Saturday, February 23, 2013

Antiquing we will go.....

I spent the most perfect morning with my family, in downtown Historic Glendale, in some gorgeous Antique stores.

One, I could have lived in.  I found myself completely overwhelmed by the beautiful items around me, even my husband and children were heard ooohing and aaahing through the store.  It was the best hour I have spent in a long time.


One of my favorite decorating styles is primitive and I'm always looking to add pieces to my house, but they can be quite expensive so I don't buy many. But goodness, how can a girl resist all of this?

Much as I love color, and you KNOW I love color, I also love the darker reds, blacks and browns of primitive decor.  They're very earthy tones in my opinion, and go perfectly in any home.


*sigh*   I would love a cabinet like this in my home, a place I could stash quilts and fabrics.

The store I was in was huge, and every single wall, every nook and every cranny had a treasure.  I actually saw a pie cupboard that I fell in love with, it was SO expensive, that I wanted to cry.  And I found an old Singer Sewing Machine with the case, for $150 which is actually not bad at all.


It was almost too much at times.  Hubby told me to pick a few things and I kept saying "but I don't know what I can I pick from all of these?". 

Quilts, candles, tins, beautiful chairs, paintings, country sayings, dishes, dolls, fabric, antique wooden chests, writing desks...soaps and lotions and anything you could think of for your home.

It took me a while.  I looked and looked some more, and my family looked along with me and they all decided that for my birthday they will be shopping there.

I ended up picking a few things and am so thrilled with them.


HAD to have this one. I just had to, there is something so wonderful about this old tin plate with the hard tack, I couldn't leave it behind.

Also bought myself an old cutting board which I've wanted for quite a long time.


Two small candle holders and two small candles which smell amazing


They all look just right on my wood stove cover.


I would have bought many many more things, but like I said, some were quite expensive and it's so hard to pick just a few items when you want to buy that 4 post bed, and that gorgeous $200 quilt, and then add in the pie cupboard for another $300 plus the gorgeous huge wood chest for $395.

I am SO glad my husband can do woodworking, I have some projects lined up for him. He may not be too thrilled with the long list, but I am LOL

We walked around a little, looked at a few more stores, my husband found a comic book store that he fell in love with. He collects comic books and has a gazillion boxes. He picked up 2 comic books and plans on returning for a few others that caught his eye.



It's fun to just go walking through the streets of Downton Historic Glendale. It has a very European feel to it.



You could spend a morning shopping, having tea, or eating a lunch outside in the warm sunlight. Great place for a family outing.

We stopped at another antique store. I kept telling the family to stop taking me into these, but they find it hilarious because I get so happy inside.

Oh if I could have shown you all the old cookbooks I found, even came across a Mrs Beeton's Everyday Cookery published over 100 years ago. But it was a little out of my price range. I did show it to hubby for my birthday LOL

This particular store even had a second floor filled with gorgeous antiques, so I grabbed these for $4.00.


Have wanted wooden pegs like these for a long time too.

And also grabbed the vintage embroidered cloth beneath it for $2.00.



All in all, managed to come home with some good finds which make me extremely happy.

I think I'll spend the rest of the day working on my crochet and then taking the pugs for a walk.

Hope you're all having a fantastic Saturday :)


~Carla~ said...

Such beautiful finds!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!! Jealous that you don't have a foot of snow on ground... ;) lol!

Primitive Stars said...

Oh Sandra, what a great antique store, I wanted so many things in there you showed, wow!!!!! Love your old plate with the hard tac, so prim, the candles and great cutting board,.......thanks for sharing, Francine.

Mari said...

I can tell that I would love it there! I love old things and agree with you on the colors you mentioned.

Angela said...

There for a minute I thought you were at "my" Historic Glendale but I realized it wasn't the same place. We have a town called Glendale in KY too. And it is chocked full of antique stores. I love going there and browsing...and I can't decide on one thing it all!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I Tell my husband all the time, I want to LIVE IN a antique store. That's how I want to decorate my home. Make it look like the inside of a antique store with all that delicious clutter!

Love it. Are you talking about Glendale Ca?

Theresa said...

I decorate with prims too. Something so cozy and warm about them. That store looks wonderful. Love your finds.

Conny said...

oh fun ... thanks for sharing those lovely stores with us!!

PS my hubby collects comic books too .. particularly spiderman (he has since he was a kid) ... it's our little secret! We too have boxes and boxes of comics loving placed in plastic w/ a cardboard thing to support them.

Debby said...

What a fun way to spend a Saturday!! We tried to keep up with a toddler all day, now I look like an antique myself!! Ha

Kathy Skinner (Kat) said...

Sounds like a perfect day, Sandra! I too love all those primitive antiques!

Carol said...

Oh I, too, could easily live in that antique store. LOVE all those braided rugs. My great-aunt used to make them. And the embroidered linen was a steal! Sounds like you had such a fun afternoon!

Wendi said...

Be still my heart... a perfect way to spend the day! Love your new treasures!