Friday, June 30, 2006
Cranky Cranky Cranky.....
Now I know why thin people and models sometimes walk around with annoyed looks on their faces. See yesterday I was feeling a bit better from the cold, but my stomach was just killing me, so I didn't eat much, which made me, yep, you guessed it....CRANKY!!!
I love food too much and this is why I have the hardest time dieting at all, I don't think I could ever be a Super Model, unless the Super stood for Super Sizing!!!
We had a good day yesterday, I spent time with the kids and when it came to lunch time I thought I would make them a treat. Usually lunch in this house consists of Macaroni & Cheese, or PB & J Sandwiches or Chicken Nuggets, you know the usual things kids like. Yesterday was no exception, when asked what they wanted, the answer was unanimous...."Chicken nuggets and mac & cheese". BLEH!!!!
But I decided to make it special, so I made them both some strawberry shakes, complete with whipped cream and all. You should have seen their faces, I don't think I've gotten hugs and kisses like THAT in a long time LOL

Again it proves that they really do love the small things you do for them. I mean I could have easily given them the usual juice box, but wasn't this better???
Today I have to go to a Notary to get a bunch of paperwork notarized and then get some more passport photos taken. Once that is done I can finally mail in the rest of the paperwork and be totally DONE with my part. I just hope this whole process doesn't take very long, so I'm putting it in the Lord's hands and letting him deal with it. Just this morning I started worrying about it and he AGAIN said "This is my battle, not yours, let it go, I didn't ask you to take it on".
I love food too much and this is why I have the hardest time dieting at all, I don't think I could ever be a Super Model, unless the Super stood for Super Sizing!!!
We had a good day yesterday, I spent time with the kids and when it came to lunch time I thought I would make them a treat. Usually lunch in this house consists of Macaroni & Cheese, or PB & J Sandwiches or Chicken Nuggets, you know the usual things kids like. Yesterday was no exception, when asked what they wanted, the answer was unanimous...."Chicken nuggets and mac & cheese". BLEH!!!!
But I decided to make it special, so I made them both some strawberry shakes, complete with whipped cream and all. You should have seen their faces, I don't think I've gotten hugs and kisses like THAT in a long time LOL

Again it proves that they really do love the small things you do for them. I mean I could have easily given them the usual juice box, but wasn't this better???
Today I have to go to a Notary to get a bunch of paperwork notarized and then get some more passport photos taken. Once that is done I can finally mail in the rest of the paperwork and be totally DONE with my part. I just hope this whole process doesn't take very long, so I'm putting it in the Lord's hands and letting him deal with it. Just this morning I started worrying about it and he AGAIN said "This is my battle, not yours, let it go, I didn't ask you to take it on".
What is wrong with me??? You would have thought that by now I would have learnt my lesson, but yet, I continue to annoy Him and question and provoke. He must feel the way I do with my kids at times. "How many times do I have to tell you to do something?", see????
I really am just a little kid when it comes to the Lord, how embarassing, a 31 year old woman who acts like a child.
Anyway, being that it's friday and payday, I'm going to get my menus posted on my food blog, and then I need to get my grocery list done, pay bills, etc. All that fun stuff that goes with being a mommy and wife.
I've also posted my "Everyday Things" below, if you want to know more about it, or even participate yourself, go to Jule's "Everyday Mommy" for the rules. Remember that Jules moved to a new site, so I'm giving you the new link, don't forget to update your bookmarks :)
I didn't forget about my blog look, just haven't had time to mess with it and get it finished. Hopefully sometime today, if not, then this weekend it should be up.
We're having a hard time getting Jasmine to read during the summer. It's frustrating because when she first started school she was thrilled to learn everything, it's like she couldn't get enough of words, reading, spelling etc. Now it's a total turn around and quite frankly I don't know how to deal with it. Her first grade teacher suggested she read chapter books during the school break, and you would think that I'm asking her to read a memo on nuclear bombs or something. Anyone have ideas to share????
Time to get on with the day, have so much to do and my coffee is now cold, need a refill. Hey if you stop by tomorrow I promise to have a fresh pot of coffee waiting AND I'll even throw in some of those new Blueberry Krispi Kreme are they to die for!!!
