I'm sure you're wondering just what I did with myself this past week. Well, I cooked and baked and I cleaned....boy did I clean, my house hasn't been this clean and organized in a very long time....and most of all I read. I have read 5 books and not just little paperback ones.......FIVE HUGE HARDCOVER ones with 500 or so pages. Why??? Because I love reading and because I was bored and for the first time in my life I found myself looking around and saying "I have nothing to do" LOL
See that picture up top? That's my lemon tree, my beautiful gorgeous lemon tree which I adore and which seems to be falling apart on it's own. I don't know why or how or what is making this happen but it's the second time that we've lost half of the tree.
The kids were playing outside and I heard Nicholas yell that the tree fell down....when we ran outside to check we came upon it looking like that, it just broke right off, it's like the branch splintered and fell. Why is this happening???? I'm no gardener or tree expert so if anyone out there would like to clue me in, I would very much appreciate it. In the meantime I have to pick that heavy branch up with all it's baby lemons on it and discard of it AND then inform the kids that they are not allowed to play anywhere near that tree. Can you just imagine if one of them was under there when it fell??? *shiver* Thank the Lord that they weren't!
My netflix movies arrived this past week and I decided to give them a try...it was the first 3 discs of the "Rome" series. I'll tell you that I watched about 10 minutes of the first one and turned it off, it just didn't do it for me, so back they went to the mailbox and today I received the next 3 on my Queue:
Gettysburg: Three Days of Destiny
Nothing too good for a Cowboy

In the meantime I also made covers for my washer and dryer. Usually I would leave them without anything on but I got tired of cleaning the dust that collects on them, and, I had this great fabric just sitting there doing nothing.
Here's the final result....it's not perfect but it works for me and I like it.
And when I wasn't sewing I was busy cooking and baking which is by far my favorite way to spend the day. So if you are looking for a great easy to die for dessert, here's one for you:
But more on that on the food blog and here on this one later.....I haven't been to any of your blogs yet so I don't know what is going on, but the last time I was able to check my email Susanne told me that she had tagged me for a book meme. It's like she could read my mind and knew that since I had no internet, I would have been reading away my time....she's a smart lady LOL
So here it is:

1. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? I have always loved reading and there really isn't a time in my life when I can remember not having a book around me. From an early age I was engrossed in books, literally devouring as many as I could.
2. What are some books you read as a child? Being that I am portuguese I did read a lot of portuguese children's books, I remember this set in particular that I just loved and actually just saw it again at my dad's house when I was back in Africa last month. I also remember Nancy Drew and The magnificent Seven books, but the one that stuck out the most for me would have to be The Strawberry Girl.
3. What is your favorite genre? Definitely Historic Romance but lately I'm into the Twilight Series which is all about Vampires and Romance LOL
4. Do you have a favorite novel? Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I have read some amazingly good books but never in my life had a I cried like a baby, until I had this book in my hands, it is by far my favorite novel EVER.
5. Where do you usually read? Anywhere I can. Like Susanne, nothing is off bounds....I read in the kitchen, in the living room, in bed, I even take the book with me to read in the car while I wait to pick up kids or to catch a quick peek before I head into the store. *snicker*
6. When do you usually read? Whenever I can. If I'm really into a book I find myself with it stuck to me all day long, but mostly at night, after the kids are in bed, I just get under the covers and read for hours.
7. Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time? Uhhhhh....YES! LOL
I know some people don't like it and get confused reading too many, but I don't....I can easily read 3 different books at a time.
8. Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction? Non fictions require a lot more patience and concentration from me. With fiction I can just tune out and read it anywhere, but if it's a biography or a Christian devotional or the Bible or something else, then I have to have quiet and I need to concentrate. I do tend to get bored with non fictions though and can't really devour them like I do the fiction.
9. Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library? I check out a lot from the library, but I also buy tons and I also get them from Paperbackswap. Heck anyway I can get my hands on a book I will LOL
10. Do you keep most of the books you buy? Yes I do, hence our lack of space for books in this house and the overfilled bookshelves. I do trade them out through Paperbackswap but it depends on the book. Some I just can't bring myself to part with.
