Anyway, we decided to go a bit earlier. Our appointment to get Jasmine's computer wasn't until 1pm but we got to Boise just after 10am. The reason is that yesterday I had gotten an email from Toys R Us mentioning that there would be an Easter Egg Hunt at the store. Usually Curt's squadron does one for the kids but they haven't for the past 3 years so we thought this would be nice for the kids.
We get there and they each get a map with clues etc. They have to read the clues and then go around the store and find the stickers.
Jasmine and I took off looking for the clues, I was collecting for Nicholas because he decided he just wanted to sit in the shopping cart and didn't want to walk around. Fine by me LOL
As soon as they collected all the stickers, they went back to the front counter and each got a "Easter Goodie Bag". It came filled with candy, a glitter pen, a coloring book, a comic book etc. Pretty neat and the kids were all happy!!!
Then we see the Easter Bunny........Jasmine is thrilled and goes right up to say hi and get a picture taken with him.
Nicholas about bursts into tears and is terrified of the Easter Bunny LOL
We couldn't get him near him, he didn't want candy from his basket and he certainly didn't want pictures taken. We couldn't even get Nicholas to participate in the Egg Hunt, he kept looking over his shoulder making sure the BUNNY wasn't out to get him LOL
So we let Jasmine do the egg hunt, I swear that girl is like a dog sniffing out sausage....she zipped through the store and made out like a bandit with so many eggs.
After the hunt was finished there were still some eggs laying around so we finally convinced Nicholas to get some.

As soon as they collected all the stickers, they went back to the front counter and each got a "Easter Goodie Bag". It came filled with candy, a glitter pen, a coloring book, a comic book etc. Pretty neat and the kids were all happy!!!
Then we see the Easter Bunny........Jasmine is thrilled and goes right up to say hi and get a picture taken with him.
Nicholas about bursts into tears and is terrified of the Easter Bunny LOL
We couldn't get him near him, he didn't want candy from his basket and he certainly didn't want pictures taken. We couldn't even get Nicholas to participate in the Egg Hunt, he kept looking over his shoulder making sure the BUNNY wasn't out to get him LOL
So we let Jasmine do the egg hunt, I swear that girl is like a dog sniffing out sausage....she zipped through the store and made out like a bandit with so many eggs.
After the hunt was finished there were still some eggs laying around so we finally convinced Nicholas to get some.

Apart from Nicholas not wanting to participate much, which is understandable for his age, they both had a really good time, and so did we. We bought Nicholas some of his birthday presents there too, and come on, who doesn't have a good time walking around a Toys R Us store???? It's like a trip back in time to your own childhood!!!
Afterwards we went by Carl's Jr for some lunch. I swear that place has the best burgers, and talk about huge. I had the Portabello Mushroom Burger which was HUGE and enough to feed all 4 of us LOL
By the time we made it to the Boise Outlet Mall we were JUST in time for her class to begin.
Curt took Jasmine and I took Nicholas to walk around the stores. They were actually done pretty fast so we ended up going to the KB Toys Liquidators store and got Nicholas some more birthday presents. So he's officially bought for LOL
Except for one thing, he desperately wants a Spiderman Scooter, so I'm probably getting him one at Walmart.
So there ya have it, that was our saturday. Now today we're on the lookout for a computer desk for Jasmine's New School Computer. It came with 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade reading programs which is perfect for her cause she's reading at a 3rd grade and 4 months level. It won't be a game computer, it's strictly for homework and school so it's going in her bedroom. Hopefully we can find a computer desk around here.
Well I have cleaning to do and I have to run to the commissary for milk and some items to make Nicholas' birthday cake. I usually bake their cakes so they get to pick out the theme and then I go online and research etc.
Jasmine is getting an Ice Cream Cake this year for her party, and for Nicholas I'm baking this one:
Afterwards we went by Carl's Jr for some lunch. I swear that place has the best burgers, and talk about huge. I had the Portabello Mushroom Burger which was HUGE and enough to feed all 4 of us LOL
By the time we made it to the Boise Outlet Mall we were JUST in time for her class to begin.
Curt took Jasmine and I took Nicholas to walk around the stores. They were actually done pretty fast so we ended up going to the KB Toys Liquidators store and got Nicholas some more birthday presents. So he's officially bought for LOL
Except for one thing, he desperately wants a Spiderman Scooter, so I'm probably getting him one at Walmart.
So there ya have it, that was our saturday. Now today we're on the lookout for a computer desk for Jasmine's New School Computer. It came with 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade reading programs which is perfect for her cause she's reading at a 3rd grade and 4 months level. It won't be a game computer, it's strictly for homework and school so it's going in her bedroom. Hopefully we can find a computer desk around here.
Well I have cleaning to do and I have to run to the commissary for milk and some items to make Nicholas' birthday cake. I usually bake their cakes so they get to pick out the theme and then I go online and research etc.
Jasmine is getting an Ice Cream Cake this year for her party, and for Nicholas I'm baking this one:
Wow this post is long....I'm actually tired of writing LOL
Hope you guys have a great sunday, I have tons to do so I'm outta here......see ya all tomorrow morning, bright and early. :)
Hope you guys have a great sunday, I have tons to do so I'm outta here......see ya all tomorrow morning, bright and early. :)
Your post reminds me of a story my mom told me about my brother being scared of chocolate when he was little. Apparently the fact that it was brown, really put him off! She says she always regrets making him eat a piece!!! (Can you just imagine, "COME HERE AND EAT THIS DARN IT!") Another time he refused to eat the carrots on his plate, whereupon my mom told him they weren't carrots, but 'wortels' (yanno carrots in afrikaans) and he totally fell for it! :)
Wow sounded like you had fun! I love Easter egg hunts probably more than the kids!!! HeHeHe!
Glad the kids had fun at the eater egg hunt. I always try to make ours a fun time too :)
Valk - LOL that is hilarious. My hubby got Jasmine terrified of eating those marshmallow peeps, he was messing around and told her that they were newborn baby chickens. Well now she won't touch them LOL
Court - I do too, I was kinda glad Nicholas wasn't interested cause I got to do his LOL
Mel - They had a blast, this weekend I'm going make an easter egg hunt at home for them too :)
That is the cutest cake ever! I hope you have the greatest success making it. I made a snowman cake one time for Queen Beth when she turned 5, but that's the most creative I ever got in the cake department.
Morning Glory - I'm going to take a pic after it's made, hopefully it looks like the original LOL Snowman cake, that would have been soooooo cute. :)
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