Sunday, April 23, 2023

{ Blog 365 #113 - Slow weekend, tv and books }


I took this weekend off, to rest.  
Yes weekends are supposed to be for just that, but both Curt and I have been doing so much around the house lately, that we feel our weekends go by, and we don't really sit down and do nothing, or watch movies, or read.  We tend to start our Monday mornings, already tired and looking forward to the weekend again. 

So this time, we both decided that we were going nowhere, doing nothing, and just relaxing.  I don't think we even unlocked the front door.  

It's been a wonderful slow weekend.  I finished a book, finished a period drama series and even watched a movie too.

There's this sense of accomplishment, even though I did nothing, but I'm sure you understand what I mean.
You know I was watching a really sweet, down to earth family, in Brazil, the other day.  And it struck me just how simple their life is, how quiet and full of love and family moments.  It made me realize, again, because truly I've been slowly feeling glimpses of this within me.....that we are so caught up on trying to live like everyone else.  We want to be like others, live like others, do like others.  

It's all about being glamorous, driving the best cars and trucks, going on the best vacations, eating meals that are full of this ingredient and that special seasoning you never use again.  

We make everything so complicated, when in actuality, all we need is to live our lives, peacefully, quietly, minding our own business.  

I speak for myself here, I wouldn't dare to talk for anyone else, because I don't live anyone else's lives.  But it just made me once again think, that I need to just be me, like what I like, enjoy what I enjoy, eat the simple hearty, home cooked meal, that is filling instead of magazine cover worthy.

Days were we drink that simple cup of coffee with a splash of milk, talk with family, have a slice of cake in the afternoon.  Read the book we want and enjoy, just because, and not due to the influence of bestsellers or because everyone is talking about it.

I want to watch old shows, family movies, eat popcorn.  Have a warm bath at bedtime, and throw on that comfy nightgown that no one else would be caught dead wearing, simply because it's so old fashioned. 

And when someone asks what I'm watching on TV, I want to say "Little House on the Prairie", without someone laughing or thinking me silly.

I guess I'm just letting my mind run, at this point.  But I think a lot of you will understand me.  


Anyway, back to this weekend.  It's been just what we needed.

Today I got out all the veggies in my fridge and freezer, that needed using up, and made a delicious Portuguese Veggie Soup for lunch.  It is just the way I like it, thick and hearty, and so good.  I was going to make dinner as well, but Curt told me not to.  So we've been munching on this soup, all day long.

I also had carrots that needed using up, so some went into the soup, and the others went into this divine Carrot and Lemon Cake.  So yummy!!!
I will get this recipe up on the blog this week.  It's a simple cake, all mixed in the blender.  I love recipes like that.

On TV, I watched the first season of Love and Sacrifice.  It was so good, oh my word, but the second season has not been put up yet on PBS, and the last episode ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.  Hate when that happens, don't you?

It's worth a view though if you're interested.  It is Italian but with English subtitles.

and then I also watched the new Emily movie, which tells the story of Emily Bronte, who wrote Wuthering Heights.  What a beautiful movie and such a sweet, but sad and tragic story too.

Next on the list, and I'm already on the first episode of Season 1, is Love in Chains.

The series in Russian, so you'll have to watch with English subtitles.  It looks really good too.  It follows the story of Katerina Verbitskaya.  She is raised as a nobleman, and considered the property of a wealthy landowner.  However, she falls in love with a nobleman, so you can already imagine the drama that is going to ensue from that.

I'm very much looking forward to this series.  I mentioned in a previous post how I am enjoying all these international series.  When you get past the language barrier, you quickly realize, that they have some absolutely, visually stunning tv and movies.

As for books, I finished A Feather on the Water by Lindsay Ashford.  It was really good.  If you enjoy WWII historical fiction, this is a must read.

It tells the story of 3 women, all with different backgrounds and different life stories to tell.  They are brought together in Germany, to run a camp for Displaced Persons.  In other words, those who survived the concentration camps but have nowhere to go.   This is a camp with over 2000 people.

We get to learn more about Kitty, Martha and Delphine, their lives, what they left behind, their struggles trying to help others while trying to help themselves too.  They end up finding love, and finding missing family members and

Anyway my friends, I hope your weekend was a relaxing as mine.  I will see you all back here in the morning, for our Happy Homemaker Monday.

Until then, God bless!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sounds wonderful. My husband is working every day with no weekend off right now. It's so hard to get used to, as my routine is very off. We cannot wait for him to have a day off and be back to 1st shift again.

Luludou said...

I agree with you and you paint such a relaxful and fun picture. thank you

threesidesofcrazy said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend! I just ordered the book for my next do nothing weekend.