I really am just a little kid when it comes to the Lord, how embarassing, a 31 year old woman who acts like a child.
Anyway, being that it's friday and payday, I'm going to get my menus posted on my food blog, and then I need to get my grocery list done, pay bills, etc. All that fun stuff that goes with being a mommy and wife.
I've also posted my "Everyday Things" below, if you want to know more about it, or even participate yourself, go to Jule's "Everyday Mommy" for the rules. Remember that Jules moved to a new site, so I'm giving you the new link, don't forget to update your bookmarks :)
I didn't forget about my blog look, just haven't had time to mess with it and get it finished. Hopefully sometime today, if not, then this weekend it should be up.
We're having a hard time getting Jasmine to read during the summer. It's frustrating because when she first started school she was thrilled to learn everything, it's like she couldn't get enough of words, reading, spelling etc. Now it's a total turn around and quite frankly I don't know how to deal with it. Her first grade teacher suggested she read chapter books during the school break, and you would think that I'm asking her to read a memo on nuclear bombs or something. Anyone have ideas to share????
Time to get on with the day, have so much to do and my coffee is now cold, need a refill. Hey if you stop by tomorrow I promise to have a fresh pot of coffee waiting AND I'll even throw in some of those new Blueberry Krispi Kreme are they to die for!!!
It's friday and time for another Everyday Things. Jule's over at "Everyday Mommy" started this feature to help us remember the small things around us and embrace contentment. Go to her site to participate or to see a list of others embracing their "Everyday Things".
The smell of onions, olive oil, and garlic frying on the stove. Is there an aroma more heavenly in sight???
The minute I start frying them, the aroma transports me back in time, back to my house in Portugal. I vividly remember sitting on the kitchen floor while my greatgrandmother started lunch or dinner, and it didn't matter what she was making because I always remember the same smell.
It takes me back to the time of innocence, a time where the most important thing in my life were my dolls and my toys, the endless drawings and coloring in's I did, the stories told by my greatgrandma, what it was like when she was a little girl, living through world war I and II, her wedding night, her husband, how to be a good wife and mother.
So now, whenever I stand over my stove and fry the usual onions, garlic and olive oil, I'm quickly reminded of everything she taught me, it's like having a notebook etched in my mind, all the notes taken down of things she said and the minute that aroma fills the air, the words jump out and start dancing around me, reminding me of my childhood and how lucky I was to have such an amazing woman in my life.
The smell of onions, olive oil, and garlic frying on the stove. Is there an aroma more heavenly in sight???
The minute I start frying them, the aroma transports me back in time, back to my house in Portugal. I vividly remember sitting on the kitchen floor while my greatgrandmother started lunch or dinner, and it didn't matter what she was making because I always remember the same smell.
It takes me back to the time of innocence, a time where the most important thing in my life were my dolls and my toys, the endless drawings and coloring in's I did, the stories told by my greatgrandma, what it was like when she was a little girl, living through world war I and II, her wedding night, her husband, how to be a good wife and mother.
So now, whenever I stand over my stove and fry the usual onions, garlic and olive oil, I'm quickly reminded of everything she taught me, it's like having a notebook etched in my mind, all the notes taken down of things she said and the minute that aroma fills the air, the words jump out and start dancing around me, reminding me of my childhood and how lucky I was to have such an amazing woman in my life.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I got this in the mail today and thought I would share it, it's just beautiful and I hope it brings a smile to many faces :)
The Holy Alphabet... This is Beautiful
Whoever came up with this one must have had some Divine guidance!
The Holy Alphabet... This is Beautiful
Whoever came up with this one must have had some Divine guidance!
Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
10 HOURS?!?!?!?!?!
You know of what???? 10 hours of sleep, yes, and it was actually MY sleep. I'm feeling SO much better, it's not even funny. LOL
I took some Motrin last night and it always knocks me out, so I fell asleep at 10pm and didn't wake up until 8am this morning. The kids let me sleep in too, actually Jasmine is still asleep with the pugs.
I want to start by thanking you all for the prayers, I really do feel much better today. I'm not over the cold, but at least I'm not feeling as horrible as I did yesterday. Here's what I've learnt though, over and over and matter how sick you may be feeling, if you have kids, you have to put that aside and move on. One foot in front of the other, is what they say.
