Tuesday, January 10, 2023

{ Blog 365 #10 - Visiting new blogs }

I sat yesterday afternoon, and got completely caught up, with all of your Blog 365 posts.  It was so much fun reading each one, and taking the time to see what you all were up to.

Some bloggers I have known for years, but there are a lot of new faces, and a lot of new blogs from all over the world.  How exciting!!!

I would encourage you to visit each other, and leave a comment.  

Now, I understand it's not easy, it's difficult at times to find the time to comment.  It is far easier to go in, read the post and click off, I am guilty of doing that as well.

Also, I know that this challenge is actually been hard for some of us, me included. 

How many of you are already finding it a bit difficult to come in and post daily?  *raises hand*

I almost didn't post on Sunday, because I didn't get to my computer until late in the day, and by that time I just wanted to go to bed.  I also didn't know what to post about, and kept telling myself to just leave it.  But I didn't and I'm glad I still came in to register something.
Finally, I saw some of you commenting on scheduled posts.  If you want to do that, go ahead.  The whole point of this challenge is not to force us to post if we don't want to, but rather to challenge us to do a daily post for a whole year, so that at the end of 2023, we can look back and see how we did.  The posts don't have to live, that very same day.
So if you want to schedule posts a few days, week or weeks in advance, do it.   

In closing, I just want to thank all of you who have jumped in head first into Blog 365, knowing that it wouldn't be easy, but nonetheless, fun to try.  We will get this done together!!!

Have a blessed day friends,


Mrs.T said...

This is such a great idea. Wish I had thought of it myself!

Daniela said...

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! I'm so glad I found your blog. I love it so much. God bless you and your family!

Jean said...

I have had lots of fun visiting around to blogs as well. Off to get my day 10 post up now :) And yes, I'm already struggling a bit as well but determined to stick with it.

threesidesofcrazy said...

As much as I want to have the time to post a new post each and every day, with my schedule I will be resorting to some Wordless Wednesdays and Silent Sundays to meet the 365 goal.

Tracy dixon said...

I have found it easier to download the apps like Blogger and WordPress on my phone and blog from there. It is so much easier to just grab my phone and make a quick post versus getting out my computer, logging on to internet and all that. I don't pull my computer out unless it's a big project I nees to do.

Tandreţe said...

I discovered you at Irina's, "Sweet home" !
I follow your blog, I like this challenge to write daily. It's a good exercise for remembering... As I haven't blogged for a while, your challenge made me rediscover the joy of sharing with someone, what what I like, what I think and to discover people, with whom I have something in common.
Thank you!

Kristina said...

I am not posting each day.... it is impossible for me.. But I do when I can... I am blogging about nice moments that happened to me that day so that I can come back later and read through them. And I dont mind I skip days. Just like you, sometimes the time is not with me and sometimes I just dont know what to write about. So I keep it simple but interesting :) Anway, I am not giving up and it still makes me do somthing more for my blog. And I love blogging, And this was really great idea :)