Thankfully today is a holiday and my husband isn't working, but we have to go drop off our daughter about 2 and a half hours from us, so need to get on the road pretty soon. At least we will be back home by lunch and will have the rest of the day to relax before it's back to work and school tomorrow :)
The weather:::
As always Texas doesn't disappoint with the nutty weather. We had beautiful 90 degrees last week, then Saturday morning woke up to fog, clouds and rainy weather, it cleared up and was sunny and warm in the afternoon, only to grace us with a huge thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and into the very early morning hours. Craziness!!!
This week we're looking at high 70's so I think it will be quite nice :)
On my bedside table:::
I cleaned it up. Hallelujah!!!! So now, just my alarm clock, my devotionals and bible and the TV remote.
On my reading pile:::
Just started In This Grave Hour by Jacqueline Winspear. It's for a review.
On my TV:::
Everything on my list last week, did NOT get watched. I'm a mess!!!
I did however binge watch and am still binge watching, Women Behind Bars.
There are a couple things I watch every day without fail, and those don't change, that is General Hospital and Dr Phil.
I don't know what else I will get to watch this week but I never run out of ideas as my list of shows is ever growing.
On the menu for this week:::
It will be just me and my hubby and son, for the next 2 weeks.
Monday 20th
Meatballs with Spaghetti, Salad
Tuesday 21st
Ham and Cheese Chicken Roll Ups with Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday 22nd
Paella, Veggies
Thursday 23rd
Hamburger Helper, Salad
Friday 24th
Sweet Fire Chicken with Basmati Rice
Saturday 25th
Shepherd's Pie
Sunday 26th
Jalapeno Cheddar Brats, Onion Rings, Fried Pickles
On my to do list:::
Drop off Jasmine
Wash my comforter {marley decided to vomit on it early this morning}
Finish last row of Scheepjes CAL 2017
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Still working on the Mandala Madness, am about to finish Part 9 which means I'm halfway through. Goodness!!!
Also started the Scheepjes CAL 2017, second part will be released on Wednesday and I can't wait.
Looking forward to:::
Paying off some of our bills. We are just 5 months from paying off one car and one bill we have with the IRS from a mistake back in 2015. So excited.
Looking around the house:::
It's dark, but I have my Scentsy burner on. It's just gone 7am, so it's getting brighter outside. I need to pick up Marley's toys which he has thrown about all over the living room floor, but other than that the house is not in major disarray.
From the camera:::
Quite enjoying some knitting, even though I'm a huge crocheter, I do however enjoy my knitting and it's been a nice little break from all the crochet I've been doing. I haven't stopped crochet though, just adding a bit of knitting to the mix :)

What I'm wearing today:::
Still in my pjs, but going to get dressed very shortly so we can get on the road. The temps are supposed to be in the high 60's lower 70's so I'm going for comfort. I'm going to wear my black maxi dress with my black sandals and throw on my denim jacket over.
One of my simple pleasures:::
Laying on the couch with one of the dogs. Just laying there, playing with them or letting them nap on me. Love it :)
Bible verse, Devotional:::
All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly.
– Proverbs 13:16 (NIV)
How much time do you give toward planning? Sometimes we confuse the walk of faith with lack of planning or an ignorance of the circumstances, but the Bible does not condone that type of thinking. Understanding the implications of our actions are not signs of unbelief, but wisdom. Otherwise our ignorance is exposed, and we can be tempted to blame God for our lack of thoughtfulness. - by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor,
Shepherd's Pie sounds delicious. I haven't made that in ages!
Happy Monday. :)
Have a safe trip and I hope Jasmine enjoys her time away. I really need to read Jacqueline Winspear - her books are set right in the time period I really enjoy. Paella? Yummy! Is the recipe on your food blog? Your maxi dress/denim jacket outfit sounds really nice - I love that look. Payoff? Isn't that a fabulous feeling? Have a great week.
Have a great week my friend and a super safe trip taking Jasmine to drop her off. Isn't this weather just NUTS? We're still getting it down here.
There's nothing like the satisfaction of paying off bills - especially ones that have been lingering. Sweet Fire Chicken sounds like an intriguing recipe to try!
Happy Monday dear Sandra! Got to HHM late - but better than never, right? Sounds like you have some beautiful weather to enjoy ahead. Your menu sounds yummy as always too. ;) I love the crochet you've been working on and can't wait to see more!!
Blessings on the week ahead. xoxo
Lovely weather indeed......we're getting early spring here in Ohio, but by weekend cold again....I'll enjoy the sun while I can.....hope your trip to drop Jasminevoff was plan sounds wonderful...I need to make a new menu as well...can't wait to see your new crochet project progress....
We're getting the weird weather as well. Sounds like you had great weather for your road trip. Hope you have a wonderful week!
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