Sunday, March 31, 2019
{ It's that time of the year.....where grass goes flying through the air }
Well friends, the big guns have come out to play, and that means we are now in the time of year where grass grows at crazy speed and we spend a lot of time outdoors.
It's never real until that first mowing, isn't it?
My hubby had the day off on Friday and that was the perfect time to get started on the mowing. He got the big mower prepped and ready, and off he went. I have to say that first smell of fresh cut grass, is everything.
We also talked about our garden, what we want to plant and where we are going to build the raised beds etc. I'm so excited about that, I don't want too much but there are some veggies and herbs that I just have to have this spring and summer.
I'll share the progress with you as we get on.
The house has been coming alive as Spring sets upon us. It's so strange but just like us humans feel cold and dreary in the winter, the house seems to take on that same tone for me. It's almost like it's wanting to be closed up, left alone to deal with the winter blues, and then as days get longer, and temperatures rise, the house gets lighter and brighter.
My days have been filled with homemaking, and lately lots of crochet. I've been crocheting quite a bit behind the scenes, just making some things that I'm hoping to be able to make available for you all to buy. It's just a way to bring in a little extra money for our home, to help pay off our debt faster. I've thought about this for many years, but there is a very fine line for me, between enjoying crochet and it becoming a chore/job, and I have never wanted to cross that line for fear that it will ruin the love I have for the craft.
I do think that what I've been crocheting to possibly sell, is quick and easy for me to work through and it's therefore taking the pressure off myself in feeling that I HAVE to do it, and it not being enjoyable.
There's also the fact that I have to consider just how much time I can devote to this because as of lately, my days are quite busy and not exactly the same from one day to the next. It's all very up in the air lately, so I take whatever downtime I can to crochet a little.
Anyway, I feel like I'm babbling and you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about. Apologies for that, I'll tell you more about it this week :)
I've also been trying to take more pictures of our meals, especially the ones not up on the food blog yet, so that I can share them with you. That's something else that I find frustrating at the moment, because I have the best of intentions on sharing what I'm cooking for the family, but can never seem to find a moment to sit down and add them to the blog.
You may think that blogging is easy and quick, and for the most part it can be, but it does take time to type out the recipes, take and edit the photos, upload them to Flickr, and then embed them in the post and all that stuff. Believe it or not, it does take quite a bit of time but I am trying very hard to carve out time in my schedule for the recipes.
In the meantime, all I can do is keep pushing on and trying right?
So, update on my ear. It is finally starting to feel better, it's still got a bit of the fullness feeling and the ringing is still ongoing although not as bad as it was before. The Sudogest didn't work, the Medrol Steroid Pack didn't work, so my doctor has told me to wait until Monday morning and see how I'm feeling.
If it's not feeling any better or gotten worse, then I need to go back in for a reevaluation.
The problem is that the fluid in the ear needs to drain, and the quickest way to do that would have been to take Mucinex or any other Guaifenesin type product......I'm unfortunately allergic to Guaifenesin, so I can't take Mucinex, or Robitussin or any product containing it. Which leaves me with nothing to take to drain this ear faster.
What I've resorted to is home remedies and mostly Draining Massages which you can find online.
Let me tell you, those massages WORK. This may be TMI (too much info), but for the past 2 days that I've been doing them, along with steam inhalations and using a humidifier, I've had so much drainage running down the back of my throat, it's insane.
Taking the meds would have fixed this quicker, but since I can't, I know that it is going to take a while to get all of this fluid drained from the ear, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow morning, but I may just go in even if just to see how much fluid is left in the ear and if it's gotten better.
Right, I think I've talked so much on this post, but you know, I'm a talker and I had a lot to say and share. I'm going to end it right here though, it is Sunday and I plan on doing absolutely nothing today, no one has to work, we don't have to go anywhere at all, so it's basically the usual daily homemaking tasks, I plan on baking a cake later this afternoon, and more crochet.
