What a BUG filled day I had. I honestly got up, and by 7am was ready to go back to bed and start the day again.
It started with another blowout with a bunch of ants in my kitchen/living room area, mopping of floors again, more comet cleaner set out outside the perimeter of the house and then vinegar etc. I'm SO sick of ants.
I thought I was done though, and I sat down to have my coffee when Nicholas asked for some breakfast, so got up, headed to the cereal cabinet and thought I saw something from the corner of my eye, but I figured I was just imagining things. Yeah NO.
Low and behold a lizard....a LIZARD folks, was in my cabinet. Everytime it moved an inch I let out a blood curdling scream, you don't understand I can not stand lizard they make my skin crawl, they make me want to throw up, they give me goosebumps and I actually shiver and want to just cry LOL It was a sad sight.
I was on a kitchen bench, with metal tongs in my hand, removing all the cereal boxes and every time that darn thing so much as moved I screamed, so much so that the last time I saw it and screamed I actually scared the darn lizard LOL
And the person who saved me, was Jasmine...she got rid of it for me. How embarrassing. Actually, no scratch that, I am not going to be embarrassed, I don't care what anyone thinks, I hate those things and I can't be near them Hahahah
:::: nasty little bugger, I still get goosebumps thinking about it
:::: she trapped it and then set it loose out in the front yard, and it started running towards me and I kicked rocks in it's path and screamed my way into the house
:::: lunch, a quick wrap. I think this is my favorite easy go to meal
:::: a view of my kitchen
:::: fixing dinner, a little boy snapped this pic of me, he says this is how I always am LOL In the kitchen, by the stove, cooking and he says it's a good memory for him. I'll take it :)
:::: and now getting ready to boil some eggs
:::: did you know that if you put baking soda in the water when you boil an egg, peeling it is extremely easy?
:::: I've been doing this for years, just never even thought to mention it until boiling some eggs for dinner. The shells literally come right off
:::: boiling some pasta
:::: Tuna Noodle Salad is one of the kids favorite foods on earth. They can eat this in enormous amounts. I usually make it with either noodles or potatoes.
:::: the sun starting to set
:::: first clouds I've seen in a long time, maybe we'll get lucky and have a little rain