Something amazing happens when you focus all your energy and time into your family and your life instead of facebook or other addicting online things.
I am SO SO happy and proud of myself for stepping away and not looking back.
I'm enjoying the here and the now, and I've found a renewed love for everything around me, and ME especially. Why? I don't know, I honestly don't want to question the why's very much or how's, I just want to enjoy the feeling, and that I'm doing :)
So what am I doing????
Spending hours at the library with the children, perusing, learning, reading, picking out just the perfect book to bring home.
Taking more time to consciously watch what I put into my body, and indulging in healthy snacks while reading, or watching a good family show on Netflix or BBC. No trashy TV for me, just shows that leave me smiling.
Taking walks in the morning, with the children, while hubby is at work. Or taking a drive around base, checking out the jets, talking and laughing and learning.
On the weekends, we are disconnecting from the outside world and spending it together, whether it be shopping, or playing a video game or a board game, doing a craft, working on the yard and taking long walks with our pugs while the kids ride their bikes ahead.
Baking, and cooking, using good old favorite cookbooks, some of which I had totally forgotten about.
Smiling, lots. Laughing until I have tears running down my face.
Friends, I'm totally living the here and now, and I'm loving every second of it.
It's amazing how much time I used to waste browsing the internet looking at unnecessary things! Good for you, its difficult at first but its so liberating after a few days. :)
Good for you! I disconnected from Facebook at least 2 years ago and haven't missed it! So glad you are enjoying your days:)
Nothing better than unplugging a few things and turning on to life!
GREAT way to live. You are an inspiration.
Olá Sandra, foi por acaso que encontrei o seu blog e que feliz coincidência encontrar uma pessoa com ligações ao meu pais que é Portugal.
Sou portuguesa e já me apercebi que gosta de cozinhar,que se dedica à maternidade e que tem uma boa perspectiva da vida. Eu vou voltar a visitar o seu blog e convido-a passar no meu
Beijinhos aqui de Portugal
Sandra esqueci-me de te dizer que os lenços que estão na foto do cabeçalho do teu blog fazem-me lembrar a minha infancia. A minha avó tinha lenços assim com essas flores. Que boa recordação.
I have missed you online but I'm glad you are happier not being there. Honestly if it weren't for the business pages I probably would leave facebook as well.
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