It started out with me trying to make an appointment to the Base Hospital for my annual pap and my IUD is also scheduled to be removed. I got the run around, I sat on the phone for 30 minutes with Tricare and then this panel and that panel and whatnot. At some point in the conversation I was told that I may have to go to my PCM (primary care manager) to have it done. I'm sorry but WHAT?!?!?!? Really?!?!?! Cause there's no way I'm going to a normal doctor to have him give me a pap or remove anything, that is just ridiculous. By the time I got off the phone with them, I was wishing I was rich so I could board a plane to Idaho and go and get my appointment done there.
As it stands right now, I'm waiting for my PCM's nurse to call me and tell me if she can give me a referral to the OB/GYN clinic on base. Hopefully she can!
Then I realized that with all the run around lately, I still hadn't gotten my driver's licence renewed, so off I go looking for the DMV number to find out exactly what I need to get it renewed here since my licence is from Idaho. AGAIN, 20 minutes on the phone, run around, call this number, call that number. I had everything set to go and Curt was supposed to be home at 2pm so we could go. I still don't know the area around here very well and didn't want to take off with two kids in tow.
While waiting for the time to come I decide to try and get some sewing done, it always relaxes me. Right???? WRONG! I don't know what the heck is wrong with my sewing machine but it sews 2 stitches and then the thread breaks off. I must have rethreaded that thing a dozen times before I finally decided it's best to put it away, it did nothing to relax me, if anything it just frustrated me even more.
But my day wasn't over because I got ready, got the kids ready and sat waiting for Curt to arrive. 2pm came and went, so did 3pm and 4pm....he walked in the door at 4:45pm and the DMV closed at 5pm. YEAH, no going anywhere for us.
By the time I climbed into bed last night I was beat, emotionally, but after some prayer and some reading I finally relaxed just in time to close my eyes and hit the sack. Today is a new day, so here's hoping to less chaos.
I'm also keeping an eye out for Netflix, because Season 2 of "Robin Hood" was released today and I have it on my Queue so I'm hoping to get it as soon as possible. I could watch it online at BBC, but I would rather do it while laying in bed with some popcorn.
The kids are enjoying their last few days of summer, there's lots of computer games, watching tv, drawing and coloring and playing around. They're excited for school, Nicholas is so so, one day he's fine and then the next he is telling me that he's going to miss me and doesn't want to go. I've put it in the Lord's hands and I know He'll watch over him.
I think what's bothering me a bit is that usually we have the Meet the Teacher open house at the school a week or two before it starts, this year however they're not doing that until the 21st of August, AFTER school has begun. The problem is that they tore down the old school building and just built a whole new bigger school. I just wish that I could get to meet his teacher before hand, even for him as a kindergartener I think it helps them being able to see their classroom and the teacher first. So I'm hoping the transition from home to a full day of school, will be a smooth one for him.
And I realize I've babbled on for quite a bit today haven't I? Goodness, I'm sorry about the venting, I didn't realize I had so much to complain about LOL But I'm done complaining, I choose to concentrate on the positive side of things, like my birthday coming up on Sunday...... the fact that I've lost 4 lbs this past week YAY!
I did my weigh in yesterday and went down from 142 to 138, I'm thrilled!
So I figure after all the not so happy talk in this post, I would end with happy things, things that make me smile.
I am sooo sorry you had such a stinky day yesterday! I hope today is MUCH better!!!
Ugh..dont' you hate having to be on the phone so much..dealing with stuff?? i HATE that!!!
I am sooo surprised you haven't canned before! With all the cooking you do...I assumed you would have! I am still new to canning..but i will try and maybe do a lil tutorial about it sometime!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful day!
Oh what a day... Espero que dê tudo certo Sandra... já passei por este procedimento, só que aqui é mais fácil. Oh dear, it is so good to come here and see your template changing so often. Love this one. beijos
Take out the bobbin holder - you may have a nest of thread underneath. There is usually a little spring thing you move to release it. I don't know what make you have but that is what usually snarls up machines!
I have had a couple of days like this. Really frequently at the moment! Plans - the moment i make any they implode on me!
Military medicine can be sooooo annoying! That is one thing I won't miss when my husband retires!
I'm having one of those days today and family issues between my mom and brothers. It's a mess and a half.
Thanks, I need to go to the Gyn for the yearly-thanks for the reminder.
I picked up my first novel to read in a month or so a few days ago-The Secret Lives of Bees on high recommendations from friends.
