So it's wednesday and time for another "Works for Me Wednesday". If you want to visit the rest of the participants, just go on over to Shannon's Blog.
We all know how it is when driving anywhere with kids in the car. You constantly have to deal with the boredom which turns into fighting over any poor toy that happens to have found it's way into the backseat.
After dealing with this for a couple of months, I decided that enough was enough. So I went out and found these cheap $2 see through containers, each with a different colored lid.

Each of the kids got to pick the one they wanted, they then filled it with THEIR own choice of toys and snacks. I stick the boxes in between their car seats, and they each have access to it.
Problem solved, I don't have to deal with crying and fighting over toys, they keep themselves entertained and I can drive without having to feel like I'm about to have a heart attack or a car accident from reaching back there to yank toys out of stubborn little hands.
Hope this tip helps someone else :)
Now moving on to something else. The weather here has just been gorgeous....we're actually supposed to get up to the 80's this weekend. How great is that??? I can work on my garden without having to wear a sweater.
Yesterday after Jasmine got home from school, we had a blast. Curt had the day off for her birthday so that just made her day. We went out and jumped on the trampoline, something which the kids....well and us doing. Even took the dog out there, and it was hilarious watching her trying to hold on LOL
After an hour we came back inside and played a game of Junior Monopoly. What a blast that was, guess who won? Nicholas LOL How embarassing for the rest of us, especially mommy and daddy, we got our behinds handed to us by a 3 year old.
I have to say that it was a lot of fun, just hanging out with the kids and hubby. We love being together, and even dinner time was filled with laughs and jokes instead of the usual "EAT YOUR DINNER NOW" and "would you PLEASE get your head out from under the table and stop feeding the dog". Yeah usually mealtimes are not that pleasurable so I was happy to have a good day yesterday :)
Don't have much planned for today. I have been good about keeping my house clean so that I don't get stuck with a "tornado area" on the weekend. You know what I'm talking about right? You start wondering if you were even home when the kids decided to empty their toy boxes onto the floor of every room in the house.
There's always that ONE toy that cleverly hides on the stairs, and you don't see it walking up, but when you come down you ALWAYS step on it and then do that dance, the one were you lift the injured foot while bouncing on the other one and constantly repeating "Ow ow ow ow ow, who the HECK left that toy there?". LOL
Alright, it's 10:15am and I just realized I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm going to have a sandwich and some coffee, then I can settle down and go read all the other blogs and the "Works for Me Wednesday" ideas. Really, be sure to check them out, these ladies have the BEST ideas around :)
Problem solved, I don't have to deal with crying and fighting over toys, they keep themselves entertained and I can drive without having to feel like I'm about to have a heart attack or a car accident from reaching back there to yank toys out of stubborn little hands.
Hope this tip helps someone else :)
Now moving on to something else. The weather here has just been gorgeous....we're actually supposed to get up to the 80's this weekend. How great is that??? I can work on my garden without having to wear a sweater.
Yesterday after Jasmine got home from school, we had a blast. Curt had the day off for her birthday so that just made her day. We went out and jumped on the trampoline, something which the kids....well and us doing. Even took the dog out there, and it was hilarious watching her trying to hold on LOL
After an hour we came back inside and played a game of Junior Monopoly. What a blast that was, guess who won? Nicholas LOL How embarassing for the rest of us, especially mommy and daddy, we got our behinds handed to us by a 3 year old.
I have to say that it was a lot of fun, just hanging out with the kids and hubby. We love being together, and even dinner time was filled with laughs and jokes instead of the usual "EAT YOUR DINNER NOW" and "would you PLEASE get your head out from under the table and stop feeding the dog". Yeah usually mealtimes are not that pleasurable so I was happy to have a good day yesterday :)
Don't have much planned for today. I have been good about keeping my house clean so that I don't get stuck with a "tornado area" on the weekend. You know what I'm talking about right? You start wondering if you were even home when the kids decided to empty their toy boxes onto the floor of every room in the house.
There's always that ONE toy that cleverly hides on the stairs, and you don't see it walking up, but when you come down you ALWAYS step on it and then do that dance, the one were you lift the injured foot while bouncing on the other one and constantly repeating "Ow ow ow ow ow, who the HECK left that toy there?". LOL
Alright, it's 10:15am and I just realized I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm going to have a sandwich and some coffee, then I can settle down and go read all the other blogs and the "Works for Me Wednesday" ideas. Really, be sure to check them out, these ladies have the BEST ideas around :)
That is so clever. How nice to not have to constantly be reaching back to solve a problem. My kids would be so excited.
Thanks for the very nice comment on my site today, Ms. Sandra. It's been a long day for me already an it's only 1 pm. It was good to get your encouragement. You are such a sweetheart.
I love the story about you and your husband. That's no small change for him. HUGE! What a blessing to have you out there with your faith like that. Praise God.
Hugs to you!
Good idea thanks!!!!
Good idea thanks!!!!
Sandra, this has nothing at all to do with your post today, but I just wanted to say I love your blog template. The color is heavenly!
My boys could DEFINITELY use something like this in the truck. AB-SO-LUTE-LY will implement this great idea. THANK YOU for sharing it! ;)
Great Idea! I have a box for the toddler, never occured to me to make one for the others. Duh! That is so great that you play games with your kids,too. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Gorgeous blog! I love the purple siggy.
Great idea bout the platic tubs... WHERE WAS THAT 15 years ago when I had little littles!? lol *smile*
Thanks for coming my way...
Love that idea! I use the clear pastic bins to store all of J's toys inside, but she would love to have one all her own for the car. Thanks!
Thank you all for dropping by the blog :) So glad my idea will be able to help all the other mommies out there :)
Emily - Thank you hon, I'm so glad I was able to encourage some. Yep it was a HUGE change for him and I'm just glad he stuck with it :)
morning glory - Thank you :) I really do love my purple tulips too and I'm glad I've gotten such positive feedback about them :)
What a great idea! Do they stay in the car on a permanent basis or do you bring them in everyday?
I've done a similar idea for trips, but never thought of doing it for good. Do they rotate the toys out every so often so there are new things in there now and then?? This is a great idea!!
this one's for the girls - Yes those are the car boxes and do NOT come in the house, that way I don't have to worry about bringing it in and then forgetting to take them out LOL
momrn2 - Yes they do rotate the toys, every weekend we bring the box in and they get to take those out and pick new ones to go in there along with snacks etc :)
We do this on trips, I never thought about it for everyday, either. Thanks for the idea!
LOVE this idea! Thanks!!!
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