Rain is supposed to be great and we all could use some but COME ON, is all I say!!!
It's been raining day and night for a week now and I'm sick of it......too much of anything is just, well, TOO MUCH!!!
It's not even that it's cold, we've had nice 64 degrees and above weather, but how can you enjoy it when you get soaked everytime you step outside the house???
Today I'm going to be cleaning, I've put it off for two days and that is way too much for me. I don't know what it is, my husband sometimes says I'm a clean freak, and really I'm not. I'm not one of those women that don't allow shoes in the house, or runs after everyone cleaning every drop or crumb that may fall to the ground. BUT I do like a clean house, or should I say, livable but not messy???
All the moms out there know exactly what I mean right? It's hard to juggle kids and keeping a clean house, so I tend to be one of those moms that tries to keep the house organized and mess free but still find myself throwing things into the hallway closet if someone should happen to come by. LOL
Here's one area I totally detest. That ONE spot in the living room where the toys are. GRRRR, why do they seem to migrate to the rest of the house?
Know what it reminds me of? That commercial about febreze where the lady picks up all the toys, sprays the carpet with the febreze and then turns around and the toys are all over the floor again. LOL
So here is a challenge for you, I will show my TOY CORNER, and you show me yours?

So today I have to try and get a referral for my wrist. For years now I've had these cysts. Back in 1999 I had one removed, well, aspirated or whatever. The doctor went in and poked it a couple of times with a needle and then bandaged it up really tight for a few days. It went away but he did tell me that it might come back.
What do you know???? It did come back and this time it even brought a friend!!!!
It's really painful at times and it's pretty much hard for me to do anything with this wrist, I find that I don't have the same strength that I do on my other one, that and the fact that I can't bend it back or forward much.
Wanna see?!?!?!? It's not for the faint of heart so if you cand handle it you might want to go to the bathroom or grab another cup of coffee or something.......
Ok you back? Cause I haven't shown it yet LOL
Here we go:

Isn't it unbelievable? The things your body will come up with to amuse itself. SIGH.....oh well LOL
I'm almost done with the book I mentioned in my last post. It's amazing how much the writer seems like me. I'm so impatient and guilty of trying to control everything including when and where my prayers will be answered. How lame is that? For me to think that I can control the One that made it all. So I've started a new relationship with God. Yes, I told him that I would try really really hard to just put it in his hands and then move on to something else and not dwell in it, because really think about it, if I say I hand it over to him and then continue to worry and complain, then I obviously did NOT give it to him did I? How can he help me if I keep handing him the problem and then snatching it away because he's not moving fast enough for me???
Really ladies, if you are impatient like me, you would love the book. Let me know if you get it and what you think.
Alright I'm out of here for now, I have so much to do and so little time. That laundry won't wash itself, no matter how nicely I ask it to. LOL
Adios, Adeus, Goodbye, Totsiens, Au Revoir......... Yadda Yadda Yadda......
Oh gosh hon sorry about your hand! I remember being younger & going with my best friend to the ER to get something like that checked out on her hand. The Dr. said he was coming back in a few he was getting a book to "smash it" What???? We just knew he was joking but sure enough he came back with a huge dictionary & layed it on her hand & pressed down as hard as he could. If my friend wasn't laughing so hard she would have cried. We all thought this Dr was a QUACK but in a couple days it was completely gone & never came back. Weird huh?!?!
OMG Court, you know when I first went to get this checked out the doctor said the same thing. He said that long ago they would take a HUGE book and then slam it on your wrist LOL Scared the heck out of me, but now that you mention it, I guess it works. Maybe I should take one of the kids HUGE bedtime stories and slam it on my wrist a couple times....or better yet, lay it on my hand and then have the kids walk on it? LOL
Hey you!
I've been behind on your posts... glad I caught up today!! LOVE the one on prayer. I just started www.corinthiansproject.blogspot.com for relationships in a deployment so we can learn how to pray for our spouses and learn more about receiving and giving the love in 1 Corinthians 13. Then I match couples up with a prayer partner -- if they send an e-mail. No obligation to them -- some people just have a heart to pray for others, even complete strangers. And everyone needs prayer in a deployment!
I also just realized you have a whole site to meals. I stink at meal planning, so I might have to keep coming back to that one now and then!
My mom has that same type of thing, just at the bottom of her wrist.
I have a toy room for the boys. That way ONLY that room gets messed up
Nasty rain!! I have a toy room in our new house. Was the dining room of the previous occupants LOL. Still the toys end up ALL over the house! This morning I tried to lie in but the kids got up early and started painting and got out all the glitter, all over the kitchen floor. Grrrh. SO I got up to a big clean but still have sparkles everywhere!
That really does look painful. I hate it for you sweetie! :o( Maybe you should put a book on it and let your kids walk on it. I can't imagine the looks on their faces. They'd probably think you were off your rocker! lol.
Thank you all :) And Sarah and Motherload, thanks for dropping by my blog :)I've definitely had to learn to just let it go and leave it in his hands....it is not easy, but it's definitely doable :)
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