Just to give you all a heads up, I'm working on another template for my blog. You know how bored I get with things looking the same, and I like having a blog that reflects whatever is going on in my life at the time. It should be up later today, so check back if you're interested, if not that's ok too :)
So last night I was feeling really unwell and didn't want to cook. That's usually when you know I'm not well, I love cooking and nothing keeps me from my kitchen. I almost ordered take out and then I walked into the kitchen and thought, you know, no matter how yucky I'm feeling, my kids and hubby deserve a good meal.
Wanna know what I made???? Chicken Egg Rolls( I posted the recipe on my food blog if you want to see it)!!! Yeah, how about that?!?!?!
I'm dangerous when I'm sick, I usually pick the hardest things to make, I can't be normal like others and make some sandwiches or soup or something. LOL
Boy were they yummy, and let me tell you, I made it all up, the filling I mean. I had never made them before and had no idea what goes in other than chicken or shrimp or whatever. Turned out so good that it yielded 20 egg rolls and they're all gone LOL
Curt took the rest to work for lunch, which wasn't a lot actually, it was about 5 if that.
I got into bed last night and picked up my book again. This time the chapter was called "Read it Again, Mom!"It talks about how the authors daughter always asked her to read the same book at bedtime, and yet everytime she did, it was like the daughter was hearing it for the first time, she had that sparkle in her eye.
It's like reading the Bible. But it wasn't always that way for me, I'm ashamed to admit that when I first started reading it it was boring for me. I found myself falling asleep at times or yawning through it. The Old Testament was especially the worst for me, all those names and dates. Yet, once I started finding comfort with the Lord and really appreciating my relationship with him, I too felt like the author's daughter. Everynight I pick up the Bible and always find something new, I read a verse for the tenth time and find something I missed "Wow, how did I miss that?".
I know now that Christianity is not about religion. It is about a relationship - a very intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.There's books that my kids LOVE and when I'm done reading it, they ask me to start again. Wouldn't it be great to feel that way about the Bible and God's Word? To have that same enthusiasm, know all the words and what to expect, but yet feel like you can't wait to get in there and read it again.
"Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day...They are not just idle words for you-they are your life." Deuteronomy 32:46,47
Time Out
- On a scale of one to ten, one being "not intimate" and ten being "very intimate", how would you rate your relationship with Christ?
- If Christianity is enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus, why is so much emphasis placed on "Christian Disciplines" (reading scripture, praying, memorizing verses, going to church, etc.)? In what area do you most need to grow: the disciplines or your personal relationship with Christ?
I have to tell you that this book has really brought it all home for me. It's taught me SO SO much and it's totally changed my perspective on life. I almost feel cheated out of the first 31 years of my life, it's like I've spent it doing the wrong thing (yes we learn from our mistakes), but wouldn't it be nice if I had known about all this before and basked in the Glory of being close to the Lord?
The kids and I are planning on doing some crafts today, don't know what yet, but I'm sure we'll find something to do. Since I'm feeling better, I think I'll get some laundry done and tackle that mountain of clothes to iron too.If you have a moment today, please say a prayer for the troops, let's not forget that while we're here in the comfort of our homes, they are out there in the middle of danger and sleeping in cots, dealing with scorching temperatures, exhausted and not getting enough rest, and they're doing it all for US.
Hope you all have a beautiful blessed day,
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Cloudy Day!!!
Woke up this morning feeling the same as yesterday, running a bit of a fever, sore throat and headache, guess this cold will stick around a bit longer than I thought.
The kids must be getting it too, they're kind of mopy (hope I got that right) and Jasmine has been sleeping in until 9:30am, which is just not normal for her. Poor Curt, hopefully he doesn't get this cold, maybe we should keep him clear of us? Or the house? Nah, where would he sleep right? LOL
Yesterday I managed to get all my to do list, done. It felt good to get it all achieved, wasn't easy as I was moving slower than usual, but I am happy I did it.
A couple of you asked about the Boston Cream Cupcakes, so I decided to share the recipe on my food blog.
Here's some pictures of the kids yesterday, having fun with the cupcakes.
