Well last night I decided to do something I haven't done in so long, you know how it is when you're a mom, you can't even go to the bathroom without an audience nevermind having a few minutes for a hot bubbly bath. But I did it, hubby took the kids and I got mine.
Now doesn't that look inviting? I was waiting for the bath to fill up and I couldn't get in it fast enough, it just beckons me, slowly taunting my tired body to come and rest.
I had lavender scented candles making that beautiful glow, lavender bath bubbles in the water, and the sound of MercyMe playing in the background.
It's amazing how a bath like that can make you feel though, I actually got teary eyed, it's like time stood still and it was just me and God in there. Have you ever felt like just the thought of how wonderful He is makes you cry??? Please say so, or I will feel like a dummy. LOL
Anyway, after my wonderful time in the bathroom, I retired to my bedroom and sat in bed with my embroidery. I haven't done it in so long that my stitches were a little shaky at first, but embroidery, whether it's cross stitch or candlewicking or ribbon (which is what mine is), is the kind of thing that once you start you just don't want to put it down.
I just started this project so I haven't done much at all, but I'm already loving it and can't wait to get back in there. Want to see where I am right now?
It's called "The Potting Shed". I actually got the whole kit from my MIL for christmas about two years ago, and had totally forgotten about it......sorry mom.....but now I can't wait to get it finished. Now ONE kind of embroidery which I'm so in love with and have the most fun making, is Candlewicking. I just bought myself these two books.
My goal is to make some pillows for my bed and also some sort of coverlet using the Candlewicking. Can you just imagine how gorgeous that will look???
Well needleworking aside, I also got to watch "Mansfield Park" last night and really enjoyed it. Adventures in Babywearing had mentioned how much she liked the movie so I was eager to see if I would feel the same way, and boy did I.
Anyway, you know how I'm always saying that Nicholas says the funniest things? Well Jasmine had her own moment this morning LOL
I was trying to get dressed and I'm standing there in just my underwear, and yes ladies, I wear thongs, got used to it when I was younger and I just can't seem to break the habit LOL
But I'm standing there about to put my shorts on and she comes up behind me and says, very innocently, "mommy your underwear is pulled on too high, your butt cheeks are showing" LOL
I about died, that was just the funniest thing, and the conversation that ensued was even better because now I had to explain (or rather make sense of) the fact that I CHOSE to wear underwear like this. She's not impressed!!!! LOL
I plan on adding some more recipes to my Food Blog this morning, so be sure to check there if you are interested.
I'm also planning a visit to the Airman's Attic later, have some more items to donate and I also want to look through their kitchen and craft shelves. You would be amazed at the neat stuff you can find. That's me, the bargain hunter, always on the prowl for something else. I know some people turn their noses down at thrift stores or yard sales, but I for one couldn't be happier in one, there's something so fun about it. What about the rest of the ladies out there, do you enjoy them??? And what sort of items do you usually look for???
I can't believe this is the last week of summer for Jasmine and then next week school starts, guess we're going to be busy getting everything ready the next few days, gotta get her a new backpack and finish buying her school suplies. I'm actually eager for school to resume so we can get back to our usual routine but also because it means we are that much closer to Halloween.....can't wait.
Well my Blog Car is warmed up and ready to go, got my "Morning Blog Drive" to make, so I better mosy on out of here. Oh I almost forgot my coffee, I'm having Irish Cream this morning, mmmmmm, so good.
Alright I'm done blabbing, go on, get your housework done or your errands taken care of, but if you would rather come take a drive with me, you're more than welcome to :)
God Bless,
Or as my daughter said once "Mama, your underpants are broken!"
I'm a big suck, and tend to have candlelit bubble baths way more than I should. But my kids go to bed very, very early.
I just love reading your blg...and I LOVE yard sales...Love them and COnsignment stores....cant get enought of them,,,,,,right now my eyes are open for Miller some toys or clothes......they grow out of them so fast that
Miller just hit the computer....so I'm posting again....I hate to buy anything new unless its for a special occasion.
New recipes & crafts. Ok is this Sandra's blog or Martha Stewart? LOL! Just joking...I think it's all really neat. Keep up the great work!
Love ya,
I can't remember the last time I made the time for a relaxing bubble bath. Your picture is making me want to rectify that!
I love Mansfield Park! :)
Oh, and I love the design work you did on Beck's blog. Very creative! Good work!
Sorry, I accidently posted the same comment twice so I delete one. :)
Hello! I too am a bargain shopper. I get a total high from it....you just can't beat the feeling! The comment from your daughter was hilarious. Enjoy your day. Laura
I am in awe of any woman that can wear a thong!! You go girl!:!
My favorite thing in ALL the world? That moment of sinking into a bubble bath! Soooo glad you got to enjoy one.
That bath looked wonderful! Love your new look, but I'm still getting that split template. I wonder if it's something on my end. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Wow...time for a bath and time for crafts. Sounds like a dream evening! Hope you were relaxed!
Your bath looked so inviting. I absolutely love bubble baths and no you do not sound like a dummy. Relaxing and enjoying God sounds like a peaceful time. Something I would enjoy.
Your embrodery is nice. I am not this talented but envy all of you who are. I never seem to have the patience it takes to create something. I do scrapbook on occasion, but I am a copycat so I basically get my ideas out of magazines.
Jasmine's comment about the thong was hysterical. I am actually laughing out loud. How are you going to explain this? I'm sure at her age it doesn't look too comfortable.
I am going over in a little while to check out the food blog. You always have such cool pics and it makes me hungry just looking.
That's wonderful that you took the time for yourself to take that bubble bath! And do the embroidery - it looks beautiful!
I'm still laughing about Jasmine's comment to your underwear! How funny!
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