Have a blessed Sunday friends and I'll see you back in the morning for our Happy Homemaker Monday :)
Friday, March 29, 2019
{ California Girls by Susan Mallery - TLC Book Tour }

- Hardcover: 432 pages
- Publisher: MIRA; Original edition (February 26, 2019)
Finola, a popular LA morning show host, is famously upbeat until she’s blindsided on live TV by news that her husband is sleeping with a young pop sensation who has set their affair to music. While avoiding the tabloids and pretending she’s just fine, she’s crumbling inside, desperate for him to come to his senses and for life to go back to normal.
Zennie’s breakup is no big loss. Although the world insists she pair up, she’d rather be surfing. So agreeing to be the surrogate for her best friend is a no-brainer—after all, she has an available womb and no other attachments to worry about. Except…when everyone else, including her big sister, thinks she’s making a huge mistake, being pregnant is a lot lonelier—and more complicated—than she imagined.
Never the tallest, thinnest or prettiest sister, Ali is used to being overlooked, but when her fiancé sends his disapproving brother to call off the wedding, it’s a new low. And yet Daniel continues to turn up “for support,” making Ali wonder if maybe—for once—someone sees her in a way no one ever has.
But side by side by side, these sisters will start over and rebuild their lives with all the affection, charm and laugh-out-loud humor that is classic Susan Mallery.

Purchase Links
Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble
About Susan Mallery
#1 NYT bestselling author Susan Mallery writes heartwarming, humorous novels about the relationships that define our lives-family, friendship, romance. She’s known for putting nuanced characters in emotional situations that surprise readers to laughter. Beloved by millions, her books have been translated into 28 languages.Susan lives in Washington with her husband, two cats, and a small poodle with delusions of grandeur. Visit her at
Connect with Susan
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
My Thoughts:
California girls tells the story of three sisters, all at different stages in life and all facing life changes and situations that pull them closer together.
In the background, their overbearing, helicopter and at many times smothering mother. She is a bit of prickly, weird character, downright intrusive and demanding and not someone I much cared for in the book. Matter of fact, anytime her name popped up I got so irritated and couldn't wait for her to fly off the page again LOL
The sisters on the other hand are perfectly imperfect, and just glorious to read and watch. There's something about a story that takes a character and grows them right in front of your eyes, and Susan Mallery is perfect at doing just that.
But the story isn't all about struggles and strife and getting through hard moments in life, it has it's fair share of romance and laugh out loud moments.
Loved this book and highly recommend it.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
{ What I'm currently watching on TV }
It's been a while since I've sat down and shared my current favorites. Back in January of 2017, I did a post titled Top Shows to Binge Watch on Netflix, and told you about the favorites at that moment. You can go over and read all about it, if you missed it.
It's been 2 years and since then I've watched numerous shows and found some new favorites to add to my list, but I haven't really sat down and told you what I was enjoying. I know a lot of you like when I share what is on my TV, and I too like seeing what others are watching, so let's see what I've been up to.
The very first one I have to tell you about is quite new, only 2 episodes in but I'm absolutely LOVING every second.
Jesus: His Life - History Channel
“Jesus: His Life” explores the story of Jesus Christ through a unique lens: the people in his life who were closest to him. Each of the eight chapters is told from the perspective of different biblical figures, all of whom played a pivotal role in Jesus’ life including Joseph, John the Baptist, Mary Mother of Jesus, Caiaphas, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene and Peter.
It is told in documentary style with numerous biblical scholars, historians, faith leaders and theologians, intermingled with recreations of the story being told. The series is by Joel Osteen and focuses on Jesus' life from birth to death and all in between. It is fantastic!
The Act - Hulu
Here we see the story of Dee Dee and Gypsy Blanchard, portrayed on screen, in all it's horrible deplorable glory. If you don't know about Gypsy Blanchard, you are in for a roller coaster of emotions that will culminate in you sitting there, mouth wide open, in shock, wondering just what on earth some parents are thinking.
It is based on a true story turned murder case, about a mother and daughter duo who on the outside seem to lead a simple and yet sad life. Gypsy is said to suffer from all sorts of diseases and ailments that have left her bald, unable to walk and in need of a feeding tube. The mother is supposed to be a devoted loving mom, doing everything in her power to take care of her sick daughter.