When we were done, they both looked at me and said "we had so much fun, we loved making cupcakes with you". Isn't it great???
Here we think that in order for kids to be happy we have to buy them expensive toys or enroll them in all these sports and classes, when all they really want is something as simple as making cupcakes with their mommy. Thank you Lord, for reminding me that it's not THE QUANTITY, but THE QUALITY of what we do with our kids.
I'm feeling a little down today, I don't know if it might also be the fact that I'm not feeling well, but cloudy days + being sick = cranky, sad mommy.
I think I need to hold the Lord's hand a bit more tightly today and let him guide me through it, I don't know how else to make it through.
Remember I had said that I was in the middle of getting my "Green Card"?
Well if you only knew how much paperwork and questions and fees are involved, I think you would be running at turbo speed, in the opposite direction.
It's more frustrating when you send everything in only to be told that something is missing and now you need to redo it.....ok fine, I will.
Just means more paperwork, more money and more headaches, but hey, it's worth it in the end right?
I wish I had some profound words to say today, or even something that you could all walk away with feeling "wow that was deep, definitely thought provoking". I don't!!!
Actually, I very seldom do, but I think it's God's way of keeping me in my place, making sure I don't grow a huge head and try to preach what I don't know myself.
I feel like a kindergartener when it comes to my relationship with God.
You know, you tread carefully, you push your limits, you break the rules, you get your time-outs and thinking spots....."what did you do to get here? How does it make you feel? What will you do next time?". I never realized how well those words apply to my mistakes in real life.
Think I'm going to go print those words out on index cards and place them all over my house, next time I mess up with the Lord, I can read them out loud.
And that's it, the weather is looking gloomy, my heart is feeling it too and I feel God tugging at my hand, urging me to sit on his lap and let it all go. I think I need that, it's been a while since I've had a good cry.
See you all tomorrow,
God Bless,
The kids must be getting it too, they're kind of mopy (hope I got that right) and Jasmine has been sleeping in until 9:30am, which is just not normal for her. Poor Curt, hopefully he doesn't get this cold, maybe we should keep him clear of us? Or the house? Nah, where would he sleep right? LOL
Yesterday I managed to get all my to do list, done. It felt good to get it all achieved, wasn't easy as I was moving slower than usual, but I am happy I did it.
A couple of you asked about the Boston Cream Cupcakes, so I decided to share the recipe on my food blog.
Here's some pictures of the kids yesterday, having fun with the cupcakes.
When we were done, they both looked at me and said "we had so much fun, we loved making cupcakes with you". Isn't it great???
Here we think that in order for kids to be happy we have to buy them expensive toys or enroll them in all these sports and classes, when all they really want is something as simple as making cupcakes with their mommy. Thank you Lord, for reminding me that it's not THE QUANTITY, but THE QUALITY of what we do with our kids.
I'm feeling a little down today, I don't know if it might also be the fact that I'm not feeling well, but cloudy days + being sick = cranky, sad mommy.
I think I need to hold the Lord's hand a bit more tightly today and let him guide me through it, I don't know how else to make it through.
Remember I had said that I was in the middle of getting my "Green Card"?
Well if you only knew how much paperwork and questions and fees are involved, I think you would be running at turbo speed, in the opposite direction.
It's more frustrating when you send everything in only to be told that something is missing and now you need to redo it.....ok fine, I will.
Just means more paperwork, more money and more headaches, but hey, it's worth it in the end right?
I wish I had some profound words to say today, or even something that you could all walk away with feeling "wow that was deep, definitely thought provoking". I don't!!!
Actually, I very seldom do, but I think it's God's way of keeping me in my place, making sure I don't grow a huge head and try to preach what I don't know myself.
I feel like a kindergartener when it comes to my relationship with God.
You know, you tread carefully, you push your limits, you break the rules, you get your time-outs and thinking spots....."what did you do to get here? How does it make you feel? What will you do next time?". I never realized how well those words apply to my mistakes in real life.
Think I'm going to go print those words out on index cards and place them all over my house, next time I mess up with the Lord, I can read them out loud.
And that's it, the weather is looking gloomy, my heart is feeling it too and I feel God tugging at my hand, urging me to sit on his lap and let it all go. I think I need that, it's been a while since I've had a good cry.
