It's Monday, it's the first of April, can you believe that? This year is flying on by even faster than the previous ones. Slow down I keep telling the universe, but alas, it won't listen.
So I have my kid's birthdays this month, on the 11th and the 25th. I'll have a 16 year old and a 20 year old. How???
I look at my friends and blog readers with little ones and I remember vividly those days, and I wish more than anything that I could go back in time and do it all over again. Kids grow far too quickly.
Anyway, I hope you all have a blessed week ahead :)

The weather:::
We had a cold front come in and it just completely ruined the Spring feeling Hahaha
One minute we were all happy in the upper 70s and then BAM, 30 degrees out of nowhere. It's a little chilly this morning but it seems this is the last of the cold weather and then it's full steam ahead to high 70s and 80s.
Monday - AM clouds, PM Sun, 60º
Tuesday - Mostly Sunny, 74º
Wednesday - Mostly cloudy, Wind, 75º
Thursday - Mostly Sunny, 76º
Friday - Cloudy, 79º
Saturday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 79º
Sunday - Partly Cloudy, 80º
On my reading pile:::
Glory Road by Lauren K. Denton
Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
Jasmine and I watched the season finale of Kindred Spirits.
Hubby and I watched two Simpsons Episodes, we were wanting to watch In Search Of, but couldn't get the link to load so gave up and went with Simpsons instead.
I watched my usual vlogs on Youtube.
On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Random Vlogs
Call the Midwife
Jesus: His Life - Premiering tonight on the History Channel
The Act
The Cult: The Family
On the menu for this week:::
Working on the new menu plan this week as I'll be grocery shopping on Friday.
Dad's Favorite Chicken, Rice, Beans
Beef and Veggie Pot Pie, Steamed Broccoli
Chicken Stew, Salad
Texas Hash, Beans
Homemade Pizza
On my to do list:::
Change bedding and wash linens
Make two more crochet placemats
Vacuum bedrooms and living rooms
Finish clothes peg bag
Make budget for this month
Pay bills
Menu plan and grocery list
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Crochet placemats
Clothes peg bag
Looking forward to:::
My ear clearing up. It is starting to feel better, but it's a slow process. I will be going back to the doctor this week, he wants to see me again and reevaluate my ear to see if there is anything else we can do to speed it up. My problem is that I'm allergic to Guaifenesin, which is basically in everything that you can take to clear up mucus faster. Just my luck!!!
Looking around the house:::
It's just a little past 8am and the house is incredibly quiet. The kids are still asleep, Curt is off to work, Marley is also asleep next to me on the bed.
It is quite dark this morning, it's pretty cloudy out there but the sun is trying very hard to peek through.
From the camera:::
Love my little cactus, it's just the sweetest thing ever :)
What I'm wearing today:::
I'm sure you all know that I'm still in my nightgown and in bed typing up this post. LOL But I will slip on a comfy dress here shortly and get ready for the day.
One of my simple pleasures:::
Making homemade products. It may take a little more effort than buying straight from the store, but it's healthier because you know exactly what is going in there, and it's way cheaper too.
Bible verse, Devotional, prayers:::
I found this little quote quite poignant and thought you all would enjoy it too :)
We got the cold snap, too, Sandra, but, after today, warmer temperatures all the way! I think spring is finally winning out! Love the little cactus! So sweet! Have a blessed week ahead and thank for all that you do! <3
Its a birthday month for me as well... me, my youngest, a nephew, a niece, a good friend's daughter, all within in a 2 wk period too... busy, busy busy! Cute little cactus! Love the quote! Have a great Monday!!
Our weather has been all over the place too! I hate those false spring starts as much as I hate Indian summers. Your menu sounds delicious. And your inspiration is PERFECT - life is so much easier when we remember this! Have a WONDERFUL week my friend.
Birthday month here too. My kids will be 26 and 28. I agree they grew up to fast. They are no longer living here and I miss the proximity.
Hope you have a great week and that your ear continues to improve.
It got cold here this weekend too. 70s last week, snow on Saturday! Isn't that ridiculous? Scotties turning 5 this month! The baby is growing up. Hope your week is wonderful and you get good news from your doctor this week.
Too bad you don't have some mullein. It's great in a tincture for ear congestion and upper respiratory stuff. Have a nice week.
Hello Sweetie!
Hope your warm springy weather continues ;) I can't believe how fast this year is already flying by too! Crazy it's April!!
That is THE cutest cactus ever. And I adore your inspiration today - so true and perfect. Blessings on your week xo
PS: so frustrated for you about your ears!! Saying prayers they heal once and for all and you have true relief in Jesus name - AMEN!! ;) xoxo
Glad your ears are starting to heal. Hope the doctor can finds some answers to speed up the process. Such a cute little cactus! Hope you have an amazing week!
Love this, so enjoyable! And, what a great devotional thought and so, so true! Hoping your ear clears up soon, ear issues are the worse! Have a great week!
Funny, I see my friends with older kids and think it won't be long before I'm the mom of teenagers and young adults. So I'm savoring every moment because I'm going to miss it for sure. We had a warm 70 degree day on Saturday and suddenly it dropped. I can't wait for the warm weather to stay. I really hope your ear gets better. I will say a prayer for you.
Hello! I have enjoyed your blog, and especially Home Maker Monday for a long time. Your weekly menu plan recipes always look so amazing and delicious. I’m curious what do you do with tour leftovers (I alway seem to end up with some). Do you have a leftover night or repurpose them into other recipes?
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