The word routines and schedules may make many crinkle their nose in disapproval, but I tend to like them, matter of fact as much as I enjoy the holidays I do tend to start feeling a bit like a fish out of water, and yearn for the end of all the celebrating so I can get back into my routines.
That is what I've been doing.
Hubby went back to work this morning so when I got up, I had my coffee alone, I missed not having him there to chit chat. Felt weird but it also helped me ease back into my routines.
After the morning coffee, the apron slipped oh so effortlessly over my head and I went right into Homemaker mode.
I was asked recently how I manage to get all my housework done in one day without failing to accomplish it.
For me it's very simple, I don't stop until it is done. Now when I say I don't stop, I don't mean that I don't take a minute or two to attend to children, or grab a quick bite. I mean that I don't allow myself to sit down for longer than 5 minutes because if I do, I KNOW I will not feel like continuing with the task at hand.
Something I also do is reward myself for the work hour before dinner time just for myself, for crocheting or checking email, or just having a hot cup of tea.
House work does not need to be daunting or frustrating, it IS what we make of it and over the years of being married I have truly come to love it and enjoy it, I take great pleasure in creating a cozy home for my family :)
Floors swept and ready for mopping
Now that I have the wooden floors, I wash them like any other floor but when it comes to drying, I prefer to hand dry them with a towel, it helps to give them a good shine and not leave any weird ugly streaks all over.
On to stripping beds, washing all the linens.........
From my bedroom into Jasmine's.....the girly stuff has been slowly disappearing from the room and being replaced with her tastes and likes, brighter bolder colors....
Freshly made bed, smells wonderful and feels so comfy, makes you want to dive right in :)
She's growing up, she has a very strong sense of family loyalty, of independence, of who she is and what she wants and she won't stand down for anything and anyone. She amazes me daily :)
While she plays a game on the computer, little man is much more interested in rereading his new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book....he got it yesterday and he's read it twice cover to cover. I love hearing him belly laugh on the couch and running to me during the day with the book "Guess what?". I then listen as he tells me word for word what is happening and how funny it is :)
On to his bedroom I's his domain, it's filled with Nicholas things, those items that tell everyone just what he is about and what he likes. I have to say, my kids have mad drawing skills....they both drew the Angry Birds :)
And another bedroom done, curtains opened, windows flung open and a breeze flowing in.....
My apron pocket is filled with all sorts or random bits and bobs, as I do my housework I stash in stuff to be thrown out, I find that I empty the contents into the trash can at least a few times a day. Aprons are not just pretty accessories, they DO come very handy.
Lunch break....leftover Yakisoba noodles.
He's determined to eat everything with chopsticks lately, don't matter what it is.....and he's getting pretty darn good at it too.
Back to work, I got all the laundry done, folded, ironed and put away. Bedrooms vacuumed and clean, beds fresh and ready for tonight and by the time I looked at the clock it was 3:30pm.
With the housework done, I rewarded myself with a hot cup of tea and a new crochet project.
It's these little moments that replenish my soul.
They don't have to last very long, they don't have to involve anything elaborate, just a simple sit down with a hobby I enjoy :)
Dinner was finished off and ready for when hubby came home from work. Chicken Curry....yum yum.
A couple of you asked me to share the recipe. There are actually I think two versions on my food blog.....I use the same recipe for my beef, chicken or crab, shrimp curry. I just change out the meat/fish accordingly.
It's been a productive day but as tired as I feel, I also feel joy because what I set out to do has been achieved.
My house is clean and now I get to sit down and relax again, pick up my crochet project and enjoy the thought that tomorrow I don't have much to do but get some sewing time and homeschooling :)
Oh before I forget, Susanne asked me if I use the manual settings on my camera and the answer is YES! I haven't used auto in about two years, I like being able to control the settings.
I also promised to talk about the shows I'm watching lately and completely forgot about it, I guess it can be a post for tomorrow right? Righty O'!
Your posts make me feel happy and content, because of the joy you have in your family and home.
Thanks for the recipe - sounds good!
Thank you Mari, I do hope that it translates through the screen just how much I do love my family and my home :)
You are such an encourager. Thanks!
I love reading about your day!
I love getting back into a routine after Christmas, it was nice to sit with my coffee first thing. I'm sure it'll take me a while to catch up though. :)
You seem to be able to get done in one day what takes me a week to do. Perfect example of why my blog is called 'Just Getting By'!
Sandra~I truly love your blog! I don't have one, but check yours daily for wonderful encouragement. Today's entry was no encouraging to enjoy the work that God has given us as mothers and wives to do! Thanks for that! Also...I LOVE the first quilt you show in this entry as you talk about cleaning bedrooms today. Is it a store bought one or handmade. If store bought, do you remember where you got it? I LOVE the colors!!! Thanks again! Blessings, Moira
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