See you all tomorrow,
God Bless,
Works for Me Wednesday!!!
I'm really starting to run out of ideas on this, either I need to start creating more shortcuts for myself or just admit that I really DON'T have that many tips worth making anyone's (much less myself) life easier. :)
My tip for today is one about kids and chores. A while ago I had talked about how Jasmine and I had sat down and wrote a list of chores that she is able to do. I'm not one to tell kids to do things that I don't think they should be doing at their age, like telling a 7 year old to scrub the toilet, Ummmm....NO!!!
We had a Chart of Chores for her but after about a week, she started getting bored with the things she was doing and I knew that I had to do something or come up with something before she would completely deny doing anything at all.
So I introduced the Chore Jar. In it I placed a bunch of papers with different chores on it, things like Clean your Room, Make the Bed, Set the Table, Feed the Pugs, Water the Plants etc. Then I also added things like Help Fix Dinner, Help in the Garden, Help Mommy Sew, Help Mommy Iron, Help Daddy make Shelf, Help Daddy change oil in car, etc.
These last ones I added because I think it's important that kids learn a variety of things AND it will also help us spend some one on one time with them. There are times that Jasmine will get a boy chore and Nicholas will get a girl chore, like cooking etc.......
This way they will both be introduced to all sorts of things, and let's face it, won't it be great when my son grows up and is able to do all the boy things PLUS cook, fold laundry etc???
As we think of new chores we just add them to the jar. The kids are actually excited to pull a paper out of the jar everyday and they don't get bored with the usual same things. Works for me!!!
For a list of other WFMW participants, don't forget to check out Shannon's blog. :)
My tip for today is one about kids and chores. A while ago I had talked about how Jasmine and I had sat down and wrote a list of chores that she is able to do. I'm not one to tell kids to do things that I don't think they should be doing at their age, like telling a 7 year old to scrub the toilet, Ummmm....NO!!!
We had a Chart of Chores for her but after about a week, she started getting bored with the things she was doing and I knew that I had to do something or come up with something before she would completely deny doing anything at all.
So I introduced the Chore Jar. In it I placed a bunch of papers with different chores on it, things like Clean your Room, Make the Bed, Set the Table, Feed the Pugs, Water the Plants etc. Then I also added things like Help Fix Dinner, Help in the Garden, Help Mommy Sew, Help Mommy Iron, Help Daddy make Shelf, Help Daddy change oil in car, etc.
These last ones I added because I think it's important that kids learn a variety of things AND it will also help us spend some one on one time with them. There are times that Jasmine will get a boy chore and Nicholas will get a girl chore, like cooking etc.......
This way they will both be introduced to all sorts of things, and let's face it, won't it be great when my son grows up and is able to do all the boy things PLUS cook, fold laundry etc???
As we think of new chores we just add them to the jar. The kids are actually excited to pull a paper out of the jar everyday and they don't get bored with the usual same things. Works for me!!!
For a list of other WFMW participants, don't forget to check out Shannon's blog. :)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
You do what you have to do!!!
I think as a mother, wife and woman in general, we've all become used to just "doing what you have to do". You keep going, and going and going, but you start noticing that no matter how much or how fast you move, you just can't keep up with some things.
There's projects to be done, there's clothes to be washed, put away, floors to be mopped, dogs that need vet visits, cars that need to be serviced, and the list just goes on and on.
While reading my book, the third chapter entitled "Daddy's Lap" talks about the comfort of being in the Father's lap, much like watching your children sitting on your husbands lap, laughing and giggling, or crying and seeking some comfort. That is how we feel when we crawl into our Father's lap and cry over a problem we're having, a loved one we lost or a burden weighing heavy on our hearts.
Many times I've had people say to me "I wish I was as strong as you or had your faith". I smile, but inwardly I'm thinking "are you kidding me??? I'm not strong, I'm not that confident in my faith and I certainly don't have it all figured out and under control".
The author talks about times when she always felt that if someone needed help it was somehow her responsibility. Boy do I know that feeling, and I never trusted God to be the one helping, it's like I would challenge him to try and outdo me "come on let's see how fast you can get it done, I bet I can do it faster."
