How was your weekend?
Mine was pretty good, I did get a lot of rest and tried not to do much at all. I'm happy to report that I am doing pretty well with the steroids (side effect wise), unfortunately I am starting Day 3 of the dose and so far there is no change in the ear. The fullness is still there, the ringing is still there, so I am just not sure what is going on. I told my husband and kids that I must have some potent fluid in there that is refusing to budge LOL
I do still have another 3 days to go, so fingers crossed.
But, let's get on with our post for today. I'll be making something for my home later and taking some pictures to show you, it's just a simple DIY project but I can NOT wait to try.
Anyway, good morning again, hope you have a fantastic week.

The weather:::
Spring is here, the temperatures have been amazing, we even hit 80 degrees this weekend. The sun is shining, the grass is all green, flowers are popping up everywhere. Yes, it's my second favorite Season :)
Monday - Mostly Sunny, 69º
Tuesday - Sunny, 68º
Wednesday - Partly Cloudy, 77º
Thursday - Cloudy, 79º
Friday - Partly cloudy and windy, 82º
Saturday - Partly cloudy and windy, 62º
Sunday - Sunny, 60º
On my reading pile:::
California Girls by Susan Mallery
Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
Didn't watch much at all this weekend, I think Jasmine and I caught up on Kindred Spirits and Ghost Adventures.
I watch my daily Portuguese Vlogs, of course.
Hubby and I caught up on Supernatural as well.
Other than that, we didn't get a movie day because Jasmine worked this weekend.
On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Random Vlogs
Call the Midwife
Jesus: His Life - Premiering tonight on the History Channel
The Act
On the menu for this week:::
Beef Noodle Casserole, Salad
Crispy Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Cheeseburgers, Fries
Loaded Spaghetti Bake, Foccaccia
Homemade Pizza
Meatloaf, Garlic mash, Green Beans
Leftovers, Sandwiches
On my to do list:::
One load of washing to iron and put away
Vacuum bedrooms and living rooms
Make clothes peg bag
Make DIY project
Finish the third crochet placemat
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Working on those crochet placemats, I have the third on the hook and then just need one more to finish off the set for us. I am also planning on making the clothesline peg bag, and the other DIY project.
Looking forward to:::
I feel like I'm on repeat, and it may sound exactly like what I said last week. But, I'm hoping the steroids work and finally clear this fluid and ringing from the ears. I have 3 days to go on the meds, so fingers crossed and lots of prayers.
Looking around the house:::
It's 8:39am and the sun is shining so bright through the windows. I don't have a lot of cleaning to do and the house is pretty tidy, except for the dining room area which always seems to be the catch all from the family. Is yours the same way? Like, the dining table is filled with all sorts of things, papers, and bags and purses and keys and all sorts of nonsense that does not belong in that area.
I have a load of laundry sitting on the back of the couch in the green living room, just waiting for me to iron.
I also want to give the dining room carpet a quick clean but I'm mainly concentrating on my DIY's and crochets etc today.
From the camera:::
I don't know about you, but give me a good book, a candle, some crochet and a plant, and I'm basically in my dreams.
What I'm wearing today:::
Just like last week, still in my nightgown while I finish this post up. I will be putting on some shorts and a tshirt soon, it's that time of year and it feels good to let the legs breathe again Hahah
One of my simple pleasures:::
Anything that involves crocheting, sewing, making with my own hands. I just really enjoy making things for my home.
Bible verse, Devotional, prayers:::
I would like to ask for some more prayers for myself and this ear. I know it's a small ailment compared to what others are feeling and going through at the moment, but I'm also one of those people that believe that just because someone is going through something harder, it doesn't take away from the fact that another person may be struggling with something. I have friends who sometimes ask for prayers for small things and feel bad about doing it because they feel that they are somehow not allowed to and shouldn't complain because there are always "worse things that could happen".
And that is true, it could always be worse, but I think we need to all remember that sometimes even the small things can steer us off track, make us feel a little lost etc.
I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that, but you know me, I say how I feel and I'm pretty open on this blog. So, if you see it in your heart to throw a little prayer my way, I would very much appreciate it. If not, that's ok too, I'll still love ya :)
Ears are a tricky thing and can mess with your overall being so badly so I pray that you see relief with the ear issue soon! Have fun with you DIY projects, I can't wait to see what they are. Enjoy that beautiful weather and have a GREAT week my friend.
Sending positive thoughts for your ear... should start getting better soon as you are on day3. Great diy project - post pictures when finished. Hope you have a great week
Prayers already sent! :) It's so nice seeing the sunlight coming through my bedroom windows! It has been gray and dreary for so long here in Michigan. As usual, everything on your menu sounds amazing! Feel better soon!
Joining you and the others in prayer over that ear, Sanda. No one should every feel bad for asking for prayer. We serve a big God, yes, but He cares about the most minute detail of our lives. Am praying complete health, healing, and wellness over you today. Your menus look GREAT and the crochet project that you are working on is very pretty! Love the color! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3
When Joe was stationed at NAS Dallas I has a terrible time with allergies. So, I know what you are facing. My advice is go see an allergist. I went on immunotherapy and I saw a big difference. Also I think fluid that won't budge is an infection. I'm thinking antibiotic is needed. That's My two cents!! Haha!! And of course I'm praying
Best of luck with your ears. My daughter struggles with this problem. No fun!
Hi Sweetie! I'm so sorry that you're still having those darn ear issues. When I was in the worst prime of my allergies - my ears were often affected too. And they had me also take a decongestant each day and that actually seemed to help dry them up too. Praying that you feel better soon!!!
Love the crochet project. Such a Springy green ;) I hope you have a blessed and HEALTHY week ahead dear Friend. xoox
Praying the meds kick in soon and your ear issues clear. We're also enjoying spring but it's not quite warm enough around here to break out the shorts quite yet (well, for me anyway). Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
Oh, my, the ears are no small thing and yes I will sure be praying for complete healing. May this time next week all things be much better. Happy new week!
Dang, I was so hoping you would have some relief by now with your ear. Hopefully soon!! I need to go get myself some breakfast, your menu has made me hungry!! Have a great Tuesday (I am a day late in commenting... yesterday was a doozy of a Monday!)
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