Friday, November 14, 2014
Snowed in Friday!!!
I am so sick of this snow already...........
I'm kidding LOL
I just wondered how many of you would roll your eyes and think "really? already?".
So yes, it's been snowing non stop since yesterday. The photos I showed you on my previous blog post are nothing compared to the mess that has been happening outside since the early morning hours. And mess is an understatement as we're now in that slushy, muddy, dirty brown snow stage of this game. Oh and if I see another crazy person drive by fast, I may just run out there and give them a mouth full.
Slow down people, it is icy, it is slippery, you can't even see the actual road and you're speeding by. Put themselves and others on the road at risk. So frustrating!
My hubby had to leave early this morning for school, which is in Boise 45 minutes away. I watched him pull out of the driveway and as he turned onto the main road the car slid across the street, and when he straightened up, it slid again. I said a very quick prayer that he would be safe on the road and make it to college. I worry so much when he's out in this weather as my car is just not good for snowy roads.
Anyway, I set about having my breakfast.....
Then I quickly took some photos for my coffee review that is coming up tomorrow. Oh and there is a special 20% off code for my readers, so if you like coffee, be sure to come back and check it out :)
The snow kept pummeling down all day, it was just a constant flow, sometimes mixed with tiny little balls of ice, and other times with snowflakes almost as big as the palm of my hand. I have never seen snowflakes that big so it was something new for sure.
While the snowflakes fell down outside, I was inspired to make some for the inside of the house.
Super easy to make and I absolutely adore them.
This first one above, was made using my 4.25mm hook and the second one I used a 6mm hook to get a bigger size.
I am going to make a few more to hang from my kitchen curtains, I think they will look really cute up there.
In the meantime, I got a phone call from my husband letting me know that classes were all cancelled for the day and he was headed back home. He said the car had slid a couple of times which is very unnerving. He also said the highway was horrible, lots of cars sliding off, and instead of going 80mph which is the speed limit, he was only going 35 the whole way. I'm glad he took his time.
Right as I got off the phone with him, the snow really started coming down hard. I kept praying and praying because I knew he was on the road and I couldn't relax until he was back home safe and sound.
I sat down to eat some lunch, which was leftover Beef Stew from last night. So good!!!
Does anyone else think that stew always tastes even better the next day?
My Nicholas finished all his school work and then eagerly stood by the door waiting for the perfect moment to head outside to play. I have no clue what the perfect moment is, I didn't even know there was such a thing as the right moment to go play in the snow. According to the 11 year old, yes there is. I guess I learned something else today. :)
Since I was already done with my lunch, I headed outside with him for a little. There is something so magical about fresh fallen snow, I wish I could explain and put into words how I feel when I see everything white, the big flakes coming down, the accumulation of snow on the tree branches.
Don't think there are words.
There are also no words to describe how excited kids get playing in this mess.
Someone who does not enjoy this cold white stuff, is Miss Lola. I can't for the life of me get her to go outside and potty, which is very frustrating because then she runs upstairs and does it in the bedrooms. Yuck!
Daddy was able to coax her outside for a few seconds and she looks so miserable LOL
She is definitely not a crow, because those guys were happily walking up and down the road. I didn't quite understand why they were doing that, but whatever, as long as they're happy, right?
The relentless snow continued, producing the perfect snow for building snowmen.
I tried to Nicholas to come back inside and out of the cold, but it was useless, as I'm sure you all know if you have young ones who wait all year long for the first real snow to come down.
He did a good job though, with a little help from daddy and I. We were the official snowman body carriers because he rolled them up but they were far too heavy for him to carry.
I didn't stay out there for long, and when the snowball fight began I could be seen running as fast as my little legs could take me, into the house. There was just no way I would stand out there in the freezing cold getting pelted with snowballs. And by the way, my husband and kids don't play fair......they go straight for the face.
Jerks! LOL
We ordered some pizza for dinner as I have nothing left in the fridge and need to get some groceries, hopefully tomorrow morning but if not, by Sunday morning for sure.
I don't think we have anything planned at all for this weekend, which is fine by me because it is supposed to be quite cold. If we stay in then I foresee some more crochet, some book reading, some tv watching and some online Christmas gifts buying.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of Friday night. Sending you many blessings.
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Poor puppers just does not like that cold! Your snowflakes are cute. I have been snowflaking, angeling and making a shawl.
I would love the pattern for the snow flakes.
We got a dusting of snow yesterday, its is just down right cold.....I am heading out to a craft show today, hopefully the weather won't be to bad here....I think just the snowman.... Miss lola is so cute... Chloe, my yorkiepoo hates going out too, i just open the door though and keep telling her, go, go, go, she finally tippy toes out there, but wont leave the paved driveway for nothing, she hates touching that wet, cold grass, lol. Your snowflakes are adorable would love to see how you make those.... Stay warm.....
Great pictures! I love the pugs. :)
It's been snowing like crazy here too, and the roads are bad! I agree- slow down people!
What great pictures you take. You weren't kidding about having a lot of snow, wow! Have a wonderful weekend:)
sweet little pug, she is just sooooo adorable...
have a great weekend.
It was 36 this morning, 55 now. I'm washing & cooking two large pots of mustards while the outside crew harvests pecans today.
I hope your husband got home safe and y'all are having a good day together.
Is it still snowing?
I love the snowy pics! So pretty. I love pretty quiet peace that snow brings, but I also hate the ice and scary driving that comes with it! I'm glad your hubby's classes were canceled. Perfect opportunity to all snuggle in.
Oh and that pic of Lola in her sweater - could she be any cuter!?!
I so need to learn crochet some day - those snowflakes are adorable. They would make a really neat banner all together too.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend dear Gal!
I hope that it is less snowy today and that you could get out and get your groceries and do your errands - and then you can have pancakes for breakfast!!! xx
We had snow on Sunday. I do love the snow, but now it's Wednesday and almost gone. I'm always as glad to see it gone in a few days as I am when it's coming down :-)
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