What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was in South Africa, having just married Curtis and found myself pregnant with Jasmine. I was embarking on the journey of my life, leaving behind my family and my friends and the home that I knew, flying across the world to new beginnings and new adventures. Scared, worried, happy and excited....all in one!
What were you doing 1 year ago?
One year ago we were settling into Arizona, we had just gotten our PCS (Permanent Change of Station) from Idaho and were faced with making a home of a totally new and completely different area.
Five snacks that you enjoy:
1. Gardetto's Mix
2. Maui Onion Chips (these are just so bad, bad, bad, I could eat the whole bag alone)
3. Trail Mix
4. Coconut Macaroons
5. Fresh Cherries
Five things that you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Open a Bed and Breakfast or a Coffee Shop
2. Build my own English Cottage in Idaho LOL
3. Move my whole family to the States
4. Travel to England, Scotland and Ireland...it's always been my dream.
5. Give a whole lotta money to charity, especially ones helping starving children all over the world
Five bad habits:
1. Worrying and not giving control over to God....I'm really bad with this
2. Sweet Tooth, way too much of a sweet tooth
3. Watching junk on tv, especially those reality shows, I don't know why I do it LOL
4. Curt says nagging, but I'm going to ignore that one because it's simply not true LOL (I should go nag him now just because *teehee)
5. I do say *crap* a lot.... and it's bad and I hate it and feel really bad about it, but sometimes I can't help it, it just comes out.
Five things you would never wear again:
1. Hair Scrunchies....oh my goodness
2. Leg Warmers
3. Those 80's Gel Shoes LOL
4. Hipster Jeans....that just went out the window 10 years ago when I first got pregnant with Jasmine. I still don't know what the whole appeal was, I mean, you couldn't even sit down without making sure you had a long shirt or a purse to shove behind you otherwise people would be seeing the china crack. Ridiculous LOL
5. Tie Dyed Shirts...enough said.
Five favorite toys:
1. My Passe-Vite...love love love it.
2. My computer, I don't think I would survive without it.
3. My sewing machine
4. My coffee pot
5. My stick blender, when my old one broke and I was making soup the next day, THEN I understood just how much it meant to me LOL

I hope this gave you a little more insight into what I like and who I am. If you decide to do one for yourself just let me know so I can come by and see it too :)
I'm leaving you with some links to great blogs I've found the past week, maybe they'll become some of your favorites too.
♥ Among the Hedgerows: I absolutely could get lost going through Lynda's blog, it's just so full of pretty photos and wonderful home things. Go on over and take a look.
♥ Beachys Cape Cod Cupboard: If you love the beach as much as I do, you won't want to miss this blog. The blog owner lives on on Cape Cod... in a Cape Cod style home with weathered shingles. You won't believe the beautiful photos she posts.
♥ Cowboys and Custard: Another great blog set in the south west of England, I'm always amazed at the beautiful countryside some of these bloggers live in.
♥ Lily's House: One of my favorite blogs, Lily lives in Devon and she's another of the bloggers that posts the most incredible photos, you should see her latest visit to Cornwall....breathtaking.
Wonderful list Sandra..I'll join in the fun and get mine up later... Rob would probably say "nagging too!!!" .
I loved this one..I too love B&B's and would love to open one up and I love cherries....yum. Wished I had some too.
I think Matt is more of a nag than I am :)...
I am a reality tv junkie too, I have to tivo and ff to get through them quickly!
Enjoyed reading your list and loved the fairy photos.
These blogs are lovely, Cornwall is one of my most favourite English counties to visit, just lovely. The beaches are amazing.
Let's hope you win a million and then you can come visit me! :)
Hugs n' love
Sarah x
That was a fun one. I have the same bad habits as you - of course I don't nag either! :)
This was such fun to read. I have to say Gardetto's Mix and Maui Onion Chips are on my list also. Opening a bed and breakfast with a coffee shop would be a place I would love to stay. We all know that having a sweet tooth and watching junk on tv, especially reality junk, is habits I am with you on. And nagging.....I am sure I don't do this LOL.
I loved your list, Sandra, and also the links - lots to explore!
I love this! Its always fun to read about other people and get to know them!
Thank you for the link to Beachys Cape Cod Cupboard! I love the beach, having grown up on the NH seacoast (I miss it!), and I'm enjoying her blog very much. Thanks again!
I enjoyed getting to know you better! Wonderful post.
Did you know that leg warmers are making a comeback? Yep - one of the hot new trends of the season :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Are you stationed at Luke AFB? I live in Queen Creek. I will have to do your "Who Am I" post. I will let you know when I have it posted. You bread looks awesome. I look forward to the recipe.
this was an excellent idea. If that photo of breakfast is at your house, boy I would like to stay at your B&B. Will visit the blogs. Also love England and that area to visit. Nice to get to know you.
Great meme - totally filled it out on my blog (set to post in the AM) - opening a bed and breakfast def. sounds fun - loved your answers!
I enjoyed reading your list! I remember those jelly shoes LOL
What a hoot! I love finding out more about you....these answers are so great.....now I want to know, what are Maui chips? I need to try these onion chips for myself, methinks.
It is so sweet how you have this soft spot for an English cottage and a yearning to visit the British Isles.....
Guess what? I think I still have a scrunchie or two lying around!! Oooops!
I loved your list!! I'm with ya on the tie dye and leg warmers!
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