At first I was hesitant, I REALLY don't trust places like this. But I thought, you know with the kids birthdays this month and all the other expenses we have, any extra income helps right?
Well I signed up and within the first day I had already made $20. I signed up for a few offers, a lot of them free and some real cheap like $1 for a 30 day trial. I did that and then went ahead and cancelled my offers before the trials ran out. I just sat back and thought, BLEH, not going to get paid.
Well I open up my email today and see this:
From: TreasureTrooper Com To:
Subject: You've Been Paid!
I quickly go over to my paypal account and low and behold. This is what I got.

$45.25. Not bad for one afternoon of filling out surveys and doing some free offers LOL
So anyway, just wanted to share that with everyone, since I thought it was real neat. Let's call it my paycheck for being a SAHM????? LOL
If you want to know more about it, go here!!!!!
I'm going birthday shopping for Jasmine :) See ya all tomorrow :)
Wow that's great!! I'm always hesitant of those type of things too. Glad it is working out for you
That is great & a little funny because I to have been looking into a few types of those things. For a little extra money. I will definately check into that!
That sounds great! I will sign soon as I remember my paypal email addy! lol. Thank you for sharing Sandra. I've always wated to do those, but was just skeptical about it.
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