencing at this new milestone. After I moved out, I remember I was home every weekend (to do laundry & forage for food LOL) for a while. Hope you find peace in the coming days and enjoy your new menu items. Hope your week has started off beautifully.
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