So welcome home little one, may you continue to recover and be well on your way to a full recovery, and to momrn2, thank you for all the updates and for still finding the time to comment on my blog, it means the world to me, you are an amazing and special lady....sending you all tons of love and hugs. May God continue to bless you!!!
On more than one occasion I've had to pull her aside and explain that she's not the mother in the house, and she needs to stop trying to tell her brother what to do or ordering him punishment. Sibling annoying!!!
Yesterday when we went to Walmart, we stopped at the bank and Curt ran inside while we stayed in the truck. Jasmine was sitting in the back seat holding one of those american flags for the cars, you know the ones???
Well anyway, she sets it up on the seat and then places her hand over her heart and starts reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. I just smile and next thing I know I hear from the backseat "HEY, you need to put your hand over your heart and say it with me, UNDERSTAND?", and I'm thinking "here we go again, yelling at her brother."
Yeah well, the brother was ME. She was instructing ME on what to do. Oh no you didn't. All I had to do was turn around and look at her and she quickly said "Sorry I was just kidding".
What to do??? Is this something I'm going to be dealing with until she moves out of the house? When did she become a teenager? Overnight?
I love my child to death, but she's walking on a thin line with me. It seems that the minute she started school I've had this power struggle to control her and keep teaching her right from wrong. I send her off acting one way and she comes back home acting completely different.
Lord help me, it's going to be a long 11 years!!!
First thing I want you to do this morning is to go on over to "Freedom Isn't Free" and read the letter to a soldier. I think that any military wife, mom or family can truly relate and for those that are not in the military, I think this letter will better explain the way we feel when our loved ones are deployed.
I'm so glad I have nothing planned for today, after running around yesterday I'm really pooped. Can I say that out loud? Cause that's how I feel.....
Tomorrow we have Scottie's (my friend Veronica's son) Birthday party at the bowling alley. Scottie is one of Jasmine's friends, or actually he's one of her good friends, they've been friends since kindergarten and it's so cute watching them together. She's having a hard time with the fact that he's leaving in two months to go to Washington. Yet another hard part about military life, you make friends and then they get orders somewhere else. Make new friends, and then it happens again. I choose to think of it as a way to meet new people, if I don't then I get extremely depressed over the friends I've said goodbye to over the years.
But moving on, then on sunday we are heading out to see the Volcanoes nearby. We're all pretty excited about that, and of course me being the Papparazzi that I am, you can be sure to see lots of pics LOL
We're also planning a trip to a few other places this summer, Shoshone Falls, Three Island Crossing, Redfish Lake, Soldier Mountain Ranch just to name a few. There's so many beautiful places to visit in Idaho, so we've decided to take advantage this year and really go out and see them.
Last year we did go to Silver City, which is a Ghost Town. These are some of the pics we took.

Can't wait to get out there and sightsee again.
Remember today is friday so I've got my "Remember When???" posted, check the post below for it.
If you like scary stories, that will be one you don't want to miss, if you DON'T then I suggest you just ignore it LOL
You know what??? I better get going, Jasmine just woke up and I need to get her some breakfast.
OH OH I almost forgot to tell yuo all that Nicholas is finally potty trained. I'm SO thrilled and he's being such a big boy. He actually runs to the bathroom when he has to go and does it all on his own. I'm just happy that we've finally gotten to this stage :)
Three Island Crossing is a fun experience but take lots and lots of water. It's hot out there!
Redfish lake is what the lakes in Heaven must look like. We camped there so often when the girls were little. You'll love it.
My kids are forever bickering and correcting one another - it makes me nuts.
Yay to potty trained child! That sure is a huge milestone. It sounds like you have a very busy life.
Thanks for stopping by with kind words this morning. I appreciate it.
Have a great weekend.
Slacker Lame-o
Oh wow Jasmine & Alli.... exactly alike! Alli constantly bosses this whole house around. It used to be so cute & we'd all laugh. Now we realize we shouldn't. Cause now I want pull my hair out!!!
Jaymi - Argh I guess I still have to put up with this for a while LOL I get frustrated because she will say "oh but so and so says it", well I don't care, I'm not their mother. LOL
morning glory - Check, will remember to take tons of water. Can't wait to camp at Redfish Lake, it looks so beautiful and after you've described how the lakes must be what it looks like in heaven, I'm soooo eager to go :)
Liz - Thank you :) I do have a busy life and it's nice to catch my breath once in a while LOL
Court - LOL maybe we should get Jasmine and Alli in a room together and let them boss each other around, might get it out of their system LOL
Hey, I'm back - checking all my blog buddies' blogs (say that 5 times fast) because I'm off for a few days to spend time with the family.
I'll check in when I get back. I did leave a post on my blog, though.
Gotta go... the road's calling. Have a great weekend.
Oh, dangit, I meant but forgot to say (because like your kids, mine - all 4 of them - are in my face bickering about where everyone is sitting in the van --- aaarghh) that I'm going someplace that looks a lot like the pictures on this post.
It's nice and peaceful out there -- that is if the kids can stop bickering for any amount of time.
ok... I'm off for real now.
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