Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - The 25 Days of Christmas

Hello my friends!

So I'm coming in today to talk to you about the month of December and Blogmas.  I know that Vlogmas is a huge thing on Youtube, but I don't vlog, I don't really like being on camera, and so I thought I would do a Blogmas this year.

It will be my first ever Blogmas and I'm quite excited to do it.  At first I thought I would leave it up in the air and just post whatever I came up with that day, but after thinking about it a little more, I decided that having topics would be better so that I don't draw a blank.

I sat down this morning and compiled a list from 1 to 25 with different topics for each day, with each one relating to Christmas and the holiday season.

If you want to join in, just save the above list to your computer and follow each day's prompt.  So number 1 on the list will be December 1st and so on.

I'm really looking forward to sharing our traditions, our tree, our food and all our Christmas memories and preparations during the next month.

If you want to join in, let me know and I'll put up a Mr. Linky every day :)

There really aren't many rules to participate, all I ask is that you don't change any of the topics and stick to the list, otherwise, well, it wouldn't be my list LOL

Even if no one joins in, I just wanted to put up this post and let you all know what to expect for the month of December.

Buttons for every day.....feel free to use!


Jen said...

I love this idea! Looking forward to doing this. Or at least attempting to. You did not need to share the snow with us. {Wink wink} We currently have over a foot of snow. Many areas West of us have a few feet of snow!

Unknown said...

I think that this is a great idea and will look forward to reading it.

El blog de Celes :) said...

I'd love to join your blogmas! It would be great to share with you how we celebrate Christmas here in Argentina, by the pool and eating ice cream! Please count me in :)

Kelly H said...

Great idea!! Looking forward to it.

Sandra said...

You know me, I'm all about sharing LOL

Sandra said...

Thank you :)

Sandra said...

I am so excited that you want to join in, I'm hoping I get quite a few people with traditions from all over the world :)

Sandra said...

Thank you :)

Anabela said...

This is new to me. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. Thank you, Sandra xxx

Our Home Grown Adventures said...

I love this idea and will be joining in!

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that you have lots of fun with this! I probably won't join you because I already have some posts worked out for December, but I will really enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you get up to in December! xx

Unknown said...

I love this idea! Can't wait to start!

Rachel said...

This is a great idea. I have been contemplating doing something similar...so I might just have to join in with you :)

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

What a fun idea Sandra! (( clapping my hands excitedly!)) I would join in and will love to read what others share. Such a fun way to share some holiday spirit. ;)

Dawn Marie said...

This is a great idea! I'd LOVE to join in. I don't seem to post much because I don't always know what to write about. I can't wait to start.

Amy said...

OH HOW FUN!!! This just may be what I need to get my rear end back to blogging again!! What a great idea, Sandra!!! I will be joining!

Manuela said...


Angel Jem said...

I may not make every day, but I'd like to join in when I can... will that be OK? If I get really organised I can get most posts done and scheduled to go up on the right days!

Unknown said...

I'm going to do it this year I think thanks for the list hehe x


Unknown said...

Sandra this looks fantastic thank you. I'm doing it too. Do you have a twitter account because I would like to give you a mention? I would love if you would check out my Blogmas :) x

Anonymous said...

I really hope you do pop a Mr Linky up....I'm joining in and a few of my blog buddies are too.....GREAT LIST...and thank you for being so organised and making the list/graphic....

Eyeshadow Couture said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natasha said...

I love this idea! I've decided to take part and I'm putting up my first post in the next hour or so! This is so good!

threesidesofcrazy said...

I love this! I have arranged my schedule and chores this year so I can enjoy the season more (for a change) so this will be fun! I'm in

V.A said...

I love this! I have a beauty blog but it's fun to post non-beauty things once in a while!

Unknown said...

Hi Sandra, Just found this via Amy at love made my home, I would love to join in.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Good Morning Sandra, I was searching online to see what everyone was doing for Blogmas (this is my first one) this year and your blog was the first one that popped up.

I will be taking part and I am looking forward to reading your replies.

Taci simmons said...

That is such a great idea....I just found your blog and I love it , I have just joined in and I'm looking forward to coming back to visit you.

Judy said...

I read about this on Angel Jem's blog - I don't blog every day so I'm going to do a bit of a pick 'n' mix, but sticking to your questions. It's a great idea - really focusses those December blogs when I just seem to ramble on and on and on.... Judy.

Anonymous said...

Have been doing the Blogmas on my blog. Such a creative list and I have been enjoying it so much! Thank you for this :)


Schotzy said...

Sandra, even though my year this year has had so many ups and downs,,, this blogmas has grounded me,, rstored my joy, and thriugh it I have been mightily blessed!!!!

VioletDaffodils said...

I'd love to do blogmas one year! Thanks for sharing this list of ideas :)


cats dogs and elephants said...

What a great idea, I'm going to do this, this year sound so much fun. Thanks for the great idea:-)