Monday, April 10, 2023

{ Blog 365 #100 - Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/10/2023 }


Good morning, everyone, how was your Easter? 
We had a great one with family, lots of yummy food and laughs.  I am so sore this morning, from being on my feet all day Saturday and Sunday.
Anyone else get the lower back pain after days like this?  It's worth it in the end, but my goodness, I'm always out of commission the day after.  
Anyway, we had a great time, and I have a house to put back in order today, but I'm going to take it easy, and try to rest my back as much as I can.
I hope you have a fantastic week, my friends.  
Now, let's see what everyone is up to....


The Weather:::
Weather is getting hot around here, which I'm thankful for, because last week, we had 90 degrees, and then freezing mornings, which ended up killing one of my Hibiscus plants. 
Monday - Sun and clouds mixed, 76
Tuesday - Sunny, 75
Wednesday - Sunny, 77
Thursday - Sunny, 81
Friday - Partly cloudy, 85
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 77
Sunday - Sunny, 72

As I look outside my window:::

It's currently cloudy.  Believe it or not, I actually love cloudy days, especially during hot weather.  Makes it feel not so hot, if that makes sense? 

Right now I am:::
Currently sitting on my bed, working on this post.  I finished my coffee about an hour ago, so will probably get another soon.               

Thinking and pondering:::
About our garden.  We still haven't started the seeds, we are running quite late this year, for us at least, but hopefully this week we get that going.          

On my bedside table:::
Empty cup of coffee, kleenex (thank you allergies), tv remote and my phone.           

On my tv this week:::
Portuguese Soaps - Para Sempre and Flor Sem Tempo
Homemaking Vlogs on Youtube
Star Trek Picard  
Jane Austen movies 
Spring inspired tv shows

Listening to:::
Julie Green Ministries on the TV.        

On the lunch plate:::
We have leftovers from Easter, so will have that for lunch.      

On the dinner plate:::
Smoked sausage pie, Salad 

On the menu for this week:::
Need to start working on the new meal plan, this week.  But these are our meals until Friday. 

Monday - Smoked Sausage Pie, Salad (will also throw in some of the leftover ham)
Tuesday - Nick's Birthday (Lasagna, Garlic Bread,  Pound Cake)

Wednesday - Zippy Dogs, Fries

Thursday - Rotisserie Chicken, Mac and Cheese
Crazy Pizza bread

Sunday -
On my reading pile:::
Longbourn by Jo Baker, really want to finish this one.
The Secret Garden

On my to do list:::
Kitchen - I have a ton of dishes to do, from yesterday.  My dishwasher is full, so need to empty it, then was the dinner dishes in the sink.  Wipe down counters.  Sweep floor.     
Living room and dining room - put away table leaves, move serving table back to the closet.  Vacuum and dust.

Plans for this week:::
Start garden seeds

What I am creating:::
Blooming Flower Cushion
Psalms Embroidery 

My simple pleasure:::
Starting the vegetable garden.  I love the whole process of sowing seeds, watching them grow, planting them in the ground and so forth.     
Looking around the house:::
Needs some tidying up from the family get together.  Chairs to put aways, leaves to put away, couches tidied up, and so on.  Right now it looks a bit untidy, but here shortly I will get it all put together.   

From the camera:::
Just me, going about the daily homemaking chores.       

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
Faith in Christ is not just about knowing the truths of the gospel, but about living them as well.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp
On my prayer list:::
My mom Jacinta


Joanna Unbehaun said...

I'm so glad you had a beautiful Easter! And yes, that darn sore back always gets me!

Lisa K Thomasson Jung said...

I am trying to start some seeds too. If the weather cooperates. Have a great week enjoying your garden.

Mrs.T said...

Love that devotional quote. So very true!

I'm trying to join in this week. I was inspired by my friend Elisha at Country Girl in the City.

Aritha Vermeulen said...

Thanks for your blog post. I love your simple pleasure too. That's wonderful to hear! There's something truly special about the process of nurturing and growing plants from seed. It's amazing to see the transformation from a small seed to a thriving plant, and it's a great feeling to know that you had a hand in that growth. Keep up the good work and enjoy the rewards of your efforts!

Sherry Jolly said...

I hear you about the lower back. I have disc desiccation from L5 down to S3 and lately it has been so bad. I've started doing yoga to hopefully help a little bit. After big days I definitely need a day to rest up!

Jean said...

Glad you had a nice Easter. When I stand like that for a long time, my sides start to hurt a bit. Hope your back is feeling better now. There is something so satisfying about starting a vegetable garden (and frustrating at times as well). Hope you have a wonderful week!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Our Easter was quiet here. Sounds like yours was quite nice. No garden yet either and it will be at least another month before it's even warm enough to start a garden here. LOVE your devotion - I try to live that way EVERY day! I hope you have a fantastic week.

Luludou said...

Glad you got to enjoy your Easter. Happy Birthday to Nick.