Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
{ Blog 365 #150 - Our chicken are in their coop }
As a first time chicken mama, I have to say that the day we moved them outdoors, my heart broke. I felt like I was putting my child outside in the yard, to fend for themselves.
I hardly slept that first night, I kept looking out my bedroom window, to make sure they were ok. Silly me!
Of course, as always, it was me who was panicking, because they were
quite content being in their new, big chicken coop, with lots of space
to run around.
They should have gone out sooner, but so much was going on here at home,
that we didn't have the run fully sealed off, and didn't want to take
any chances.
For the moment, as they get used to being outdoors, we have placed their little coop, in the big run, and they are only too happy to go in and sleep when it's nighttime.
I thought I would have to train them to go to bed, but they trained themselves while still in the house, with us. The minute it started getting a little dark, they would all climb in and put themselves to bed. Smart chickens we have.
So, let me show you how our babies are doing.....they are huge right now. Henry the rooster is the biggest one, and he has really taken to being the owner and ruling the roost. It's quite funny watching him with the two girls.
Kaia loves the chickens. She is not aggressive towards them at all, and I think that is due to the fact that she watched them grow, indoors, and got used to them.
However, she IS curious and sometimes gets her nose too close to the fence, which then gets pecked by the chicks. She just pulls back immediately and walks away Hahaha
I love them all, but I have to be honest and say that my boy Henry, has a special place in my heart. He always comes running to me, and loves getting petted.
The coop in the back of the run, will eventually become their main one, but for the moment, we are not allowing them near it, as it needs a bit of work.
Some of the trim needs to be replaced, the nesting box needs to be fixed and the latch replaced, and other little bits here and there. Oh the roof, it needs to be removed, fixed and replaced. So, quite a bit, but they have the other coop which they love, and are used to.

We plan on planting some plants around the coop, plants that are beneficial to chickens and not harmful at all. So far we have some Thyme planted by the door to the run.
This morning, we also added in a small swing for them. They haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure soon we will see them enjoying it. On top of the run, we have some misters which we also want to attach, to help them cool off a little during the summer months.
I'll have to take a photo of the coop at night, it looks so pretty with the lights we have hanging.
I hope you enjoyed seeing our chickens, and how much they've grown. Makes me wish I had gotten chickens many years ago, because I am absolutely in love with these babies. So much fun being a chicken mama ♥
Monday, May 29, 2023
{ Blog 365 #149 - Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/29/2023 }

