Monday, January 01, 2018
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/01/2018 }
Hello everyone :)
Happy New Year!!!
I can hardly believe that it is the first day of 2018, but I'm quite happy to see it come around, truth be told.
2017 was not a good year for us, in many ways and I'm hoping that this new year will finally be our year. Praying it is!!!
Anyway, I'm back this morning with our Happy Homemaker Monday, so let's get right on with it shall we?
The Weather:::
11 degrees with a wind chill of -5. Folks, I kept saying that Texas had to get with the program and start acting like it was Winter, but really? Hahah
We've had snow, we've had ice rain and very low temps and it seems the trend is gonna continue. Oh well, best to just bundle up and go with it.
Right now I am:
Sitting on my couch wearing very warm pajamas, enjoying my cup of hot tea and getting ready to continue with my crochet.
About the new year and what will be going on. I always enter this stage of the new year with some fear of the unknown. Life changes so fast and it's a bit unnerving not knowing what is coming.
On my reading pile:::
Few review books, plus my Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon and the new Philippa Gregory "The Last Tudor".
On my tv:::
Couple documentaries on the Queen and the House of Windsor
The White Princess
Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::
Ok so I brought this category back up because I really want to start reading blogs again, so I don't have anything to share this week but I'm sure next week, I'll have something to post in here.
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Beef Stew with Potato Dumplings
Tuesday - Slow cooker Chicken Curry
Wednesday - Homemade Clam Chowder with Fresh Bread
Thursday - Pork Chops with Fried Potatoes
Friday - Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs with Spaghetti
Saturday - Bratwurst, Potato Salad
Sunday - Bifes de Cebolada (Portuguese steak), Rice
On my to do list:::
Laundry, other than that, nothing else as I did all my housework yesterday.
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Started a new blanket which will be my first blanket of 2018. Also trying a new yarn and so far I'm loving the pattern, the yarn and the color combo.
Looking around the house:::
It is dead silent, everyone is still asleep so it's just me. I have a couple Scentsy warmers on and a lamp in the living room, so it looks super cozy.
From the camera:::
He is so funny, he makes me laugh
On my prayer list:::
Praying for my mother in law, she is once again battling cancer and is set for surgery on the 5th and then radiation. Please keep her in your prayers.
Praying for my little family, for this new year ahead, for health, for happiness.
Praying for all my blog readers and friends, for whatever it is that you may be going through.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
I thought today's verse was perfect for the first day of the new year.
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I LOVE that picture of Marley - too cute. And that new afghan is so pretty. Despite having been born here, I will never get used to Texas 80 one day and 30 the next! AC one day and the furnace the next... Have a wonderful week and a better 2018!
Happy New Year! Yes hard to believe the time is flying...tomorrow I turn 53 really, how did that’s freezing here in Ohio 4 degrees then a high of 16 I believe.....we’re snuggled in for the day, cleaning and stitching......I love the new afghan. What is the pattern? Many many prayers for your mother in law.....and for your entire family....2017 was a rough one for us, health, loss, financially, I hope 2018 br8ngs more happiness.....
Happy New Year! We are freezing here in Ohio too. The temp in our house is struggling to stay at 68. It is so cold outside, windmills up to -15. Here's to a great 2018
Happy New Year! Glad you are still continuing the HHM posts into the New Year, I enjoy them so much. Praying for your mother in law, hope the new year brings you all great health and happiness. And of course, I hope you have a wonderful first week of the new year!
Am wishing you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, Sandra! Thanks for hostessing this place for us. I so enjoy being a part of this group of lovely ladies! Many blessings over you and yours!
Happy New Year! Many prayers for your Mom in law!
Texas does get cold sometimes, but it was pretty warm the one winter we lived there!
Have a beautiful week.
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