Thursday, April 25, 2019
{ Happy Birthday Jasmine - The big 20 }
Y'all!!!! I have a twenty year old, a TWENTY.YEAR.OLD!!!
I just can't even wrap my brain around that.
My baby, the little girl that made me a mama, my feisty red head, my mini me, turns 20 years old today.
She is working, she is growing up, she is a woman, and I'm sitting here just wondering where on earth time went.
Our daughter has gone through a lot, but she's managed to come out on top, pushed through the obstacles, the heart aches, failed relationships and a tough battle with depression and anxiety.
She is absolutely glowing, loving life, full of ideas for the future and just basically enjoying every minute of growing into an adult.
As parents, we sit back and watch and try to guide, which isn't always easy but watching your children grown from little ones to full grown adults with a life of their own, is insane. I'll leave it at that.
So today, as she turns 20, my wish for her is that when the hard moments in life come knocking at her door, that she will continue to have the strength, wisdom, morals and values to guide her through and come out shining on the other side. The world is at her feet, and it can be scary at times, but beneath the sweet and tiny little body, is a fierce, strong, driven young woman and whatever she sets her heart to, I know she will achieve.
Happy Birthday my babe, I love you and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished until now.
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A very Happy Birthday to Jasmine. 🎂
You must be so very proud of her. X
She is a beautiful young lady. I've been watching her grow up and time sure has flown by.
Happy Birthday Jasmine ~ FlowerLady
Such a gorgeous young woman. Happy birthday Jasmine!
Beautiful daughter! Happy Birthday!
I can't believe it! They grow way too fast. Happy Birthday Jasmine!
Happy Birthday to Jasmine!
Happy Birthday, Jasmine! What a lovely young lady you've grown into!
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