"Pack away summer linens with sachets so they'll be fragrant when unpacked in the spring"
And that's exactly what I did this morning, I had a couple of fabric squares laying around and no clue what to do with them so I placed a handful of poutporri in the middle of the squares, gathered into a bundle and tied them with a little bow. All done and they smell divine!
It did however catapult me into a crafty mood and I finally decided to pull out my knitting needles and yarn and start on a scarf that I've been wanting to make using this amazing pattern....are you ready for this????

This knitting technique is called My so called scarf on the internet and I found it while blog lurking some of my favorite craft blogs. It looks complicated but it's actually pretty easy and get this, there's even a video on youtube teaching you how to do it. You can just follow right along and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Here's the video if anyone else is interested in learning the technique.
Me, I'm going to polish up my knitting needles and jump right in, I also have a couple summer dresses to finish for Jasmine (yes for next summer), some old dresses of mine that will be turned into long tops and a candlewicking pillow that has been waiting since Idaho to get finished. OH and that wonderful fabric to make something into, so you can see that I'm going to be busy busy busy.

I'm sure there will be pictures to post after the actual Trick or Treating!
We're going to see how many houses we get to because usually back in Idaho, by the time Halloween rolled around it was rainy and really really cold and after 4 or 5 houses the kids were ready to head home.
Seeing as this is Arizona and it's still hot as heck, I figure we may luck out and be able to go to a few neighborhoods, the weather will be great and we'll also have the trusty old wagon along for when the tired little feet want to rest but continue trick or treating.
The good part about this all is that mommy and daddy are paid for our efforts in chocolate candy bars.......they've started bringing them to me instead of having to go through the usual 'mommy stealing candy' routine.

Switching gears to my kitchen, right now I have a Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff going, it smells wonderful and I'll serve it over some hot noodles.
Last night we had some Garlic and Herb Fish Fillets with Tomato and Spinach Rice and a spinach salad to go along.....it's healthy and it was delicious and both kids had seconds and thirds and actually cried for more fish when it was over, guess I'll have to double the recipe next time.

I wish I could stay and chat longer but Nicholas has a bad cold, a fever and a runny nose and he's just cranky and clingy....he's also worried that he won't be fine in time for Halloween and that would be a tragedy wouldn't it?
Anyway, I better get some things done around here, but I leave you with a list of crafts I want to get into and accomplish the next few weeks:
Wastebasket Fabric Cover - I'm thinking of doing this for my bathrooms in coordinating fabrics with the decor in there.
Tote Bags - I'm in love with fabric tote bags, just completely and madly head over heels in love with them so I'm jumping in and hopefully making at least one for me and Jasmine.
Gum Drop Pillows - I think these would be great in the kids bedroom or even some in the living room for watching tv or when they have friends over.