Your cool photos made me smile!
I hope you get everything worked out.
What an interesting post. I've had days like you had yesterday. Thankfully not too many of them. Even when things are all going wrong, there is still so much to smile about and be thankful for. Boy I wish I could say I had lost 4 pounds this week. Of course that kind of thing doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen. Maybe someday....
Girl all I got is to the first paragraph and stopped cracking up at your bluntness in from of "blog land"...you are too open and funny!!
I have a lot of those days where I wonder "what the world I did by getting out of bed. Personally...I just go back to bed and make the kids take a nap...lol!!"
Now, I will go back and read the rest of your post, I might just be back to laugh some more....
XOXO~Smile, Jeannene
Ugh. Doctors and insurance can be so annoying!
I had a similar day yesterday. It was really bad. I did a lot of praying and reading the first 7 chapters of the Yada Yada Prayer Group and that helped a lot -- along with talking to a couple close friends and family!
Good luck getting all your business done!
I love your pictures. Sometimes we just have bad days. I hope today was much better for you. Too bad you dont live close we could go grab a cup of coffee.
I wish I stayed in bed too.
I can't believe you need a referreal to go to the OB GYN. My insurance is referral-happy, but they still let me go to the OB without one.
Oh - I hate phone runarounds! Especially now that we're on the other side of the world and a lot of our business conversations with the US happen in the middle of the night . . . Sorry your day went so not as planned!
I have been having so many days like that recently. Just makes me want to crawl under a rock. I hope today was better for you!
You and my hubby have the same birthday! Oh, and your blog looks so yummy. Makes me wanna go cook.
Ugh....calling the doctor's office always takes forever and you have to explain the same thing to 50 different people! LOL I hope it all gets worked out. I have to have a pap this month too...ick. All of those things make me smile too...especially the embroidery. :0)
I hope today is better for you. The pictures are beautiful. Thankyou for visiting me and what a lovely name your daughter has.
I love thatched roof old english cottages. So you made me happy putting up that picture!
I have yet to get started in that Karen Kingsbury series. I'll have to put them on hold.
Hope everything works out. But thanks for sharing the things that make you happy 'cause they made me happy, too.
Sandra, it does sound like a horridly frustrating day. Sending you sympathy hugs and tidings of good cheer to chase away the nasty memories of the frustrations. I like your photos at the end of your post.....very soothing, especially the field of lavendar...imagine the awesome fragrance of being there....
I'm sorry your day didn't go so well! Hope tomorrow will be better....I love that Firstborn series by Karen Kingsbury and bet you will too!
Sandra I'm sorry that things went wrong.Here's hoping for better days ahead,I love the english tudor home you have posted just beautiful. Hugs...
I ran across you blog and your bedroom caught my eye. WOW is it gorgeous. Love all the windows and the bedding. Then I read further to find out that you read Karen Kingsbury. She is all I read and am down to 2 books left that I haven't read yet. I am through all of the Baxter books and waiting for her final book to come out next month.
I am sorry you had a bad day and didn't get the DMV taken care of. I hope your next day is a great one to make up for the bad one. Maybe God just wanted you to stay home today.
Thanks again for stopping by!! I understand about your day. Sometimes life feels more like a bowl full of pits instead of cherries! But by the time you have read this comment, it will be a NEW DAY full of new hopes!! I really have enjoyed visiting your blog! I love the pic. of the (I assume) lavender fields!
Congrats on tthe 4 lbs!!
May your new day be full of joy and blessings!
~Kelly Maria
ps~I added you to my "kindred spirits" list of blogs I love to visit!!
I love how even though you had a stinky day, you are still an optimist! Looking on the bright side, hoping and expecting that tomorrow will be better.
And I do hope it is :)
Thanks so much for sharing (venting LOL) a difficult day...I seem to get them fairly regularly and it helps to read about how someone else deals with it...once you got it written down you moved on to the things that make you happy...and those photos with their delicious colors and scenes made ME smile, too! Reading books you love and watching movies you love can chase those "why me" thoughts away, too.
Peace be with you,
Linds beat me to it, but I was going to suggest it's probably a bobbin problem - either your tension is off, or like she said, you may just need to remove the face plate and clean the whole bobbin area out.
Poor Nicholas - I agree that back to school night should be before school starts, especially for kindergarteners. I can't imagine why they couldn't put that together. At the elementary school where my daughter Mandy teaches, they went one step further and did a back to school barbecue for all the students and their families.
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