Saturday, February 18, 2006

Beautiful Mountain Home, Idaho!

Woke up this morning and it's 8 degrees outside. Can you say FREEZING?!?!?!
But don't let that take away from the fact that Mountain Home is just beautiful. Thought I would start the blog with a photo.

I know I have to go out today so I'm dreading it already, I guess I will just wait until it warms up a bit, or so I hope.
You know just like I was saying yesterday, this morning at 7am sharp, Nicholas is awake and ready to get up......sigh....I wish I could get some more sleep at least on the weekends, but oh well.

So today I don't have much planned, just gotta make a run to the library to return some books and movies, and then I'm hoping to get some crafts done. I have these really cute dresses that I'm wanting to make for Jasmine, for spring and summertime. I just never seem to have the time for it during the week, and it's no use pulling out the sewing machine if I can't even get to it. Wouldn't want to have something else out for Nicholas to mess with.

I did finish my book yesterday, and now I'm going to restart my other one. I'm a very impatient person when it comes to waiting for things, especially, and I hate to admit this, but especially when it comes to prayer or when I think that things aren't moving quite fast enough for me. I know, I know, that's not the right thing to do, but I can't help it. So a few weeks ago I picked up a book called "You're Late Again Lord: The Impatient Woman's Guide to God's Timing" by Karen Phillips Goodman. I just started laughing when I saw the book cause that is SO me. LOL

So I got it and read the first 1 or 2 pages and then got sidetracked (as usual), but now I'm really eager to finish it and it's no use trying to move on from where I was because I can't even remember what I read anymore. Just going to start from the beginning again and this time try not to get diverted with other stuff. If only I could keep the kids from making a mess, or knocking things down or bugging me every 2 seconds........Oh wait, like THAT'S gonna happen, well it was good to dream for a few seconds LOL

I'm planning on also getting some pictures taken of the base. We've been stationed here for almost 8 years and I don't think I ever did take many pictures, so I was thinking that would be something cool to do this afternoon. Kinda like keeping a digital scrapbook of our lives, which seems to be so popular nowadays. Don't worry, I will share the pictures here, after all, I think it's only fair that everyone sees where we live. Check back soon, I should have some up for you all.

Well I guess I should get's already 9:17am and I'm still sitting here in my PJ's. I love having my morning cup of coffee while I sit at the computer and check email, update my blog etc etc. I'm so used to it that I don't think I could get my day started otherwise. Off to take a shower and get dressed for the day. I'm hoping to update again later today, just to let you know how our saturday went and exactly HOW MUCH I did manage to accomplish. HA, that is going to be something!!!


Mahek said...

as mentioned I am reading your blog right from the very beginning , its such a pleasure.
While reading this post i see so much of me in you , your love for music , your impatience and so many other things

Gillian said...

I'm also reading this blog from the beginning. I've been reading more recent stuff for about a year but would really like to read the whole thing. Love it!