On my bedside table:
The Friday Night Knit Club
Small mason jar with fresh flowers
Country living magazine
On my TV:
Robin Hood Season 3
Paranormal State
On the menu for tonight:
Cowpoke Chili -recipe will be up on the food blog later
On my To Do List:
Just a quick pick up after the weekend....I did all my spring cleaning last week so I have a spotless house.
New Recipe I tried last week:
Hearty Baked Potato Soup - Absolutely love it
In the craft basket:
Bread Bags - I'll show you soon
Looking forward to:
Getting back into my Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I got the stomach bug last week and had to stop exercising for 3 days, I miss it.
Also looking forward to Jasmine's birthday this Saturday, my baby girl is turning 10 years old.
Homemaking Tip for this week:
If you have tons of canning jars laying around and not quite sure what to do with them...go on and read Sanity Saving Ideas for Canning Jars.
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
My View from my Window....
Favorite photo from last week:
When you suddenly find yourself in bed because of sickness, allow your children to pamper you. You would be surprised at just how much they'll make you smile and how much better you will feel.
On my Prayer List:
My family
My husband and children
My family in South Africa
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid.
You are worth more than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:30-31 (NIV)
Glad you had a good week Sandra...Bet you are all busy making last minute plans for Saturday.
Enjoyed reading your list. Also like your picture. Oh yes a clean house - that's always good!
I enjoyed reading your list, Sandra, and I'm glad you're feeling better now.
I agree there is nothing better then a clean house.
Have a great day!
I love that scripture, Sandra. It always awes me that God cares enough about each one of us that knows how many hairs we each have. Thank you for the reminder not to be afraid.
Enjoy your Homemaker Monday as usual!
Sandra,great post.I hope that you are having a great day!
A spotless house!! I don't know what that is! LOL! :) Glad you are feeling better and that you were able to finish your spring cleaning! The soup sounds AWESOME!!! Thanks!
Glad to hear that you're feeling better ;)Thanks for hosting every week.
A clean home, that is bliss on earth. I so want to just nest and be the best wife and homemaker I can be.
May God bless you Sandra and your family.
Roberta Anne = The Raggedy Girl
thanks for you comment.. I found your blog through my friend sarah.. I have been doing it for awhile now.. I think this is the first time I put my name on the link.. I am going to try your pancakes really soon for sure!
I'm bummed I missed HHM this week ! :) It's great being in the new house though and I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine !!
Anyway ... I'm just catching up on your posts !! Hope Jasmine is feeling better ... I read in one of your most recent post that she is not well. Poor little darlin'.
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