I feel like I haven't done an actual post on what's going on here, in a while. So here we go, get ready to hear all about my interesting days, days filled with runny noses, kids bickering, amazing new fall tv lineups, my adventures with birth control and husbands drenched in jet fuel. Doesn't it sound appealing???
It does to me, I live for this, I thrive in this environment, it's called LIVING, it's called family and home and everything that comes with sharing your life with 3 other wonderful individuals who love you to death and can drive you to drink in a matter of seconds LOL
So we're at the end of September and it seems like the beginning of June here in the Phoenix area, Arizona, the heat is not budging, the dryness is sticking around and it's just another day in cactus paradise....and you would think after 1 year of being here I could say "I'm used to it already". Nope, not happening, I still long for the coolness of Fall in Idaho, for the changing of the leaves, for the impending snow flurries that will start hitting around November. I miss it, dearly, but I'm making do here. I'm trying my hardest to like it, I don't care if it's not working, maybe in another year I'll be able to say I'm finally content with it....chances are the minute I do that we'll have orders to another base LOL
My lemon tree seems to be thriving, after loosing so many of it's branches, it's finally full of lemons again and some are turning their beautiful shade of yellow, a few have made it to the ground and have been picked up by little fingers and excitedly brought inside to show mommy.
Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts, after discussing it with the doctor this morning and going back and forth with her saying"I don't think your symptoms are from the pill" when I KNOW they are, and "no matter what other pill I give you they all have estrogen". I've decided to go off all types of birth control right now, I'm not ready to take the chance and continue taking this pill especially when you hear of blood clots and such.....She agreed it would be best to give my body a rest and just use the normal contraceptives if need be LOL I feel that I have to do this for myself, to feel better and stop pumping so much estrogen and progestogen and whatnot into my poor body. Wish me luck ladies, Curt and I feel we've made the best decision for our family.
I've been enjoying all the new seasons of my favorite shows, Desperate Housewives was a shocker for me but I'm REALLY enjoying where they're going with it, same as Brothers and Sisters and Grey's Anatomy. Nothing like the fall season line up.
And that is pretty much what's going on here in Sandra Land...not much but yet I find myself running around like crazy everyday, like now...I'm off to start dinner and then there's homework to oversee, grocery list to draw up for tomorrow, budget to make and bills to prepare for paying.
I hope you all have a wonderful night, I'll see you in the morning.