morning friends. Happy Memorial Day!!!!
May we always remember what we celebrate on this special day. May we always be thankful to the ones who sacrificed all, that we are able to live in a free country.
I hope you've had a good long weekend so far, ours has been a good one, full of rest and family time. We are having a barbecue later this afternoon, my brother and his family and my niece and her family will be over. I'm just praying the rain holds out, since we've been having so much of it lately.
Let's get right on with our Happy Homemaker Monday. Have a blessed week friends ♥
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
We are once again expecting some rain, later in the week.
Monday - Cloudy, stray thunderstorm possible, 86
Tuesday - Sunny, 89
Wednesday - Mostly sunny, 89
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 88
Friday - PM Thunderstorms, 87
Saturday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 84
Sunday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 81
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
I am sitting on my bed typing this post, and from my bedroom window, I see dark skies. There is a little bit of a breeze going, which is making the Indian grass wave back and forth, ever so slightly.
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
Working on this post, then I need to get things ready for the barbecue later.
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
I've been thinking about my great grandmother Ema, a lot lately. I don't know why, but I just miss her, miss talking to her, miss listening to her stories and learning from her too.
♥♥ Listening to ♥♥
The sound of the filter in the turtle tank, and the birds outside.
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
I'm a little tired, as usual. But I'm feeling well otherwise.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
I had coffee and some toast.
♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Not sure yet, will see what I feel like later.
♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
Barbecue.....ribs, chicken legs, burgers, potato salad, Hawaiian macaroni salad.
♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
Still in my nightgown.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
My Bible.
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
I finished Magnificent Century and I can't even say I loved it, because that doesn't describe how much I loved this show. It is my top favorite series, EVER. I actually started re watching some of it again, which is something I never do.
I have the sequel to watch, which is The Magnificent Century: Kosem.
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday - Barbecue.....ribs, chicken legs, burgers, potato salad, Hawaiian macaroni salad
Tuesday - Fettucine Alfredo, Garlic Bread, Salad
Wednesday - Baked Meatballs, Rice, Garlic Bacon Squash
Thursday - Chicken Lasagna, Steamed Broccoli
Friday - Hot Italian Sandwiches, Macaroni and Cheese
Saturday - Orange Chicken, Rice
Sunday - Asian Beef and Noodles
I need to once again carpet clean, this rain makes everything muddy outside, so anytime Kaia goes out to potty there are muddy prints to clean.
♥♥ To Do List ♥♥
Happy Homemaker Monday post
- Laundry
- Carpet clean
- Marinate meats for barbecue
- Make Baked Beans
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
Spending time with the Lord.
♥♥ Devotional, verse, thoughts ♥♥
In Sunday school yesterday, we talked about a critical spirit, and more specifically the story of Moses, Miriam and Aaron. We often tend to think that we are not critical or don't judge, but the truth is that we all have our moments, where we allow that critical spirit to rear it's ugly head. The good news is that we can repent, and ask the Lord to forgive us, which He always does.
Do you have a critical spirit? Have you ever said something to someone or about someone, without even thinking? When we criticize others, we are actually being disrespectful and disobedient to God. This lesson sure made me reflect and think, I hope it does the same for you.
We live in a society that thrives on being disrespectful, and constantly judging and criticizing others, so it's easy to get caught up in that mentality and go along. But we are called to stand out as Christians, to set apart from others, and that means not engaging in these games that the enemy loves to play.
Sunday, May 28, 2023
{ Blog 365 #148 - A Critical Spirit}
In Sunday school, we talked about a critical spirit, and more specifically the story of Moses, Miriam and Aaron.
live in a society that thrives on being disrespectful, and constantly
judging and criticizing others, so it's easy to get caught up in that
mentality and go along. But we are called to stand out as Christians,
to set apart from others, and that means not engaging in these games
that the enemy loves to play.
often tend to think that we are not critical or don't judge, but the
truth is that we all have our moments, where we allow that critical
spirit to rear it's ugly head. The good news is that we can repent, and
ask the Lord to forgive us, which He always does.
you have a critical spirit? Have you ever said something to someone or
about someone, without even thinking? When we criticize others, we are
actually being disrespectful and disobedient to God. This lesson sure
made me reflect and think, I hope it does the same for you.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Friday, May 26, 2023
Thursday, May 25, 2023
{ Blog 365 #145 - Cooking Thursday }
Cherry Pie Cookies
Source: Lucky Leaf
½ cup butter, softened
½ cup margarine, softened
2 cups flour
¾ cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 (21 oz.) Lucky Leaf®
Cherry Pie Filling
½ cup white or milk
chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 325°F.
Mix butter and margarine until fluffy. Add flour, powdered sugar and vanilla just until combined and a soft dough is formed.
Roll the dough into two-inch balls. Place on greased baking sheet or baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Press thumb into center of cookie to make a well. Place cherries into each cookie.
Bake for 12-15 minutes. Allow cookies to cool.
Melt chocolate according to package directions. Drizzle over cookies. Let chocolate set and serve immediately or store in an
airtight container.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
{ Blog 365 #143 - Magnificent Century Period Drama }
Do yourselves a favor, and watch this fantastic series. It is about the Ottoman Empire, but so well done, so brilliant, that you can't help but become obsessed.
Such a fantastic look at the life of Ottoman Empire Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent.
I don't necessarily agree with the rules and laws of the time, with the harem, the concubines and the way punishments were handed out, but it is quite interesting to learn more about his rise to power and his life.
Sultan Suleyman was the first Sultan to break all tradition and rules, and marry one of his favorite concubines Hurrem Sultan. His family turned against him, his closest confidant betrayed him, one of his sisters tried to kill his wife multiple times, and he eventually orders the execution of his first born son, Prince Mustafa, for betraying him. It is a crazy ride of a show, but you can't stop watching.
If you're interested, you can watch every episode on Youtube, on the Magnificent Century channel.
Monday, May 22, 2023
{ Blog 365 #142 - Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/22/2023 }