What we don't know is that beneath all this is a sick twisted story of a woman suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy who has basically sentenced her daughter to a life of torture.
It is a hard story to follow, it left me sick to my stomach at times, and the end leaves you in a state of confusion. I don't condone violence in any way, shape or form, but there are cases where I can understand how a frail mind can break and commit the horrible act of murder. Anyway, just take a look for yourself.
The Act is going to be a character based seasonal anthology series that will tell stranger than fiction true crime stories.
Frankie Drake Mysteries - PBS
Set in 1920s Toronto, the series follows the adventures of Frankie Drake (Lauren Lee Smith) and her partner Trudy Clarke (Chantel Riley) at Drake Private Detectives, the city’s only all-female detective agency, as they find themselves fighting crime in the age of flyboys, gangsters, rum-runners, and speakeasies.
Well you know how I feel about period dramas and series, so this one was on my watch list mainly for that fact, but I do quite enjoy a good mystery series and this one is so enjoyable to watch. I started it not too long ago so don't have much to say on it, other than if you're looking for a period murder mystery detective kinda of show, this is one to maybe take a look at.
Agatha Christie's Ordeal by Innocence
Here's another great crime, drama, mystery series and of course when it has the wonderful name of Agatha Christie attached to it, you know it's going to be good.
The story follows the Argyll family and particularly Jack Argyll who has been accused of murdering their matriarch. One day a man shows up on their doorstep claiming he knows for sure that Jack is innocent. The whole family is turned upside down while they try to figure out who the real killer is and if it is still living among them.
Requiem - BBC One
In 1994, a toddler disappeared from a small Welsh village, never to be seen again. 23 years later, in London, the mother of rising cello star Matilda Gray commits suicide, without apparent reason. Among her possessions, Matilda discovers tantalizing evidence, linking her mother to the Welsh girl's disappearance all those years ago.
I've only watched the first episode so can't say much, but the story is really interesting and I'm quite looking forward to what is going to come out of it.
The Real War of Thrones
In the turbulent formative centuries of early Europe, power-hungry family dynasties fought for domination of the continent.
I have this one ready to go, haven't started it merely because I'm trying to finish off the others above before adding something else to my schedule. But, it looks so good and it's right up there with my favorite type of genre.
This Farming Life
Documentary series following the struggles and triumphs of five very different farming families in some of Scotland's most beautiful and remote landscapes.
Farming, Scotland, yep, that got me right away. I've enjoyed watching this series, it gives me an insight perspective into what farming is really life for some families. I find things like this interesting and I am always learning something new, so definitely one to watch if you also are into this kind of topic.
The Cult of The Family
A three-part investigation that chronicles the rise and fall of Asutralia's most notorious cult, The Family and it's strange but charismatic female leader, Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
I'm also waiting to start this one, but I am pretty sure I'll watch it this weekend because I'm fascinated with the whole family cult topic. It looks really good, and you all know I like crime shows or documentaries about real life occurrences.
And that is it, just a few of the shows that I have on my watch list, and am either currently watching or waiting to start as soon as I'm done.
I hope you've enjoyed my little list, and that maybe it gave you some ideas or pointed you in the direction of something new to watch. We have so many series/movies available and it's often hard to pick just one to go with, so I hope by giving you a few choices, I've helped narrow it down for you a bit.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
{ I'm back on it....the homemaker groove that is }
Remember when I told you that after we moved from Idaho, I seemed to have kind of lost myself and even though I love being a homemaker, I wasn't exactly acting like one.
I did the bare minimum to get by, but the love for the homemaking craft itself seemed to have dwindled.
I would be lying if I told you that I didn't struggle to find it again, matter of fact, and to be quite frank with you all, it took almost 3 years. But, I found it, I found the homemaking groove again and I'm so incredibly content at the moment.
Everything about my life is love. It is filled with family and moments of laughter. That's not to say that there aren't tough moments, health issues, or times when things aren't exactly going to plan, but overall, I feel such immense contentment with my life and where I am in this journey.