11. If you have children, what are some of the favorite books you have shared with them? For my 9 year old daughter Jasmine, it would have to be the American Girl books and Anne of Green Gables. With my 5 year old son Nicholas, it's harder....he just likes anything LOL
12. What are you reading now? I just finished the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer...absolutely addicted to those and can't wait for the new one in August. I also just finished Lorie Wick's "Sophie's Heart" and a funny one called "Deep Dish" by Mary Kay Andrews. Right now I'm reading "A Version of the Truth" by Jennifer Kauffman and "Married to the Mop" by Barbara Colley.
13. Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list? No, but I do keep a TBR Shelf which is full and I still find myself adding more to it everyday.
14. What’s next? Next is "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer, the conclusion to ther Twilight Series.
15. What books would you like to reread? All of Julia Quinn's books...love her historical romance.
16. Who are your favorite authors?
And there you have it and I can't just walk away without tagging someone, anyone.....so I have to tag Renee because she loves reading about as much as I do, I'm not sure who else wants to do the meme, but if you do then let me know so I can come and see yours :)
That's it for now, I think I've talked way too much and besides I have groceries to go buy and bills to pay and all that other fun stuff that comes with payday.
I'll fill you in more on what's going on here tomorrow....like the kids Library Reading Program.
Sandra,glad that you are back on line. It has been some hectic time for us the past couple of days.
I posted about it and I Have finally got caught up on my reader.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Big Time Hugs and God's blessing headed your way from me.
I read three books at a time too. I find it is normally a non-fiction, self-help/child rearing, and a fiction just for fun book. In my twenties I had to limit my reading because I one time called in sick to work just to finish a book. I have more self control now.
The orange rolls look yummy!
So glad you're back online! I feel your pain. My laptop died two weeks ago yesterday and is still somewhere across the country, in a repair shop. I hope it comes home, safe and sound, one day! In the mean time, I'm getting a lot of other things accomplished and a lot of reading too. Fun reading meme, enjoyed reading your answers :)
Have a great day and a wonderful week, Sandra!
Yup, I knew you'd be tearing through the books! I loved your answers. Redeeming Love is an absolutely amazing book. I'm like you , I find it very hard to part with a book I've liked.
Welcome back! I missed you. Your poor tree - I don't know anything about trees, but I hope it stops breaking!
Hi Sandra, wow, I was wondering where you were...I figured you were just being busy being the wonderful mom that you are, and settling in after your trip to S.A.
And I was right...wow, you've been cleaning/cooking/reading/baking up a storm....terrific!
Rolls intimidate me, I think I can't possible make them....maybe I'll work up my courage...I like orange flavour baked things.
I didn't know that you were such an avid reader, and now I'm glad I do know, its one more thing we have in common! I too have been like this since childhood, although I do find it difficult to wade through books that are hundreds of pages long. Ironically, when I read short books, I wish they would go on longer...tee hee!
I am not familiar with these authors, so I am going to print out this post of yours and file it under "books" in my bloggy binder. That is where I keep all the recommendations that interest me for future reference from my fellow bloggers.
Bye for now and see you soon...
That must have been so fun to be on a reading kick like that.
I'm so sorry about your lemon tree. I have no idea bout trees either.
Hey Sandra. cute laundry covers. Mine are being used 24/7, so covers would never make it on them :)...
Glad to see you're back.
I wish I had some answers for you on your tree. That will truly be sad if it completely goes.
Glad your back! You've been gone too much lately...we miss you.
Krista don't know nothing about trees!
I luv books too! I read constantly, and yes I can read more than one book at at time. Do you ever dream about your books after you've read one? In my dreams I'll continue story lines and everything. hmmmm I just wish I could get it all down on paper, but it never sounds as good as it did in my dreams...
Glad your back! You've been gone too much lately...we miss you.
Krista don't know nothing about trees!
I luv books too! I read constantly, and yes I can read more than one book at at time. Do you ever dream about your books after you've read one? In my dreams I'll continue story lines and everything. hmmmm I just wish I could get it all down on paper, but it never sounds as good as it did in my dreams...
So happy your back=))
The washer & dryer covers are adorable! I may have to have some now. Thank goodness my grandma Loves to sew lol!
I sent you my address to an email address I have for you but not sure if it was the right one.
Thanks again Sandra!
so happy to see you're back with us ;-) thanks for the blog visit.that would be so nice to read alot of books i long for the day when mckenna is older ;=)
So glad your back looks like you had a great time, I briefly checked your blog. That is so sad about the lemon tree, we had a bradford pear that suddenly did the same thing last year and we ended up having it cut down to save any damage to the house cuz it was real close.
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