Good morning friends. I am so sorry this post is once again late. It's been a week, a crazy, emotionally charged week, especially this weekend.
It started with the poor starving puppy that walked onto our property. We managed to save her, feed her, and she has gained some weight. We also found her a home with my niece Tiffany, and she is so happy with her new home and her 2 new doggie siblings. It was a stress filled ride, because no one wanted her, we couldn't keep her, and when we tried to take her to humane society, they denied her and stated she needed to instead be turned into the local animal services, which is a kill shelter. It's just heartbreaking!
Once we got that taken care of, and she was in her new home, thank God for my niece Tiffany and nephew Stephen, our Kaia started throwing up. We spent two nights up with her. She is fine now, thank God as well.
And then Friday morning, my poor husband was hit with a migraine attack that lasted all weekend long. If you have migraines, you know how debilitating they are. I felt helpless at times, not knowing what to do for him. He is fine now, but goodness.
He is also celebrating his 50th Birthday today, so I'm glad he is feeling back to normal.
So, it's been just crazy. I only got a chance this morning, to run out and get him some gifts, hence the lateness in this post. Please forgive me.
Let's just get right on it.
I hope you all have a blessed day and blessed week.
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
We are expecting rain this week. We've been blessed with quite a lot of rain, thankfully.
Monday - A mix of clouds, 83
Tuesday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 82
Wednesday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 80
Thursday - AM Showers, 80
Friday - Isolated Thunderstorms, 82
Saturday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 81
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 90
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
Cloudy and rainy.
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
Just sat down on my bed and am trying to get this post up, as quickly as possible.
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
Just thanking God for seeing me through this past week. It was hard. I am not feeling very well, I'm exhausted physically and mentally, but I'm here, and we look to brighter days ahead. That is what I'm focused on.
♥♥ Listening to ♥♥
Just talking back and forth though voice messages, with my niece Tiffany.
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Blessed and thankful that my husband is ok, Kaia is ok and Gracie is also in a loving home.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
I've had a cup of coffee and one canolli. That's all I've managed so far.
♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Philly Cheese steak Calzone
♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Sauteed Squash
♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
Shorts and a tshirt.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
My Bible.
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
The moments I have been able to try and relax a bit, I have been watching a Turkish series on the Ottoman Empire. It is fabulous and I am just obsessed with it. So well done, brilliant actors, and of course, Historical fiction. It's called Magnificent Century and is actually available on Youtube.
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday - Costeletas de Cebolada (Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce), Mashed Potatoes, Roast Zucchini
Tuesday - Spaghetti Pizza Pie, Salad
Wednesday - Grandma's Pork Chops and Skillet Fries, Steamed Broccoli
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
It's thankfully clean and tidy, because today I just can't even deal Hahahah
♥♥ To Do List ♥♥
Happy Homemaker Monday post
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
Another week with nothing to share. I'm sorry friends, I did take a few photos but haven't edited them yet. Next week I'll have a photo to post.
♥♥ Devotional ♥♥
No need to wonder what you have to do to get God's acceptance. Jesus purchased your acceptance on the cross. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp - Sunday, May 21, 2023
{ Blog 365 #141 - Sunday Verse }

Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” - Galatians 4:6
Saturday, May 20, 2023
{ Blog 365 #140 - Saturday }

My poor husband is down with a migraine attack. It is so debilitating to the sufferer, and incredibly sad for the loved ones who have to watch them go through it.
If you have any tips or advice for migraines, please share them. This is the worst one he's had so far, mainly because of the stressful circumstances we've been under, the past week.
As always, we leave it to God's hands and know He will see us through.
Friday, May 19, 2023
{ Blog 365 #139 - Friday 05/24/2023 }
This week has been very stressful for us, there is a lot going on. But in these moments, where we feel the pressing of the spirit, small gestures can bring a smile to our faces.
My sweet girl Jasmine, gifted me some new Cath Kidston items, for Mother's Day. Amongst them, was this beautiful enamel Tea Set. How gorgeous is the tea pot and the mugs? They are patchwork, which is one of my favorite patterns.
I've already indulged in numerous cups of hot tea, and will surely be enjoying many more.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
{ Blog 365 #138 - Cooking Thursday }
This is such a quick dish to throw together, it's great as a snack or as
a light meal, served with salad, homemade fries or rice.
that is exactly what we had for dinner last night, my kids and hubby
devoured these, they were amazed that something so simple could taste so
Hope you enjoy it too!
Ham, Cheese and Sausage Rolls - Rolinhos de Fiambre Recheados
8 hotdogs (if your ham slices are small, then cut them in half, like I did)
8 slices of ham
8 slices of cheese (I used both American and Pepper Jack)
2 eggs, beaten
salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic powder
In a bowl, beat the eggs and add the spices, mix well. In another bowl add flour and in another one, the breadcrumbs. We're going to use these to dip the ham rolls in.
Lay a slice of ham flat on a cutting board. Top with a slice of cheese. Squeeze some mustard onto the two, you don't need a lot but enough to hold everything together. Our mustard is going to act as the glue.
On one edge of the cheese slice, lay the hotdog and then roll up gently. Set aside and proceed with the rest of the ingredients.
What I love about this is that you can make as many or as little as you want. If you have more people just double the recipe, but you can also make just 2 or 3 of these if it's just for you.
Once all the rolls are done. Start by rolling in the flour, then dip in the egg mixture, then roll in the breadcrumbs. Now you'll notice that the sides will be open, I just dip those in the egg too and make sure to cover with breadcrumbs.
Fry in hot oil until golden brown. That's it.
You can also make these ahead of time and freeze them until you're ready to fry them up.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Monday, May 15, 2023
{ Blog 365 #135 - Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/15/2023 }