That love overflows from inside the home to the outside as well. When I was in Arizona I had grown so many veggies, had tons of plants that were thriving and growing beautifully. I haven't been able to do that in a long time, firstly because we were moving and had just left the military and everything was up in the air.
Then we moved from Idaho and again it was all just so chaotic, I wasn't really feeling myself, feeling a good homemaker and so things fell to the wayside.
As I get back into the groove, one thing I'm itching to do, is get back into gardening and growing. I have all these plans and thoughts and ideas about what I want to do in our yards this summer, and hubby is on board so I'm super excited about that.
On Sunday when we dropped Jasmine off at work, we stopped at Walmart for some meds, and then Curt and I had a little mooch around. I went straight to the garden center, not because I had something specific in mind that I wanted, but I love looking around during this time of year.
The garden area is filled with colorful flowers, huge potted plants, trees and shrubs, vases and patio furniture, and everything you could possibly want or need to set up a beautiful outside area.
We walked around a bit and settled on some plants to bring home, they were the cheap $1.98 ones and I just couldn't resist. I knew I had to bring them home.
Yesterday morning I got them all repotted and situated and then pulled out some faux leather fabric I had and started a project I had wanted to make for a while.
Fabric planters. The possibilities are endless and the fact that you can make your own means that you can use fabrics that will complement your home.
I had some faux leather fabric that I had bought back in Arizona and had been keeping for just the right project, whatever that might be. I knew that I wanted to use it for these plants.
I wasn't quite sure how to make them, or how I would do it and so these first two that I made were pretty much me winging in and using the easiest method possible. I measured the height, the width and the circumference of the pot, added about half and inch more, and then grabbed my hot glue gun and went to work.
These are not perfect, not by far, but I love how they turned out and as I make more, I now know what works what doesn't, and how to make them neater. I still am very pleased with the result and think the flowers look gorgeous in the fabric planter.
If you're wondering, the fabric planters are not filled with dirt. I merely placed the flower pot into the fabric planter. When it's time to water, I take it out and wait until it is done draining, before placing back in it's fabric planter.
I've been busy fluttering around the house. The minute Spring comes about, I am no longer wanting to stay in bed or under covers, in a corner of the house. I want to be up as soon as the sun is rising, opening windows, homemaking, cooking and baking and crafting.
I've made delicious food for my family's meals, I've crocheted spring and summery placemats, I take immense pleasure in washing clothes and hanging them to dry, planting and creating and so on.
As the weather warms up, my mind goes to homemade treats, especially those that we know the family will be gravitating towards, like ice cream.
Soooooo, yesterday, well, last night actually, after dinner, I quickly threw together some homemade raspberry ice cream. You won't believe how easy it is to make and it only takes 3 ingredients. Yes, that's right, 3 ingredients.
I'll share the recipe tomorrow, but let me tell you it's delicious, the hubby and kids love it and I'll be making more this summer, using all sorts of flavors.
I have been sharing a bit more on Instagram, it's just easier sometimes to do stories and show you my day in the moment, so if you're interested you can hop on over there and see what I'm up to.
But yes, I'm back in my homemaker groove and I'm hoping to continue sharing my days with you all, tips and tricks, recipes, snapshots of what I'm doing and my home and all sorts of things.
I'm so glad that you've all stuck around and have walked with me through this craziness I call life. I know I haven't been the greatest at commenting back and I apologize for that, I want to try and be better at that so please bear with me.
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed a sneak peek at my newest plants, crafts and yummy goodies.
I'll be back tomorrow with more :)
Monday, March 25, 2019
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/25/2019 }
Good morning friends, welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday edition :)
How was your weekend?
Mine was pretty good, I did get a lot of rest and tried not to do much at all. I'm happy to report that I am doing pretty well with the steroids (side effect wise), unfortunately I am starting Day 3 of the dose and so far there is no change in the ear. The fullness is still there, the ringing is still there, so I am just not sure what is going on. I told my husband and kids that I must have some potent fluid in there that is refusing to budge LOL
I do still have another 3 days to go, so fingers crossed.
