Sunday, April 02, 2023

{ Blog 365 #92 - Working through a storm }

We spent the afternoon, putting the coop back together.

In the middle of it all, a storm came out of nowhere and poured it down on us.  We had a brief moment of wondering whether we should stop, or continue.

As we were almost to the end, we decided to just push through, and boy was that interesting, and quite funny at times.

Within 10 minutes, the rain stopped, we finished the coop and came inside to take hot showers and give our bodies a good rest.

It reminded me about the storms we go through in life.  We are going about our lives, thinking it's all good and the sun is shining, and then out of nowhere, we are taken by surprise, taken aback by a storm.  We try to breathe through it, we hear the thunder and feel the attack non stop, we often feel like we can't see through the raindrops, but we hold on, we stay grounded and soon enough the storm blows over us.

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