Sure, but I didn't do it right, I just added to the problem, and in the process disappointed God because again he had to remind me that "The battle is not yours, it is Mine".
You can crawl down from his lap after spending some time with Him, but as long as you move through the rest of the day, holding His hand tightly in yours, then everything will be ok.
Time Out
I woke up this morning with a sore throat and running a bit of a fever. I guess I got over my sinus infection but now I'm dealing with the remains of a summer cold. I could complain and cry and whine about it, or I could just go on and deal with it. I choose to just deal with it, really, I don't have energy to stomp my feet and yell and scream.
While watching "Super Nanny" yesterday (I'm sure some of you don't like her, but I do), I realized that I at times also talk to my kids in ways that are unnaceptable and mean. It's not that I deliberately set out to upset them, and honestly, after asking them or telling them to do something a gazillion times, you tend to loose your cool.
I think one thing that I learnt though is that it's all in the way you say things, wow, here I've been saying this for years and years. It's not what you say, it's HOW you say it!!!
So as much as it pains me to admit that I'm not the greatest mom in the world and that I mess up more times that I would like to.....I pledge to try my hardest to do what is right by my kids.
How could I not when I have these gorgeous faces in my life, every day.
So today this is what I have planned:
There's projects to be done, there's clothes to be washed, put away, floors to be mopped, dogs that need vet visits, cars that need to be serviced, and the list just goes on and on.
While reading my book, the third chapter entitled "Daddy's Lap" talks about the comfort of being in the Father's lap, much like watching your children sitting on your husbands lap, laughing and giggling, or crying and seeking some comfort. That is how we feel when we crawl into our Father's lap and cry over a problem we're having, a loved one we lost or a burden weighing heavy on our hearts.
Many times I've had people say to me "I wish I was as strong as you or had your faith". I smile, but inwardly I'm thinking "are you kidding me??? I'm not strong, I'm not that confident in my faith and I certainly don't have it all figured out and under control".
The author talks about times when she always felt that if someone needed help it was somehow her responsibility. Boy do I know that feeling, and I never trusted God to be the one helping, it's like I would challenge him to try and outdo me "come on let's see how fast you can get it done, I bet I can do it faster."
Sure, but I didn't do it right, I just added to the problem, and in the process disappointed God because again he had to remind me that "The battle is not yours, it is Mine".
Self-effort is ultimately self-destruction. Self-effort short-circuits God's purposes, robs God of His rightful glory and leaves me exhausted. (Exhaustion is God's reminder that we are not resting in Him).Well when put that way, it makes so much more sense doesn't it???
You can crawl down from his lap after spending some time with Him, but as long as you move through the rest of the day, holding His hand tightly in yours, then everything will be ok.
Time Out
- What battles do you fight? Are you fighting a battle the Lord has not asked you to fight? If so, evacuate!
- Read II Chronicles 20. What is required to stand? What relationship do you see between standing and the psalmist's command in Psalm 46:10 to "be still, and know that I am God"?
- Be encouraged that in your battle, God goes before you and is with you.
I woke up this morning with a sore throat and running a bit of a fever. I guess I got over my sinus infection but now I'm dealing with the remains of a summer cold. I could complain and cry and whine about it, or I could just go on and deal with it. I choose to just deal with it, really, I don't have energy to stomp my feet and yell and scream.
While watching "Super Nanny" yesterday (I'm sure some of you don't like her, but I do), I realized that I at times also talk to my kids in ways that are unnaceptable and mean. It's not that I deliberately set out to upset them, and honestly, after asking them or telling them to do something a gazillion times, you tend to loose your cool.
I think one thing that I learnt though is that it's all in the way you say things, wow, here I've been saying this for years and years. It's not what you say, it's HOW you say it!!!
So as much as it pains me to admit that I'm not the greatest mom in the world and that I mess up more times that I would like to.....I pledge to try my hardest to do what is right by my kids.
How could I not when I have these gorgeous faces in my life, every day.
So today this is what I have planned:
- One load of laundry, wash, iron and put away
- Dusting
- Vacuum
- Mop
- Watch Brazil vs Ghana match
- Make Boston Cream Cupcakes
- Devotionals