But, let's get on with our post for today. I'll be making something for my home later and taking some pictures to show you, it's just a simple DIY project but I can NOT wait to try.
Anyway, good morning again, hope you have a fantastic week.
The weather:::
Spring is here, the temperatures have been amazing, we even hit 80 degrees this weekend. The sun is shining, the grass is all green, flowers are popping up everywhere. Yes, it's my second favorite Season :)
Monday - Mostly Sunny, 69º
Tuesday - Sunny, 68º
Wednesday - Partly Cloudy, 77º
Thursday - Cloudy, 79º
Friday - Partly cloudy and windy, 82º
Saturday - Partly cloudy and windy, 62º
Sunday - Sunny, 60º
On my reading pile:::
California Girls by Susan Mallery
Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
Didn't watch much at all this weekend, I think Jasmine and I caught up on Kindred Spirits and Ghost Adventures.
I watch my daily Portuguese Vlogs, of course.
Hubby and I caught up on Supernatural as well.
Other than that, we didn't get a movie day because Jasmine worked this weekend.
On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Random Vlogs
Call the Midwife
Jesus: His Life - Premiering tonight on the History Channel
The Act
On the menu for this week:::
Beef Noodle Casserole, Salad
Crispy Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Cheeseburgers, Fries
Loaded Spaghetti Bake, Foccaccia
Homemade Pizza
Meatloaf, Garlic mash, Green Beans
Leftovers, Sandwiches
On my to do list:::
One load of washing to iron and put away
Vacuum bedrooms and living rooms
Make clothes peg bag
Make DIY project
Finish the third crochet placemat
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Working on those crochet placemats, I have the third on the hook and then just need one more to finish off the set for us. I am also planning on making the clothesline peg bag, and the other DIY project.
Looking forward to:::
I feel like I'm on repeat, and it may sound exactly like what I said last week. But, I'm hoping the steroids work and finally clear this fluid and ringing from the ears. I have 3 days to go on the meds, so fingers crossed and lots of prayers.
Looking around the house:::
It's 8:39am and the sun is shining so bright through the windows. I don't have a lot of cleaning to do and the house is pretty tidy, except for the dining room area which always seems to be the catch all from the family. Is yours the same way? Like, the dining table is filled with all sorts of things, papers, and bags and purses and keys and all sorts of nonsense that does not belong in that area.
I have a load of laundry sitting on the back of the couch in the green living room, just waiting for me to iron.
I also want to give the dining room carpet a quick clean but I'm mainly concentrating on my DIY's and crochets etc today.
From the camera:::
I don't know about you, but give me a good book, a candle, some crochet and a plant, and I'm basically in my dreams.
What I'm wearing today:::
Just like last week, still in my nightgown while I finish this post up. I will be putting on some shorts and a tshirt soon, it's that time of year and it feels good to let the legs breathe again Hahah
One of my simple pleasures:::
Anything that involves crocheting, sewing, making with my own hands. I just really enjoy making things for my home.
Bible verse, Devotional, prayers:::
I would like to ask for some more prayers for myself and this ear. I know it's a small ailment compared to what others are feeling and going through at the moment, but I'm also one of those people that believe that just because someone is going through something harder, it doesn't take away from the fact that another person may be struggling with something. I have friends who sometimes ask for prayers for small things and feel bad about doing it because they feel that they are somehow not allowed to and shouldn't complain because there are always "worse things that could happen".
And that is true, it could always be worse, but I think we need to all remember that sometimes even the small things can steer us off track, make us feel a little lost etc.
I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that, but you know me, I say how I feel and I'm pretty open on this blog. So, if you see it in your heart to throw a little prayer my way, I would very much appreciate it. If not, that's ok too, I'll still love ya :)
How was your weekend?
Mine was pretty good, I did get a lot of rest and tried not to do much at all. I'm happy to report that I am doing pretty well with the steroids (side effect wise), unfortunately I am starting Day 3 of the dose and so far there is no change in the ear. The fullness is still there, the ringing is still there, so I am just not sure what is going on. I told my husband and kids that I must have some potent fluid in there that is refusing to budge LOL
I do still have another 3 days to go, so fingers crossed.
