While I would love to just go through everything and see what's going on in your neck of the woods, the fact is that I honestly don't have the time for it. So I did what I had to this afternoon, I sat down at the computer and hit "Mark All Read". I feel awful but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right?
So with that said, I do intend on catching up on the blogs tomorrow, when I have a little more time, thanks to the long weekend and my kids being off school until Wednesday. Is it bad that I'm already dreading the bickering and fighting between them? What is it with siblings, they love each other to death but put them in the same room...wait, same house for a day or two and that's it. It's like watching longtime enemies trying to contain themselves.
It feels wonderful though, there's nothing like being able to leave the house and enjoy yourself without feeling like you're melting with every step you take.
Friday night I spent watching the Most Haunted Live event, all 7 hours. I can't believe I stayed up until 3am watching this, but you know as much as I enjoy paranormal shows, that wasn't the reason for me staying up so late...it was because of the location the team was at. Gettysburg!
You all know that I'm not American, but my husband and children are and therefore I have an appetite for learning the history of this beautiful country that I now call my home. Obviously I have heard of Gettysburg before, I mean, who hasn't? But to learn about exactly what happened, to go through the different houses that were situated in the town where the battle took place all around and to learn about the history of this amazing event, was just unbelievable. It's definitely at the top of my list of places to visit.
Dinner tonight is simple and quick, Pumpkin Pancakes. We LOVE doing breakfast for dinner on the weekends, especially on those days when we've been out of the house all day, or watching movies, playing games or enjoying the playground and today is one of those lazy days.
I wish I had more to talk about but I'm having one of those blank days, so much to say and can't think of a single thing. Hope you're all enjoying the long weekend.
God Bless,
I know what you mean about having so many blogs to read. If I miss a day. I'm in trouble!
Those are some big pumpkins Jasmine is working on.
I want to go to Gettysburg some day. We've visited some of the Civil war battlefields but not one so large. I think it's very interesting.
We also did pumpkins this weekend! (6) Thanks for the Pumpkin Pancake recipe, I think we are going to start a Halloween Tradition with those:) Yummy.
We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend :) so much fun .The children look adorable in their costumes..I love having blog faves in the dashboard and can easily see whose updated .
Oh well my blog for some reason isn't feeding into bloglines. I have done some posts recently but totally understand if you don't get time to visit...300 new posts!
And Lol my two bicker too, I'm glad it's not just my kids. How do you deal with it? I just don't know.
Hugs and love
...lol I don't mean I've done 300 new posts I meant surprise at how many new posts were in your bloglines for the blogs you read.
The Haunted Channel should be really good this month.
My goodness, those are some huge pumpkins you have there! I love the thought of traveling to Gettysburg---my son is very into army stuff and battles right now!
Sandra -
I tagged you yesterday or the day before on my site. Its an easy one and one I think you would really like.
Wow, yall were fortunate to get some large pumpkins. They are awesome. We bought ours this weekend. I know what you mean about blogs too. Hope all is going well!! Hugs and Blessings,
Wow, yall were fortunate to get some large pumpkins. They are awesome. We bought ours this weekend. I know what you mean about blogs too. Hope all is going well!! Hugs and Blessings,
Wow, yall were fortunate to get some large pumpkins. They are awesome. We bought ours this weekend. I know what you mean about blogs too. Hope all is going well!! Hugs and Blessings,
I HATE that Mark All as Read button - it gives me guilt like little other! :)
Pumpkin pancakes sound yummy! We do pancakes for supper about once a week now, since everyone loves them and I never have time to make them in the morning.
A few years back we took a vacation to see some battlefields and Gettysburg was one of them and we loved it! Fun place!
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