It's great but it's also not. Know what I mean???
Let's just say that I honestly thought last week when the kids were on spring break, I would get to sleep in and not have to be up early etc. That didn't happen!!!
Then for the past 3 days I have gotten hardly any sleep, I don't know what it is with my kids but I'm getting so frustrated. When will they learn that night time is for sleeping????
Or do I have to look forward to this zombie kind of life until they're 18 and out of the house???
I was SO not ready to get out of bed this morning, it felt like I had just finally drifted off to sleep and the next thing I look over and it says 6:30am on the clock. GREAT, time to get up and start the day!!!
I literally dragged myself out of bed, but I did let the kids sleep in until 7:30am. Since we live just behind the school I can afford to let them do that and still get them out of the house by 8:05 am the latest. Pretty good huh?!?!?!?
So the weirdest thing happened last night. Just before going to bed I pray, it's something I always do. I thank God for the great day I had, I thank him for my family and for being so blessed and I pray for the troops and their families, etc. I was just about done praying and I say to God "you know, this week has been so hectic and I'm exhausted and I honestly feel like I am alone at times, I mean I know I have you and I have guardian angels etc, but it feels like everyone's taken a break from me". Then I proceeded to ask God to please give me some sort of sign that I am indeed not alone!!!
I didn't think anything else of it. Sometime during the night, I woke up singing.....yeah, singing!!! Now I've never done that, but here is the weird but cool part....I was singing in my head, Celine Dion's song "I'm Your Angel" and not the whole song either just this one part:
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
How about that huh??!?!?! I haven't heard that song in years. Just goes to show that God never deserts us and just when we think we are alone, or we feel like we just don't have that connection to him, he reminds us, all we have to do is ASK.
That was a big wake up call for me, a reminder that we get so caught up with our daily lives and forget what is important.
You can bet your bottom dollar that I thanked him first thing this morning. Now if I could just remember to put my fears and problems in his hands. Easier said than done isn't it?
So I'm heading out the door, I have to go book Jasmine's party at the Bowling Center. I also have a couple of phone calls to make. I try to set up our yearly doctor visits around the kids birthdays so I don't forget.
Jasmine of course wanted to know why she had to go see the doctor if she wasn't feeling sick. LOL
All I can say is......JUST wait until you're older and having to go for the yearly OB/GYN visit. YEP that's enough to make you want to run in the opposite direction!!!!
Well I'm outta here, you guys have a great morning, and hey.....have a cup of coffee and a donut for me!!! :)
Nice Sandra!! If I woke up singing the house might fall down! I do not have a great singing voice!
Sorry your babies are keeping you up at night. Mine go through phases but right now they are being great at night--and awful in the day :) But I love them to bits !!!
I love some of the cool things in your side bars. I am going to borrow some (if you don't mind) for my ne blog skin. It is a work in progress thanks to you inspiring me :)
See God always has a way of showing we are not alone. About the sleep thing you are certainly not alone there girl! LOL
I'm diggin the slide thing with all the pics. That's really cool. Happy back to school day!
Toni - Thanks and go ahead borrow as many ideas as you want, I don't mind at all :)
Court - LOL I guess we'll be zombies for a while longer.
Stacy - Isn't the slide thing awesome? Thanks we had a good back to school day :)
Laurie - It's frustrating because you would think we could get some extra sleep LOL and as for the sign, I'm still surprised and shocked LOL
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