But, let's get on with our post for today. I'll be making something for my home later and taking some pictures to show you, it's just a simple DIY project but I can NOT wait to try.
Anyway, good morning again, hope you have a fantastic week.

The weather:::
Spring is here, the temperatures have been amazing, we even hit 80 degrees this weekend. The sun is shining, the grass is all green, flowers are popping up everywhere. Yes, it's my second favorite Season :)
Monday - Mostly Sunny, 69º
Tuesday - Sunny, 68º
Wednesday - Partly Cloudy, 77º
Thursday - Cloudy, 79º
Friday - Partly cloudy and windy, 82º
Saturday - Partly cloudy and windy, 62º
Sunday - Sunny, 60º
On my reading pile:::
California Girls by Susan Mallery
Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
Didn't watch much at all this weekend, I think Jasmine and I caught up on Kindred Spirits and Ghost Adventures.
I watch my daily Portuguese Vlogs, of course.
Hubby and I caught up on Supernatural as well.
Other than that, we didn't get a movie day because Jasmine worked this weekend.
On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Random Vlogs
Call the Midwife
Jesus: His Life - Premiering tonight on the History Channel
The Act
On the menu for this week:::
Beef Noodle Casserole, Salad
Crispy Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Cheeseburgers, Fries
Loaded Spaghetti Bake, Foccaccia
Homemade Pizza
Meatloaf, Garlic mash, Green Beans
Leftovers, Sandwiches
On my to do list:::
One load of washing to iron and put away
Vacuum bedrooms and living rooms
Make clothes peg bag
Make DIY project
Finish the third crochet placemat
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Working on those crochet placemats, I have the third on the hook and then just need one more to finish off the set for us. I am also planning on making the clothesline peg bag, and the other DIY project.
Looking forward to:::
I feel like I'm on repeat, and it may sound exactly like what I said last week. But, I'm hoping the steroids work and finally clear this fluid and ringing from the ears. I have 3 days to go on the meds, so fingers crossed and lots of prayers.
Looking around the house:::
It's 8:39am and the sun is shining so bright through the windows. I don't have a lot of cleaning to do and the house is pretty tidy, except for the dining room area which always seems to be the catch all from the family. Is yours the same way? Like, the dining table is filled with all sorts of things, papers, and bags and purses and keys and all sorts of nonsense that does not belong in that area.
I have a load of laundry sitting on the back of the couch in the green living room, just waiting for me to iron.
I also want to give the dining room carpet a quick clean but I'm mainly concentrating on my DIY's and crochets etc today.
From the camera:::
I don't know about you, but give me a good book, a candle, some crochet and a plant, and I'm basically in my dreams.
What I'm wearing today:::
Just like last week, still in my nightgown while I finish this post up. I will be putting on some shorts and a tshirt soon, it's that time of year and it feels good to let the legs breathe again Hahah
One of my simple pleasures:::
Anything that involves crocheting, sewing, making with my own hands. I just really enjoy making things for my home.
Bible verse, Devotional, prayers:::
I would like to ask for some more prayers for myself and this ear. I know it's a small ailment compared to what others are feeling and going through at the moment, but I'm also one of those people that believe that just because someone is going through something harder, it doesn't take away from the fact that another person may be struggling with something. I have friends who sometimes ask for prayers for small things and feel bad about doing it because they feel that they are somehow not allowed to and shouldn't complain because there are always "worse things that could happen".
And that is true, it could always be worse, but I think we need to all remember that sometimes even the small things can steer us off track, make us feel a little lost etc.
I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that, but you know me, I say how I feel and I'm pretty open on this blog. So, if you see it in your heart to throw a little prayer my way, I would very much appreciate it. If not, that's ok too, I'll still love ya :)
Saturday, March 23, 2019
{ A little crochet and a lot of resting }
Oh what a good Saturday it has been.
No one had work today, no one had any commitments or places to be or go, so the door was locked when we arrived home last night from picking Jasmine up, and it remained that way all day long.