Good morning friends.
First, let me apologize for this post going up so late. My internet decided to stop working this morning, and after trying to restart, reset, and do all sorts of gymnastics with the modem and router, it is finally up.
I'm going to try and get through this quick, in case it goes down again. We've had a lot of storms lately, so I'm not sure if something was damaged.
I hope you all have a blessed day and blessed week.
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
Quite a lot of rain lately, with more ahead for this week. I feel like we are constantly mowing the yards. Hahahah
Monday - Mostly cloudy, 77
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 81
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 81
Thursday - AM Thunderstorms, 84
Friday - PM Thunderstorms, 86
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 77
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 79
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
Was cloudy, but the sun is starting to shine through. Everything is still soaked outside, from the rain we had during the night and morning. Looks so pretty!
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
At my desk, trying to get this post up as quick as I can, and hoping the internet stays put.
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
About my to do list. Also, last week Thursday a lost dog happened onto our property, practically starving. We have been watching over her, and feeding her, while we track down her owners. We don't want another dog and really can't have another pet, but we've managed to find out she is chipped and the shelter she was adopted from, so waiting on their phone call to see who her owners are.
♥♥ Listening to ♥♥
Nothing at the moment, just the keys on my laptop as I type.
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Blessed. Had my mammogram on Friday and praise be to God, everything is well.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
I had a cup of coffee and toast.
♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Not sure.
♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
Chicken Strogonoff, Rice, Beans.
♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
Black shorts, pink top.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
My Bible.
On the Kindle.....finishing off Wedded to War (Heroines Behind the Lines Book 1) by Jocelyn Green
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
Finished watching Kurt Seyit and Shura
Finished Carlos Rey Imperador
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday - Chicken Strogonoff, Rice, Beans
Tuesday - Pasteis de Massa Tenra (Meat Pastries), Garlic Tomato Spaghetti, Salad
Wednesday - Costeletas de Cebolada (Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce), Mashed Potatoes, Roast Zucchini
Thursday - Chicken Lasagna, Salad
Saturday - Homemade Pizza
Sunday - Leftovers, sub sandwiches etc.
We had my family over for Mother's Day yesterday, so I just need to take out the two leaves from the table, and set things back in order.
♥♥ To Do List ♥♥
Happy Homemaker Monday post
- Set things in order from yesterday
- Carpet Clean
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
Nothing this week, I haven't taken any pictures.
♥♥ Devotional ♥♥
All that believe are justified - Acts 13:39- Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon -
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
{ Blog 365 #133 - Five Senses Saturday }
Welcome back to another Five Senses Saturday.

:: HEAR ::
- Rain on the roof and the wind howling loudly
- The tank filter running
- The chickens clucking away
- Kaia barking at whatever she sees out the window
- Family laughing and having a good time, at dinner

:: SEE ::
- Elliott laying next to me on the bed, sleeping
- Rain drops glistening on the grass
- My Bible on the bedside table
- Period drama on the TV
- Lightning Flashing brightly
:: TOUCH ::
- Stack of crochet blankets
- Hot soapy water as I do the dishes
- Potted plants
- Pages of the Bible as I read
- Kaia and Elliott's soft furs
:: TASTE ::
- Slice of cake with a cup of coffee
- Strawberry Pretzel Dessert for Mother's Day
- Milky Tea in the afternoon
- Roast Pork Tenderloin, perfectly cooked
- Vanilla Ice Cream

:: SMELL ::
- Rain
- Scented Candle
- Burgers on the grill
- Shampoo as I wash my hair
- Lemon as I slice it for my water
Friday, May 12, 2023
{ Blog 365 #132 - Friday Favorite }
I came across these old recipes, the other day, and I wanted to do a blog post on them, but after going through my older posts, I realized I had already shared them.
However, it is such a special gift to me and something I hold so close to my heart, that I can't help but share again.
It may not look like much to you, it may even have you wondering what is so special about these old Portuguese recipes put together quite badly actually with some staples.
But the meaning to me, is one which I find hard to put into words.
It reminds me of my great grandma Ema, matter of fact we put these together when I was just a little girl, sitting around the kitchen, trying to cook just like her, I remember cutting these out of a cooking magazine and then neatly placing them in a pile, I was determined to use those when I grew up, my very own recipes.
The thought thrilled me to no end and my great grandma knowing how much I loved them called me over to her one morning and said "Sandra, let's sit down and get those recipes put together so you don't lose them".
I was so excited, I grabbed them all, placed them in categories and then waited for her to help me.
I can still vividly remember her hands cutting the twine, tying it around the pages.
And I can tell you that I had forgotten what gems of the Portuguese Cuisine lie hidden in these pages....just picking them up again today and flipping through has brought tears to my eyes, I only wish that my great grandma was here with me, watching me cook and bake and carrying on the wonderful lessons and values she instilled in me.
That is my biggest gift ever. But for now I will just be content in knowing that these little booklets of recipes have a special place in my favorite things :)
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