For me, it was just what I needed.
I finally got the go ahead from the doctor to start a steroid treatment to get this ear issue fixed, once and for all. Because I haven't really ever had any kind of steroid treatments, at least none that I can remember, I have no clue how my body reacts to it, and so the doctor advised me to try and take it easy and start it over the weekend since my husband is home, in case I don't feel well or have any side effects.
So far, so good. I think I'm doing ok, I am however super tired but I think that is a combination of the frustration of this ear issue over the past month and the busyness of daily life.
Curt told me to take it easy, stay in bed if I wanted, and rest as much as possible this weekend. Yes, sir!!!
And that is exactly what I did today. Jasmine has spent the day with me in bed, we've been watching TV, talking, and I've been crocheting which I always find relaxing and calming.
I hadn't actually been crocheting for a while, and I've missed it so much, but you know how life is and as much as you want to do something, sometimes you just don't get around to it.
I also wanted to crochet something easy that didn't require a lot of thinking, counting stitches and paying attention, so basically a project I could do while watching TV or even reading. With that in mind I decided to start on some crochet placemats for the spring and summer.
I can't believe I actually have never crocheted any for myself, you would think with the amount of crocheting I do I would have a drawer filled with these, but no, nope, just haven't ever gotten around to it.
Picked up my crochet hook, the cotton yarn and got right to it. I've managed to make two already and am going to keep going. My plan is to make at least a set of 4 for my family, and then maybe continue going with some extras.
But yes, that's basically what I've done all Saturday. We just finished eating dinner, which I popped in the oven around 3pm. Just a simple roast chicken and I served a garlic, olive oil spaghetti with it. It was absolutely divine.
There's something about a good old roast chicken dinner isn't there?
Righto, I'm now going to get into bed, take my next dose of meds, grab my crochet and watch mindless TV shows.
Friday, March 22, 2019
{ National Geographic's Almanac 2019 - TLC Book Tour }

• Paperback: 400 pages
• Publisher: National Geographic (October 23, 2018)
A one-of-a-kind annual featuring surprising facts, stunning color photos, arresting infographics, and illuminating maps that present the world in a whole new way.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
{ Grape Hyacinths }
There are always those specific signs that say "Spring is here".
One can wish it to be true and even start imagining it from weeks prior, but there's one sign here in my yards that always, and I mean ALWAYS tells me Spring is here.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
{ Welcome Spring, I've missed you }
The weather has finally switched to Spring and I have been taking full advantage of it.
There is something very renewing about this time of year, it's almost like shedding the negative stuff and starting over. I get all this energy and my mind is filled with ideas and plans and projects. It's like I can't wait to get out there in the yards and start cleaning, pruning, planting, getting things ready for the summer and barbecues.
Monday, March 18, 2019
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/18/2019 }
Good morning everyone, how was your weekend?
I had a fantastic one. We had a lot of family time and realized just how much we had been missing it, and how important it is to connect, talk, hang out. We live in a very fast, chaotic and often times isolating world. People tend to go off into their own corners of the house and only really see each other during meals, and sometimes not even then.
My husband and I try very hard to keep the kids engaged and out of their rooms. Not to say that we don't give them their space and don't allow a day of just being lazy and doing what they want, but even then, we are constantly checking in, talking to them and so forth.
So Saturday, we had a nice dinner out and then a stroll around the mall, we hadn't done that in a long time and all enjoyed it.
Yesterday, Curt and I did some odd jobs around the house, then we spent the afternoon with the kids, in the living room watching movies. It was such a nice afternoon, we ate snacks, had popcorn, bacon sandwiches and chips and soda and just hung out. Perfect!!!
Anyway, good morning again, I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday.
I had a fantastic one. We had a lot of family time and realized just how much we had been missing it, and how important it is to connect, talk, hang out. We live in a very fast, chaotic and often times isolating world. People tend to go off into their own corners of the house and only really see each other during meals, and sometimes not even then.
My husband and I try very hard to keep the kids engaged and out of their rooms. Not to say that we don't give them their space and don't allow a day of just being lazy and doing what they want, but even then, we are constantly checking in, talking to them and so forth.
So Saturday, we had a nice dinner out and then a stroll around the mall, we hadn't done that in a long time and all enjoyed it.
Yesterday, Curt and I did some odd jobs around the house, then we spent the afternoon with the kids, in the living room watching movies. It was such a nice afternoon, we ate snacks, had popcorn, bacon sandwiches and chips and soda and just hung out. Perfect!!!
Anyway, good morning again, I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
{ Ear issues and a trip to the mall }
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon, to finally see what is going on with my ear.
I knew that it was allergy related, I knew that it was sinus related and usually it clears up on it's own, and so I waited 3 weeks to see if it would. It didn't.
By Thursday night when I went to bed, I was in a bit of pain, my ear felt very clogged, I was dizzy and the ringing/buzzing in my ear was louder. I knew then that it was time to make the call and go in.
I was almost 100% sure that it would be an ear infection. Thankfully it turned out that it wasn't an infection, but I do have a lot of fluid behind the eardrum which is all brought on by my allergies.
I have been given Singulair, Allegra, Sudafed and some allergy nasal spray. The doctor did say it would take about 7 days for this all to clear up, so I guess I'll be dealing with the ringing etc. for a little while longer.
But at least, it's a step in the right direction.
So, it's Saturday, and I haven't done much aside from the usual laundry and cleaning here and there. The meds make me a little drowsy and I'm still not feeling very well so I've been resting as much as I can.
This afternoon though, we all went to pick Jasmine up from work and then headed to the mall. She wanted to go get some things for work and also wanted to take us to dinner at Red Robin.
It's such a strange feeling when all of a sudden your child is an adult, making her own money and taking YOU out for meals. Definitely a change, but a good one and we are incredibly proud of her.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
{ What a week it's been }
I really don't want to come in and whine and moan and complain. It's just been one of those weeks, bad weather, a lot of driving around and dealing with horrible allergies that have decided to attack my right ear. Last year I got fluid in both years from the allergies, right around this time as well.
3 week ago, I started struggling with the allergies again, getting bad bouts that would leave me coughing and losing my voice. A week after that started, my right ear became muffled and felt like I couldn't get it to pop. A week after that, I had put some olive oil and tea tree oil in, as advised by some people, and two days after that I started getting the ringing in my ear.
It's now been 4 days of the non stop low buzzing in my right ear, the ear is still muffled, and I'm about to rip my head off with this nonsense.
I am giving this until this weekend, and if it's not getting better, I'm making an appointment for the doctor next week. I just can not handle this clogged ear and ringing feeling. I don't have pain, I do have itching inside the ear, so I'm starting to think that it's developing from fluid into an infection and it's time to nip this in the butt.
Monday, March 11, 2019
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/11/2019 }
Good morning friends, come on in out of the cold and rain.
It's been raining non stop since yesterday morning, and it's dropped our temperatures down significantly Saturday was warm, we were in the 70's but that's all gone down the drain into the 30's.
But never mind that, I have hot coffee so come on in and sit with me a little, I'll show you what is going on this coming week. :)
It's been raining non stop since yesterday morning, and it's dropped our temperatures down significantly Saturday was warm, we were in the 70's but that's all gone down the drain into the 30's.
But never mind that, I have hot coffee so come on in and sit with me a little, I'll show you what is going on this coming week. :)
Saturday, March 09, 2019
{ Amazon goodies arrived }
Good morning everyone and a very happy Saturday to you all :)
It's been a bit of a crazy week, lots of driving around, back and forth, no internet for a day and feeling so tired that I climb into bed at 8pm and I'm out for the count.
Nothing super exciting to tell you, so I won't bore you with the nitty gritty, but I did think I would come in and show you my Amazon delivery.
I don't really shop much online, I think during Christmas is when I actually order from Amazon or anywhere else, aside from that, yeah just not much of an online shopper.
The only reason I even made this purchase is because I was gifted an Amazon card for Christmas and had yet to use it, plus the two items I got were things that I needed.
Right, let me show you what I'm excited about.....
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